Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympic Fan

I must say, i'm never a fan of Olympics. In the past, ever since i came to understand what Olympics is all about, i'm never interested in it. Not even Olympics Football, a sport which i'm most interested in. For all i know, they will not send their best players to compete for a mere medal. As for other sports, they never interests me. Out of the sudden, just yesterday, i spent my whole day watching Olympics. I turned into a Olympic-fanatic this very time, under great influence of Dear.

It all started out with swimming. With big names coming up, it aroused my curiosity and soon, it turned into some crazy interest. Micheal Phelps keeps winning and each time, i just wish he fail but sadly, he didn't. I went to research more about some of the atheletes participating and they all wowed me with their passion, determination and skills of course. Singapore atheletes on the otherhand, instead, kind of disappoints me initially starting from Singapore's very own shooter, followed by the sailors. But the moment Tao Li starts to surprise everyone by some really good results, it struck me, giving me extra reason to watch.

Just yesterday alone, i caught so many Olympics action with Dear. Me and Dear has never miss any episode of 'Today in Beijing' hosted by Mark Richmond and Jade Seah. Both of us were commenting how good a presenter Mark Richmond was and how poor and unsuitable Jade Seah was as well. Boo, she kept making mistakes during the whole sports show - spelling up wrong words, names and at times, i suppose, don't even know what's she talking about...not even to mention the cracking of some lame jokes.

We even rushed to the supermarket and get our ingredients before trying to catch some Olympics action, which is of all my favourite, the Atheletics. Whipped up a good meal of Macaroni soup again. Dear's enjoying so much that she said she could eat that every week. I bet she's going to be sick of it should that really happens.

We caught the action of our Made-In-China Singaporeans again yesterday and as expected, they lost, happily. Oh ya, not to end the day by reminding her to bring her new surprise - a Tamagotchi i bought for her home. We already have a name for it, Boo.

I just received an email from the poor management of Kaplan today. I'm doomed. My weekends from now onwards until 16 Nov will ALL be OCCUPIED. So friends, forget about asking me out during weekends, unless it's at night. Sad...i just hope this hectic period will be over soon. I long for long hours of sleep....yawn...


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