Thursday, November 16, 2006

Damn...i had to use Firefox Mozilla in order to post. I regretted switching from blogger basics to Blogger in Beta. In case for those who haven't change, don't be a stupid fool like me and change it. It's much better sticking to the previous one.

Today i had my lessons at School of Ammunition. 2 months ago, i was still wondering if i could adapt to this new environment or not, but now, i kinda can't bear to leave this place. This camp serve the best camp food i've ever eaten so far..The guard duty is the slackest in SAF as far as i know. This place isn't as 'xiong' as other camps. Argh..but i won't pin too much hopes that i'll ever come back to this place ever again except for 1st Dec whereby i'll come back there to collect my Certificate for passing out the course as Ammunition Technician.

Next week i'll be entering another phase of this Ns life. I'll be attached to both Tekong and PLAD (Pasir Leba Ammo Depot). But it's only for a short few days. Afterwhich, i'll be attached to OETI. I'll be hopping from camps to camps within this short period of time. Finally, i've applied my 2 days leave. I'm going to make few use of it. Leave is so precious when u are serving Ns where everything is so regimental.

Finally, i finished deleting. While deleting, i realised alot of things. I wouldn't want to compare but it just kept me pondering and wondering. I could see the difference between now and the past. I'm jealous..i'm feeling envious..but that's all over. It shall be kept a while in my mind awhile and gone as the time ticks...

I hate my calls and smses to be ignored. Sometimes, i just feel no point in sms-ing since i know there won't be any replies. But that's just not the way i do things. Have been down with flu for the past few days..yet, i doesn't have any handkerchief with me. I feel so terrible..Awww!!!! HElp me!!!

Next week is my fear...i got this strong feeling that next week, something bad will happen..hope it won't come true..

Happy 6th Month Anniversary Dear! Muacks!


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