Wednesday, July 02, 2008

It's only Human to Err

It's totally a mood ruining day. Like many said, one things lead to another. Sometimes, people just make a mountain out of a small molehill, whereas for the other times, some people can just turn an eye away and simply ignore those plain silly mistakes committed.

Human makes mistakes. It's only human to err. How many times have we heard of such sayings, and yet, how many can actually learn from mistakes, and also, how many can actually forgive and accept the fact that EVERY human made mistakes.

It's not a grave mistake i'm talking about here. It's more on how i think we human should be far more forgiving. If a person can learn from his or her mistakes, then bravo, he's even a more successful and better person than before he made that mistakes. However, if the person commits a mistakes and yet don't learn from it and commit it once again, i would only say he or she is half gone case. The worst one will ever see is a person not admitting their mistakes, such scroundel should be slapped hard in the face.

I chanced upon this article as to why human makes mistakes. Mistakes occurs only because one commits it unintentionally and should be forgiven if he or she is willing to learn from it. Now i'll share with everyone as to why people make mistakes.

  • Incomplete knowledge -- we often make decisions on subjects where we don't know all the relevant facts
  • Poor communication -- people don't always share all necessary knowledge with decision makers
  • Changing conditions -- a decision based upon today's information may turn out to be wrong tomorrow
  • Pressure -- people often make mistakes when they have to make decisions too quickly or when under stress
  • Complexity -- systems can become so complicated that the developers cannot keep all the details straight. There are limits to the ability of people's minds to process information.

So it's actually forgivable if the mistakes committed is unintentionally and not of any bad intention. So let's us just learn from this fact and learn to be more forgiving. Put yourself into that person shoes before we start to blame him or her for anything...


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