Sunday, January 03, 2010


Changes. How many is adaptive to this word? How many is able to able to accept and welcome it positively? Some usually fear changes because of the uncertainty it brings. Some usually welcome it with both hands because of the good they hoped it might bring. Not being adaptive to changes, can it be a flaw?

Somehow, sometimes, adapting to changes is not about how we survive the change but more importantly, how we thrive over that change. Surviving the change doesn't mean anything seriously, it's probably just a start of what seems to be a process of making that change a good one or bad one.

Changes are feared at times but sometimes, it's not fear but it's purely misinterpretation of the situation possibly because of misplaced trust. It gets so overwhelming at times that it hit the confidence level, it allow frustration to sets in, it overcomes our courage, it make us lose the overall ability to trust even ourselves, not to mention others.

Changes, be it big or small, it will require participative actions. Only then will we be able to work out the chances in time to come. Work round it if it doesn't work going straight.

Try to fail but don't fail to try - Stephen Kaggwa (it's better to try and fail than never to try at all). We human sometimes won't want to pass that opportunity or grow older and allow those 'what ifs' and 'if onlys'to keep growing all over your head.

Changing our minds or hearts will change our lives. It's ultimately is very dependent on us. I gave it all nothing but serious and long thought, since the start. Slowly and slowly, i realise, it's making use of the time and adapting to the necessary changes. It's like a water bubbles slowly moving downside into the centre, combining into one water bubble altogether. I'll see myself in that water bubble soon..


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