Monday, May 12, 2008

One paper down, few more to go. Stress is all i could sense from her. Dearie has been having late nights, really really late nights, burning midnight oil studying. She has been studying till she even yearn going out. She used to love cooping at home and it's was rare that she actually yearn going out. Perhaps this happens when you get too pressurized and just needs to take a breather.

Seriously, i showed her the Randy's Last Lecture. ( It did gave her some motivation. I was even motivated to watch the whole lecture.
Merely 5 more days and i simply can't wait. How time flies...Come fast please....but before that, i'm sure Dear will still go for her Survivor 'Sastifier'. She's totally addicted to survivor that she pesters me to help her find those episodes and stuff of her favourite idol in it....Amanda....11pm to 2am this Friday - 3 hours straight. Gosh....I might just watch it after her's Season Finale afterall.

Saturday, come fast!!


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