Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Broken Heart = Death

Chanced this upon a website. It seems like we human beings can literally die from a broken heart. So whatever it is, it's always better to take things at your own stride. I've heard of stories on how a lady passed away just 2 days after her partner did. A wake for one could easily turn into a wake for two.

It's always better to show concern to family or even friends who're on their down side of life. I'll never forgot how my broken heart is mended, much due to those who really showed and showered me with the necessary concern and support.

Read this article and you'll know the consequences.

Heartbreak increases heart attack risk

SYDNEY : People mourning the loss of a loved one are six times more likely to suffer cardiac arrest, potential proof that you can indeed die of a broken heart, Australian researchers said Tuesday.

According to a Heart Foundation study of the physical changes suffered immediately after a profound loss, grieving people were at significantly higher risk of heart problems, said lead researcher Thomas Buckley.

"We found higher blood pressure, increased heart rate and changes to immune system and clotting that would increase the risk of heart attack," Buckley said.

Of the 160 people studied, half were mourning the loss of a partner or child, and their risk of heart attack increased six-fold, he said.

The risk, which was evident in people as young as 30, reduced after six months and levelled out after two years, he added.

A sudden flood of stress hormones is believed to be behind the grief-induced heartache, a condition that earlier studies have found is more likely to affect women.


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