Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Hurts The Most?

The feeling right now, feel like bring in a coma state. It's like being in a 50-50 comatose in a hospital. There you are, comfortably lying on the bed, but yet, unconsciously bleeding. There you are, sleeping so softly and peacefully, but yet, silently hurting. There you are, continuously breathing but yet, slowly coping with everything else.

If only I’ve a time machine, I would rather be single up to the present moment, the old says it is better to have loved and lost then to never have love at all, and I found that it’s partially true because if you ever found someone you really love and at the end of the day, they changed and leave for better, what is left was just a bitten memory. It may seem to be nice and so lucky to have someone at the corner of the world still care and think of them everyday, but what it is sometimes nil, null and near impossible. Sometimes, it's just sinking the deep ocean, where sunshine hardly remain in touch and what surrounds is just dark and cold water.

-to be continued....-


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