Friday, September 02, 2005

ARGH!! project submission is is the ACES events..i'm now being stuck in between my studies and work..well i only enjoyed doing the work and starting to lose interest in studying, nevertheless, i still and to study and not fail as much as possible which i really don't want to. I just can't wait for my October holiday to start whereby i can get to go out and enjoy myself...Right now, i am having confusions...mixed feelings...regardings lotsa things..i just can't think straight..think well...think properly..

But there's a good asthma is healing and hopefully i can be back to the old me whereby i can run and exercise which i seriously need to and drink all the super cold drinks and eating the best and delicious desserts in Singapore...hmm..Yummy..speaking about food...Recently these two days, my lady boss has been bringing me to this Chomp Chomp market in Serangoon..omg..each visit was a SASTIFYING and a fulfilling one..hopefully i can gain a few KGs out of it..haa!!

This week event is coming and i just can't wait...i can't wait to see my Favourite Students.!!!


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