Monday, January 31, 2011
On Your Own
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Apparantly, the issue aren't that simple. High Blood Pressure finally came looking for me. As genetical as it could be, it can actually be prevented. My one year absence from exercise could literally did such damage to me, and to think I'm laughing off with that recent weight gain. Definitely, it's not good news to me, not to my parents and not to the girl too.
Now, I have to watch my diet, my sleeping hours, my stress level and so many more. I have to admit, I haven't been taking the utmost care to and for myself, and should I fail to do so from now, it could possibly been so irresponsible of me.
I foresee lots of sacrifices ahead such as taking precious time off to exercise when I can actually use it to do my happy stuff, not eating my favourite hawker fare. I look forward to impose strict lifestyle for my ownself from now on and of course, the support from everyone is needed. Encourage if you can, scold if you must.
I went a little search to find out how putting on weight, even by a few kilograms can be disastrous, especially when you are not exercising. Now we should really see how exercising play such an essential and important role in our healthy lifestyle. In short, to live longer, exercise.
I briefly read through the biological benefits of exercising:-
- Strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system.
- Improve your circulation and help your body use oxygen better.
- Improve heart failure symptoms.
- Increase energy levels so you can do more activities without becoming tired or short of breath.
- Increase endurance.
- Improve muscle tone and strength.
- Improve balance and joint flexibility.
- Strengthen bones.
- Help reduce body fat and help you reach a healthy weight.
- Help reduce stress, tension, anxiety, and depression.
- Boost self-image and self-esteem.
- Improve sleep.
- Make you feel more relaxed and rested.
- Make you look fit and feel healthy.
Sad to say, I've waited for it to happen before I take a turn, but I shall hang in there and move on before it gets worse. It's going to be difficult, but I'm going to try it, for it could be now or never.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Rice Adventure - Pulau Ubin
We headed for the first rice adventure this year, to Pulau Ubin! It wasn't a long wait (rare for MR given the history of being late), before Smell came and fetch us all. Feeling drunk, he worriedly hands over the steering wheel to Uncle ZhiQin, who was termed Taxi Driver throughout our course to Changi Village for some awesome Nasi Lemak.
While praying for some rain, the other bunch were doing the opposite, in the end, their prayers got heard and off we went to that bumpy boat ride to Pulau Ubin. Took some time before we settled down on our bicycles rental and water.

We reached Chek Jawa not long after and oh girl, it's beautiful. I was surprised and impressed. Never did I thought such beautiful scenary would exist in Singapore, especially of all places, Pulau Ubin. It was a whole lot fun riding around and playing with each other before we finally call it a day and had a sumptous dinner of seafood, before our tired ride home with ZhiQin snoring away in Smell's car while Mildred is noisly giving directions. Ok, we're all just shagged except for Mildred.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Shopping Spree @ Land of Smiles
The girl by then, was already so excited over the breakfast, repeatedly wishing they're going to serve her carrot cake. SADLY, to her GREATEST disappointment, carrot cake wasn't the meal. Perhaps it was too early into the day, we basically just slept through the flight.

Barely opened less than a month, we tried out the Airport Rail Link @ the airport upon arrival in Bangkok 45 Baht (approx S$1.90) and 30 minutes is all it takes to reach the heart of Bangkok. We had a tiring yet fun time, dragging our gigantic luggage (the girl brought a luggage that has size bigger that half of her, all because of her hobby, SHOPPING) all the way from the station to our hotel. We were pretty impressed with the way we did it anyway.
I'm pretty impressed with our hotel - Grand Diamond Suites Hotel. Equipped with a small cosy living hall, which we never used at all, and a bedroom with all the necessary. Somehow, I love this hotel for its location and configuration although the girl never pretty much looked back at the latter.

First up, Earawan Shrine where Four-Faced Buddha sits nicely over there. We offers our prayers and sweet girl allows my A&W cravings to be satisfied over at Pantip Plaza (Yums!). Slowly, we made our way to Siam where the rich visits (only the rich). Nothing much there except for my KRISPY KREMES which I totally regretted not laying my hands on it. Wonders if the girl shares the same regret as me (probably she's didn't as she could be dwelling over the loss of a dress she yearn to buy). Cheers to the girl again, she brought me to this nice Japanese restaurant called Fuji Restaurant where Japanese food were cheaply priced and tastefully done. We had a yummy room service to end the first night which somehow was memorable.

Platinum Mall, the girl's favourite haunt was enough to ache our legs, dig a hole in our pockets and cause much happiness with so many variety and cheap buys. Bags after bags filled our fingers and it didn't took us long before we had a handful of loots. We go back and fro from the hotel and Platinum Mall which is just right beside each other. Finally, we decided we had enough and we hit back to MBK, where shopping continues (the girl just can't stop shopping?!?!?!). Happily, we ended the night with some Prison Break dramas.

Same thing again, the taxi drivers there somehow hated Chinatown, due to the jam as well as long distance away from the city. We were bluffed, cheated off our money before we painstakingly reached T&K Seafood. Heard so much about T&K Seafood, we told ourselves to wait no matter how long is the queue and indeed, it was worth every penny we spent on it. From crab with glass noodles, to sharksfin, to prawns, to cockles, to bird nest etc...we truly enjoyed that meal, probably the most expensive meal we had spent and guess what, it's less than S$35 per pax. Awesomeness! Looted on some local chinese produce before we head back to our hotel for the very last night (sobs).
Guess what's for the next day? YES! You got it, it's shopping again. A day where the girl changed for more $$ and of course, spending more on her loots. By the end of the day, I think she got more than 20 clothings. It was however, an easy feat to fit all the loots into our huge luggages but dragging it from the hotel to airport was a hassle as taxi driver attempted to ruin our day. Thankfully, everything went smoothly as we finally reached Singapore on time.
In short, enjoyable trip, great companion (for shopping, make sure you got the right companion), cheap loots and food and great hotel. Can't wait for my next time back to this pretty land of smiles!
Club Med Bali
Nothing probably beats Club Med when it comes to their inclusions. Personalised greetings made us feel welcomed after that 2 and a half hours flight on Singapore Airlines. However, still on my mind was the guilt brought along when I unknowingly tipped the guy who helped us with the luggage onto the taxi with 5000 Rupiah (FYI, it's only a mere 70 cents). Blame it on the number of zeros they have on their note =p

We managed to check into our room early. Disappointing enough, the first day/night was not as good. Air conditioner was not working and we had to inform them time after time before finally, the air conditioner was working way better than we expected. The worst thing of the trip was probably the lack of track/sports shoes. Without that, we basically can't do much in the resort.

Nevertheless, we managed to make the most out of what we had. Therefore, we focused on the food. We ate as much as 4-6 meals a day and ate so much that we literally forgot how to spell HUNGRY.

And when night falls, the whole resort seems to come to life with nicely lited interior and exterior. Especially the main bar where they serve free flow of wines, alcohol and cocktails etc, even the snacks got our tummy growling. Music blasted set us into the mood and their nightly entertainment never fails to amuse or amaze us. Especially the last night where the girl insist in playing the haunted maze where she got herself so scared while I got myself insanely happy, patting and pulling on people's hair. Woops.
What's memorable is the cooking class which both us attended, learning how to cook an Indonesian dish, PEPES! I've yet to try at home but someday, I will. It's interesting to see how Club Med has everything packed together for everyone, from young to old. Imagine having petit Club, mini club for children so parents can conveniently and happily leave their children on good hands while they go and enjoy themselves and spend some romantic couple time.
안녕하세요, 대한민국
Due to the peak season, itinerary were changed and off we set to Mount Seorak. I expected snow to touch ground and temperature to be harsh, ultimately, only the latter came true. Temperature was hovering between -3 to -8 degree celcius.

Although it's something special, I never like Ryokan style (Japanese Style/Korean Style) rooms. It's like I'm trapped in a huge box and I'm given a few mattress to configure around with. That makes two nights out of the six an rather eerie and uncomfortable one.
However, the disappointment left as soon as it arrives. On the 3rd day of the tour, snow greeted us where temperature plunge into the lowest I've encountered, -18 degree celcius. Contradicting enough, I remained resistant enough not to use any of the heatpacks, however, I neglected my ears so much so that I couldn't feel it anymore. I almost thought it's dropping out.
I decided skiing is not my kind of thing ever since I fell countless time back in March last year when I visited Club Med for the first time in Hokkaido, Japan. Funny to see how first-timers would walk like a turtle/crab in their ski suits.
Babes and hunks remains nowhere to be seen (I still refuse to believe my eyes), all that was around me are single eyelid-ders who really look like they're from China. Apart from the people, I really got sick and tired of seeing Kimchi for each and every single meal. Plus the numerous side dishes, I must I'm pretty impressed with what Korean cuisine has to offer. Of them all, the BBQ meat as well as the Ginseng Chicken with Abalone stole my heart totally.
Food aside, the scenary that places like Jeju has to offer, it's totally awesome. It's a pity I didn't managed to get on to any rides @ Lotte World or Everland, even though, I badly want to get myself into that thrilling gigantic roller coaster @ Everland. Enough of regrets. One thing I'm glad I did was the NANTA Cookin' Show. I missed it the other time, and was full of regrets. Thankfully, this time round, I managed to catch it in Korea with much enthusiasiam, delight and excitement. The whole near two hour show was nothing but comedy and laughter.

Finally, I hit Seoul, the long awaited capital of Korea where babes and hunks are supposed to exist. Yes, indeed they filled the malls and streets but I reckon most of them went under the knife and are probably plastic. Back @ the shopping areas, I got my hands full of bags as I desperately fight against time to grabs any possible loots I can find, from posters to metal chopsticks to food. Awesome!
In short, I've climbed mountains, seen snow, tasted the best orange in Korea (suposedly), seen Liger and wild mammals in a different way, experienced the coldness and loneliness, the plastic people and of course the ugly side of the travel industry in Korea. So people please, if you are travelling as a group tour to Korea and being introduced to Ginseng, and whatnots, chances are, you will be 'chopped' and have a crazy hole dug from your pockets. Imagine me earning a bountiful $1.5k just from this trip. It's a hideous scheme behind the beautiful pictures alongside.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Happy First

It applies totally same to us Human Beings. We could well be no different from those lovebirds when it comes to the word love. How one couple can weather through ups and downs and how the basic ingredients of a relationship are so essential to it, such as freedom, trust, understanding etc. This amazing thing called ‘Love’ to me, feels like something unexplainable that could impact one’s life. No longer do you put only yourself before yourself.
So much has happened in the past 12 months and I could not be happier to have loved and be loved and still do now, to have learnt how imperfect I am as a person and how important is ‘giving unconditionally’. Many times, many said wooing a girl is like an uphill task, because you have to impress her, you have to ‘not be yourself’ or to be the super nice guy she wants you to be, etc, and once you got that girl, it’s a job well done and finally, the boulder of love on your shoulders are down. But, I beg to differ, to a very very large extent. Not that she’s easy to woo, but because I feel maintaining the relationship is the tougher job. I’ve read through the ‘so true’ 5 stages of a relationship ( It nicely sums up a couple’s love life basically. Maintaining a relationship is by means no easy feat. It takes a lot to stay committed, to keep a balance between all aspects of life and of course, to love yourself before you can even have the capability to take care of someone.
She taught me a lot. My imperfections, my strengths, even to the most nitty stuff like baking. In short, we compliment each other. I guess chemistry just sparkles more as bond grows along the way. Little wonder why they call the closest thing after magic is love and I can’t help but agree more on that. With that, Happy First. =)
Ending this heartfelt post, with something I chanced upon somewhere which leaves one with more room to ponder....
Life is short
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Love truly
Laugh constantly
And never stop smiling
No matter how strange life is
Life is not always the party we expected to be
Thursday, January 06, 2011
How Deep Is Your Love?
Due to family's pressure, the couple quarrel very often. Though the girl love the guy deeply, but she always ask him: "How deep is your love for me?"
As the guy is not good with his words, this often cause the girl to be very upset. With that and the family's pressure, the girl often vent her anger on him. As for him, he only endure it in silence. After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated and decided to further his studies in overseas.
Before leaving, he proposed to the girl: "I'm not very good with words. But all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?"
The girl agreed and with the guy's determination, the family finally gave in and agreed to let them get married. So before he leave, they got engaged.
The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseas, continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails and phone calls. Though it's hard, but both never thought of giving up.
One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realized that she was badly injured. Seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her. But she realized that all that could come out of her mouth was just a faint moan. She has lost her voice...
The doctors says that the impact on her brain has caused her to lose her voice. Listening to her parents' comfort, but with nothing coming out from her, she broke down.
During the stay in hospital, besides silence cry, ... it's still just silence cry that companies her. Upon reaching home, everything seems to be the same. Except for the ringing tone of the phone. Which pierced into her heart every time it rang. She does not wish to let the guy know and not wanting to be a burden to him, she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to wait any longer.
With that, she sent the ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions & millions of reply, and countless of phone calls, all the girl could do, besides crying, is still crying... The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything & be happy.
With a new environment, the girl learn sign language and started a new life. Telling herself everyday that she must forget the guy. One day, her friend came and told her that he's back. She asked her friend not to let him know what happened to her. Since then, there wasn't anymore news of him.
A year has passed and her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy's wedding. The girl was shattered. When she open the letter, she saw her name in it instead.
When she was about to ask her friend what's going on, she saw the guy standing in front of her.
He used sign language telling her "I've spent a year's time to learn sign language. Just to let you know that I've not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You."
With that, he slipped the ring back into her finger. For a change, the girl dropped tears of joy.
Monday, January 03, 2011
Understanding Quarrel
There are tons of reasons why a quarrel may occur. Some of the reasons make good sense while some don't. However, the fact remains that when we are swept away in this moment of dispute, there is really little both can do about it until the entire process has run its course. However, if all this can be prevented and still achieve what is desired, then that will be a bonus.
Often, we splurted out hurtful words in heated argument, we talk and fought a verbal word in tense moments and say out things that doesn't tally with our intentions and don't really mean it. But sometimes, we simply just allow things to get over our head, resultiing in alot of unnecessary consequences. The after effects of that most of the time usually proved damaging or fatal. It take minutes to quarrel and splurt out all the unnecessary words, but it could just take hours to heal from it.
I have my fair share of quarrels which most of the time, I regretted. I must say quarrels are necessary in every kinship, relationship and friendship. It provides a basis as to why it even happen in the first place. Many times, we neglect the intentions while participating in the process, causing lots of bombardment. I must say, none of which would however still, be enjoyable. But I do learn from every quarrel I had, and I certaintly regretted each and every single one of them, be it beneficial or not. I go on to share my afterthoughts after each quarrel.
This is the first thing that will hit me each time after each quarrel, especially with people I loved alot. Usually, it's from a 'hand on head' scenario. Looking back at the moment and regretting my actions.It certaintly helps for both to come out and talk things out peacefully. Perhaps they always mentioned 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word'. True? It's however still important to be apologetic and admit your actions. Remorse shows humility, maturity and wisdom and reiterates the fact that we aren't perfect. None of us wishes for a quarrel and none of us wakes up with a need for one. However if this can come of it then we have learned something from it and it was necessary.
Some quarrels lead to people staying apart of each other. Involved parties tend to keep a distance. Be it cooling down first, or prevention of aggrevation of the argument. Distance could be preferred. However for some, it might seem difficult on both sides because they may have been used to having each other around. I definitely belong to that latter. The fact remains that a quarrel might just be the solution to avoid involved parties from taking each other for granted. But I must admit, distance could just be necessary for the resolving of an argument at times as one take a step back, calm the heart down and reflect it well.
I can't stress how important I think this can be. In most quarrels we are likely to lose control of what we say, perhaps even the harshest word that we don't even mean it at all. Perhaps sometimes, we might say what we believe is the truth because during this time we are angry. It is better to say this truth under different circumstances, however if it takes a quarrel to present this truth then it has served its purpose.The truth needs to be heard to solidify a relationship or understanding between people. And of course, 'follow-ups' has to follows and assurance or clarifications is necessary to prevent further misunderstanding. If one continuously walk in circles round each other we would never get to know who we are. By being honest, either during or after, it will eventually make the quarrel worthwhile, I suppose
I totally can't stand silence. Although I must admit, this is important. Some people might say that a quarrel leads to hatred and silence, people not talking to each other because of the experience of the quarrel. The unfortunate point about quarrel is that it took a quarrel for the truth to present it self. If silence exists after the quarrel, it could meant it much needed for both sides to understand what they want out of the relationship. But of course, silence has to come to a stop eventually because halting the entire issue or situation would just worsen it instead of the other way around.
The worst effect I deemed. There might be the fear that the next time this happens it could lead to something worse and harmful. I reckon it could just be a bad feeling or thought, however, it can still be to the advantage of both sides. Each would be afraid of letting a quarrel be the solution to their problem and both sides would be aware of what precautions they need to take to protect themselves from this being carried to the next level. But while going through fear, it's still important to keep faith and eliminate this fear slowly.
I do wish that I will not have any quarrels with anyone but I jolly well know that it is impossible but I do believe everything happens for a reason. May this year be one with least quarrels.
Horoscope for Year 2011
Horoscope 2011
March 21 - April 20
Horoscope : GENERAL
This year will be stirring up. The Jupiter aspects to your sign will instigate the course of your life in the direction of more exchanges with your entourage, your role will be reinforced. You will feel useful, even if that makes you move a lot ! The conjunction of Uranus to your Sun will put fire into your relational life. Indeed, you will be spared, you will have less moments of loneliness than usual, and it will be necessary to fight to find the peace which you need regularly. Concessions will be essential to the fluidity of your relations.
You will not spare your efforts at work, this year. Indeed, the impulses of Mars, your main planet come to wake up in you a combativeness which will surprise your entourage. In spite of the fact that you do not belong to those who erase themselves, you will go still further, this year, in the direction of a greater assertion of your capacities. That could derive in a certain tyranism, if you do not take care. Look after the forms of your remarks without withdrawing your determination from it. Yes, that is possible without losing your strength! Developing your diplomacy will be essential this year, to make pass your ideas and projects. Concessions are impossible to circumvent…. Make pass your own requirements.
Your emotional life will be played on Russian mountains, this year. Indeed, the Jupiter and Saturn impulses will support the expression and the moral weight of your partner rather than yours. So you will feel almost obliged to put to listen to your partner, which finally will arrive at the point to restore the balance of your bonds. Even if you finally did not have preoccupations with this dimension, you will avoid some for the future. Your concept of love grows by interior questions which will enable you to make progress in your way to be closer to your ideals. Venus encourages you with better understanding in smoothness the aspirations of your partner, or those of the other sex in general. You will live, this year, highly instructive dialogues, the missing elements of your interior puzzle will add and find their right place. If you are currently in a complicated love life, you will pose things and will consider them with more calm. Your partner will show more clearly his thoughts and the nature of his feelings. What finally enables you to solve essential points, to know where and how you go,! If you are currently single, you are exposed to carry out impassioned meetings with character… and several. You will be numerous to fix yourselves with one of these possibilities, in the long run. It matches or breaks.
Financial flows which touch you personally, this year, will be submitted especially to external interventions, your entourage or legal organizations or be linked to the State. This is on this point which you will have more to do and to think in terms of strategies. Concessions will have to be made to balance your accounts. Trade agreements or expiries acceptance, etc… are essential to ensure a stable life in financial matters. The pure chance will intervene and enable you to reabsorb possible money worries or to allow you an important purchase related to home between June and August. It will be positive during this same time to claim money that one owes you! Look after your social relations, those will give you positive pieces of advise for your financial life, be receptive.
The planetary aspects present in your sky throughout this year 2011 encourage you to lean you more on the others and their concerns. Your entourage takes the path on your personal objectives, you will owe to listen to your close relations so to go at the end of things. You are likely to imagine that goes only in one direction and that you are left for account… What is the reflection of your most intimate fears! Do not let these subjective ideas invade the field of your conscience, which would slow down you in your essential progression of this year: comprehension of others. This is as from June that you will meet enthralling moments which will reassure you completely.
The excessiveness of your bubbling temperament will give its full measurement, this year. Your vitality will be directly influenced, which will bring you a considerable energy, at the beginning of year. Your need for muscular expenditure is seen in clear rise, from the influences of Mars in aspect to your sign. Your entourage takes you more energy than usual. You will have to give much of yourself to influence the course of your life. This expenditure of psychic energy exposes you to blows of tiredness, only a catch of retreat will make you keep the balance. The aspects of Jupiter and Uranus do not facilitate you the task to keep your calm in situations which require it. An effort in this direction will be the best parking your balance.
April 21 - May 21
Horoscope : GENERAL
The softness of living will overlap with a need of effort by intermittencies, this year. You will feel to grow your creativity, and it will not be an illusion. Indeed, the aspects of Uranus, Jupiter and Venus with your sign will cause in you a peace favourable with any form of creativity. You will need to improve your comfort of life, your work conditions, to make come the pleasure in your life. And that occupies you more largely than last year. You will meet circumstances which will allow you to extend your prospects for pleasures in strange directions! The Jupiter impulses slacken their pressure, which brings you more freedom of action compared to your entourage.
You will need to work twice as hard, at the beginning of the year. But it is particularly as from February 2011 that your ideas carry you out in constructive directions. The only concern will be the management of their profusion! A sorting is essential, you cannot follow several directions at the same time. It is by channelling your enthusiasm in the light of a pragmatic analysis that you will manage to act as well as possible of your interests, according to your situation present. A need for change can push you with all to leave of a blow to launch you in another direction in September. A progression proves to be impossible to circumvent, think about it. You will be helped by their entourage to become aware of these new possibilities which are has your range.
Your loves arise with more lightness that last year. You will take more time to live them, to create them, to polish them and to maintain them. The Jupiter aspects will cause in you a release of your affectivity in the direction of a truer expression, nearer to that you feel internally. You will live and taste intense moments which touch you directly! That enriches you and brings you closer to your dreams, you will become aware that finally you lacked of optimism and of faith in yourself and that your dreams finally are not so far from that! The aspects of Uranus in aspect with Jupiter add to your love life confidence and especially chance: If you are single, this year will be determining as regards sweeping your past effectively in order to set out again then on new bases, thing which you will be able to implement from March 2011. Passion enters your life without compromise, these months will be intense in emotions. Whatever your current location, prepare yourself to plunge completely in the world of feelings. The only negative point to avoid would be to formalize you in front of the mood changes of your partner. That will be subjected there more than usual, but that does not call into question the bases of your bonds. Your temperance with you will bring balance.
Your finances are seen favoured, this year, for a stronger harmony. Indeed, you will spontaneously apply a brake on secondary expenditure, in spite of the fact that you will be enormously tempted to make in all that refers to your mage. Do not stay in front of the windows, knowing your faults, you will keep with the spirit that you must be concentrated on your vital objectives related to your home, your dwelling. If you are in the artistic field, on the other hand, expenditure will be essential. Regard rather as placements! The signatures, engagements official are extremely favoured between May and July 2011. You will be able to read between the lines !
Too many moods contrasted around you make think that you do not be with the height, which you do not control enough the events… The Jupiter impulses encourage you with an assertion of yourself difficult to handle, which creates disturbances around you. Are you sure that your entourage has really understood your aspirations, which you hope for the future? Make it sure before drawing conclusions. Time is the most open possible to dialogue, to break taboos and barriers in any kind, without causing war will be the best road to leave relational dead ends thinking, in all the fields.
Your physical shape is seen constant this year by the influences of Jupiter. Positively, you will have facilities to let run the menus contrarieties of existence, for better devoting you to what is really important and there channelling all your energy. And this is there that you will be able to evacuate your tensions successfully and without damage! You will feel more than usual that you do not need to prove that you are the best and to put to you in competition, you more easily assume your own weaknesses and even your blows of tiredness. What will reload your batteries more quickly. Take care of the good performance of your kidneys, drink and make sufficiently exercises.
May 22 - June 21
Horoscope : GENERAL
The astral configurations this year 2011 will enable you to crown your launched efforts last year, in the relational field. What will have effects in many circumstances. Indeed, the impulses of Uranus in aspect with your sector, escorted Mars and Sun will notably facilitate your exchanges and their clearness. New choices become possible and those are turned spontaneously towards evolutions which bring you closer to your objectives. And in spite of the agitation which at certain times will be intense, your personal road is seen facilitated by your entourage and its influence. You will have more space to live with a capital L !
Your professional life is under the influence of Venus and Saturne, this year. This will create circumstances favourable to the expansion of your professional ambitions. You will test a need increased for social recognition, while becoming aware of the road which you must traverse to arrive there. Your contacts are more harmonious, the exchanges are more fluid. On the other hand, it is with the authority that you are likely to have evil to agree to make a pact, you estimate (wrongly?) that one misses diplomacy with you. To find the good distance will be the solution, and at the same time a challenge. Your relational opening is carrying chance, it is the moment to give blows of collars especially if you have a profession in connection with customers.
Passion and glamour enter your life by the large door, this year. You will start a new departure, or will prepare it. The planetary impulses which reign in your sky will wake up in you an intensive need of love, which you will be able to reconcile with balance, at the same time. If you were in a complex situation in this field, you will spontaneously seek to simplify the data of them while going to essence. To drive out illusions becomes easier, you will trust more at points of good sense, logic, truth especially. This is without you to lie that you will be able to take stock of your situation and to draw some the right conclusions for everyone. Your partner entrusts you more easily than last year, which will allow you to learn longer on why and how there are reactions that sometimes you really do not understand. You are tired of entering complications in love which ultimately, make you waste your time and do not return to you happier. The Venus impulses confer great facilities of seduction to you, especially during between April and August 2011. If you are currently in a relation of couple, you will lean naturally towards more exchanges, of dialogues, in the calm one of your home. To flee, too relational agitation, which could create interferences in your relation, be especially selective.
Your accounts, businesses in progress and all that is attached to the financial considerations sees facilitated during the first six-month period 2011. Your vision of your own situation clears up, you reason with logic compared to what you must do or not to make in your accounts. You will meet circumstances which will allow you to increase your re-entries of money, especially from your work and your results. It will be the moment to require an increase! You will have to redouble vigilance as from October in the handling of your papers, your administrative approaches, of cash also. Your distraction could make some to you lose, be vigilant.
Jupiter and Uranus in aspect covering with your sector come to soften the angles of your life and to reduce you sometimes in a strange way, certain burdens, which you have carried for four years, particularly. New needs for freedom are felt, but this is especially the moment to advance your projects and to benefit from the relational facilities which is announced in this direction. Because of another share, you will be tempted to let run time in the unconcern without providing of particular strains. What certainly, would bring very good moments to you, but would make you lose important chances, in particular at the professional level. Do not let slow down the flow of your chance by numbness… which you can extremely well live thoroughly during your moments of intimacy.
The Uranus effects combined with those of Mercury will intensify your life, this year. In fact the small annoyances take you much energy. Indeed, the question of your responsibility arises more than ever, and you will have tendency to do too much for your entourage and thus tiring you more than it would not be needed. Your immune system is seen reinforced, your general vitality is in rise despite everything, until June 2011. This is then that you will have to make efforts with regard to your food, in particular to prevent absolutely from spiced dishes. Your digestive system will need cares at the end of the year.
June 22 - July 22
Horoscope : GENERAL
The efforts which you provided last year start truly to give tangible results, in 2011. That will touch all the fields of your life, and your increased conscience will not allow you to avoid this report. This progress will generate new resolutions at the end of the year; and like a success never arrive alone, you will also on many occasions to enrich your life thanks to new knowledge, dialogues with these people will open new doors to you which will be positive short cuts for your projects. Only Pluto influence can slow down you from nostalgic moods, you do not stop with the considerations of the past, go ahead !
Your professional life takes forms of roundly carried out combat, this year. After the calm one of last year, you will start new projects, or for some among you, of new functions, a new climate. There is change in the air, whatever your current location. Your creativity will be one of your best assets, you will have to make fast decisions, and to count on you to assume the effects which result from this. This taste of challenge comes to stimulate at point named your combativeness, which had been somewhat deactivation… If you have a trade related to commercial, you will have facilities to take down new agreements and agreements. All that touches with research, investigations will bring success to you. Your personal initiatives are the most effective, act !
You consider your emotional links with more retreat than last year. This is by lack of time, of availability, or lack of will of your share, you will have to come to this famous retreat, to return to more close then, as from March 2011. These two times will enable you to put in perspective your bonds under a new angle. Your partner will also more easily seem to you to be a friend, a confidant, the most adequate person to understand you deeply. Do not hesitate especially to say even the things which appear too often ridiculous to you, speak without affixing value judgments on what you feel. The Venus effects will push you towards more complicity, but it will seem more difficult to you to speak about the most intimate things. It would be positive to make an effort in this direction and to exceed your decency, you have messages to make pass since last year, it is time to enter the sharp one of the subject! If you are single, the summer months 2011 will be very positive and rich in possibilities of at the same time enthralling and stable meetings in the long run. The places of entertainments carry you chance… Do not stay in your shell !
You start at the head the year 2011 with a need for financial safety more extremely than these last months. Indeed, the Jupiter impulses will cause in you a need for progress which will give you l' energy to give blows of collars in the right direction. This year, money is synonymous for you with self-confidence, direct action towards your close relations, more than usual. So your love life will be closely related to your finances. What can tip the scales towards an excess of expenditure or in excess of prudence. It will be fundamental not to let you so much carry by your heart in this field, but rather by the reason, far from the external influences. Retreat is essential, and if you manage to make this effort, you will avoid budgetary holes.
Jupiter confers you a stronger confidence in you, healthier, managed better than usual. The unconcern facilitates the life and facilitates many actions. On the other hand, this aspect tends to make you forget certain legal considerations and with playing too much with fire in that way… Make in kind not take ill-considered risks by circumventing the law, the payments, avoid the negligence and the distractions in your papers. Uranus in aspect with your sign supports excessive tendencies, behaviours idealized in connection with reality, to see mirrors with the larks. Look after the practical details in all that you made in autumn particularly.
Your general metabolism is seen instigated at the beginning of the year by the impulses of Pluto, Mercure and Venus. Indeed, you see the life with more depth and that releases your basic energies in the direction of action and opening to others. You start on hubcaps, there is extremely to bet that you will have evil to remain on the spot! The movement, animation, festivities will be d' elsewhere the best means of reloading your batteries morals, but that is likely to be worth you important accesses of muscular tiredness in May and October 2011. Wintry time will be very favourable to start a cure, a mode. Your digestive system will be more solid, more stable in its operation.
July 23 - August 22
Horoscope : GENERAL
The events will connect themselves in a natural way for you, this year. The planetary aspects which reign in your sector facilitate the relational wheels of your life, as well as fruitfulness of ideas essential to the good walk of your projects. Only Saturn throws a shade of deep realism which can give you moments melancholic persons of regrets d' a last unconcern. But beyond this phenomenon, you will have many occasions to delight you by the positive effects of your reinforced realism: it helps you to ensure your backs with effectiveness. The impulses of Neptune will develop your imagination and your creativity of an innovative dash, that will play in all the fields of your life, in particular sentimental. Follow your inspirations, they positively approach the aspirations of your entourage.
Even if you were recluse in a closed system, you will not be able to circumvent any more the idea which consists in realizing that you have talents which once mobilized, would bring success to you, and many satisfactions! Certain people of your entourage count on you to ensure continuity in the change… If you were in unstable position, you will be likely all to sit your situation during the first two months of the year 2011. You must count on your own initiatives all along the year, it is the moment to tie contacts, to develop your activity in direction of the innovation.
The sequence of your emotional life goes this year, with the wire of weeks and months to come, to evolve to an enthralling environment. Indeed, the Jupiter impulses go at the beginning it year, to encourage you to deploy effects of seduction which will not leave anybody indifferent. The language of the heart is impossible to circumvent, you feel it quite naturally. To like yes, but without putting of powder at the eyes, here what becomes finally possible, this year. More freedom expression in the direction of a greater authenticity will characterize your unconscious attitude and will attract you more peace in your emotional life. You take the risk to displease and that carries you chance! You will learn some longer on you even by identifying you more closely with your major values, those in what you believe basically; and others return it to you to identical. Your relations slacken, leave more place to the exchanges; ideas, with in-depth dialogues. This is the ideal period to enter fully to the meeting of Other, whatever your situation. Your patience will be rewarded of spontaneous emotional dashes. If you were on standby d' a outcome, the things clear them up in middle of year. Some among you will be very tempted to conclude a union. Be careful and give time to the reflexion if you did not do it yet, the passion climate supports the inopportune racings, especially if you made a new meeting. It is to better prolong a connection until you are on your feelings.
Your accounts will follow a relatively harmonious course, this year. There is no Russian mountain in sight, and this calm leaves you the latitude necessary to advance your projects related to the money. This is said; it is Money, and in your case that will be confirmed, this year, in the direction or this is by concentrating you on your long-term strategies which you will put the best chances of your with dimensions… And that you will avoid money worries for November. The planetary impulses push you more easily to employ your money in a constructive direction, or the direction of saving. To prepare the ground for your projects in winter 2011 should ideally be your greater priority, it would be for you the best manner of making profitable the Saturn impulses which reign in your sector during this time.
The Saturn opposition to Neptune is direct, this year. This will cause little not founded fears or, a tendency to insulation or in the opposite direction, to mingle you with imports which to flee loneliness. Indeed, an insatiate need for recognition goes back to surface, and pushes you with sometimes extravagant attitudes, sometimes too sober, too in withdrawal. Fleeing reality is not used for nothing, to remain there too much locked up is not good either… With you to seek a point of balance which enables you to live such as you hear. All that relates to the studies, specializations are favoured in autumn, which would enable you to effectively drive out this feeling of lack of confidence in your own capacities.
The influences of Neptune in your opposite sign this year will give their full measurement. You will feel that taking care of you passes above all by the satisfaction of your desires. And you will be right! Temptation will be large to go towards excesses to mitigate old frustrations, which would be the cause initially of liver disorders. Supervise your consumption concerning certain types of fat contents to avoid this tendency. The impulses of Mars combined with those of Saturn in sextile to your sign confer to you an excellent muscular vitality throughout the year, in particular if you must prepare a competition, or simply to accelerate the rate of your life.
August 23 - September 22
Horoscope : GENERAL
You pass to high speed, this year, in all the fields. This is by the other ones than you will consolidate the things, through your knowledge which you will find the feeling of internal security that you seek. The Jupiter impulses will galvanize your actions in the direction d' a greater safety, in the broad sense, and in all the fields. Your conservatism will carry you chance and will enable you to get rid of certain material concern, in particular. That releases you the spirit to pass to high speed to make evolve/move your projects in a constructive direction. Much to make, in a slackened relational environment, here is a beautiful program.
It is the moment to collaborate and communicate more with your colleagues. Indeed, you will have chance much more easily if you shown team spirit to advance your files and projects in the right direction. You always have the possibility nothing of changing… But it would be damage! You will have the pleasant ones surprised in the continuity of your bonds and will discover supports sometimes completely unsuspected. The concessions which you will make will not be lost, quite to the contrary. All that touches with research of work or in your work is definitely favoured, especially thanks to your new contacts. The dominant note comes from Jupiter and Soleil which lights your road with the long run, on the condition of showing opening on the others, like on the innovation.
Your loves this year will especially be characterized by their facility to generate moments tender and impassioned at the same time. A certain possessiveness can appear, especially if you belong to the second decant of the sign. Indeed, passion strikes with your door if you are single, you are not safe from a love at first sight… Your loves are dependent at the beginning of year abroad, that it is a voyage the meeting of a person of another culture which yours, exotic environments quite simply will be largely favourable for you. Your reason is likely on the other hand to be lacking to you, abstain to make great decisions which engage you in the long run, choose rather the reinforcement of your bonds and the deepening of your relation. Your doubts become more precise, and are less heavy to carry, with regard to your partner, you will be less possessive in autumn, surer of you and you release taken there or it is necessary! You begin a new cycle, if you are in couple, you cause very beneficial handing-over in question if you really go at the bottom of the things, if not, anything, as long as you do not begin do not be on to have audacity necessary for all to clear up. You with invitations during the autumn 2011 await, the love mixes with the friendship, you will on the occasion to reinforce your complicity with your partner, or if you are alone to make a meeting thanks to the intermediary of friends.
This is in this field which you will truly centre yourselves to work in a constructive direction. Indeed, the impulses of the Sun, Jupiter and Mercure are shining in the sector of the tangible properties, finances, the possessions. As much to say that you have this year the wheel in motion as regards making progress as well your re-entries of money regular, to obtain interesting contracts, or to carry out interesting purchases. The chance is with you resolutely, and this is your audacity which will be paying. Exchanges with new knowledge will carry out you straight to the success if you bet on deepening of these bonds, without you to worry of possible future bringing together, the latter being able to be only positive with the material plan. Associations are highly favoured.
You know that you must provide main efforts to manage to reach some of your objectives; you feel that you will have resistances, you admit it without difficulties. Nevertheless, that costs you far too many interior tensions. Because you enlarged the obstacles, of fear to minimize them! This phenomenon, indicated by Uranus in quincunx to your sign, could be harmoniously counterbalanced by the effects Jupiter, if you do not destroy them from too much pessimism. Do not fear in addition to measurement to in the broad sense lose; it is necessary to know to give, sow, to collect then. The transit of Pluto tightens its influence and continuous to cause in you unreasoned fears. Continue your effort of realism to stop this tendency.
The planetary aspects which reign in your sky this year will give you a considerable energy, particularly as regards to act in a constructive direction. Your muscular vitality, your basic spring profits from the aspects from Jupiter and Uranus, follow-up of the Saturn departure of your sign come to instigate your metabolism. This energy acceleration will allow you to cut down a mountain of things which you estimate to have to make…. There is precisely the only shelf which you can meet this year. Too much activity would have as an incidence to return to you particularly nervous and irritable, untameable with your entourage… You spare regular pauses compared to your obligations, especially during the last three months of the year 2011.
September 23 - October 22
Horoscope : GENERAL
You will officialise a relation, to launch their company, to slice a painful situation definitively, in a word, to affirm your values clearly, from concrete and visible acts for all. If you were not in a constructive view, you were not yet will have inspirations in this direction. New projects arrive, you more easily take conscience of your needs, and this will connect naturally by the comprehension of the needs for your entourage. Rich person conversations will teach you much from it, in all the fields. Do not flee your contacts, insulation is worth you nothing, this year.
The financial considerations go this year, to seem to you fundamental in order to persevere in the looping of your projects. Indeed, you are in a hurry to begin concretely some of them. Do not hesitate especially to re-examine your accounts and your financial anticipations and to complete them, that will save you a considerable time if you lean above with concentration; you will avoid error of judgments in September, in particular. Money runs with parsimony; you spontaneously avoid exposing you to dangerous temptations for your budget and your good resolutions. The investments in real estate this year claim much vigilance, do not take with serious all this that one announces to you in this precise field, you must make a sorting and inform you.
You throw yourselves to body lost in your love life, this year. Indeed, Saturn direct action in your sign will not miss by causing in you an intense emotional need, directly dependent on an intuition which guides you in the right direction. You will learn how to still like better than previously because you more precisely feel which behaviour to adopt towards your partner or with the person whom you wish to conquer… The changes which you set up will start to bear their fruits. The general climate is announced harmonious especially in spring 2011. Your loves tint complicity and of tenderness, you will have more interior resources to reinforce your bond with your partner, the harmony settles, without you losing the emotional intensity which holds you with heart. Will be able to reason your requirements if you are alone, the meetings during this time claim efforts in this direction, it is necessary to round the angles, not to appear harder than you are it actually. In middle of year, your loves take the forms of a combat, you will have to face fundamental questions, to face resistances and with the shifts between you and your partner, to make developments with delicacy. The unforeseen one arrives, and is accompanied by choice, more or less rigid standpoint. The last two months of the year are definitely more fluid, optimism and the expansion enters your sector, the brakes from go away !
You will have a need increased for stability, if you had tendency to the blows of head, you will feel it positively. You mark out your road throughout the year, while betting more on safety. Indeed, your instinct of self-preservation will be shown more and from there, to enable you to plan and to reorganize your expenditure, by more aiming the utility according to your priorities. If last year, you yielded to impulses of purchase, it is now that you will rectify the error, even if it means to give up certain pleasures to rebalance your finances. With you to keep the direction of measurement, to seek the motivation in yourself without yielding before launching you in madness related to your appearances in company, which will have to be assumed then.
You will advance on hubcaps this year, to manage to satisfy your desires, in all the fields. Indeed, the impulses combined of the Sun, Saturn and Mars confer a new weighting to you which will surprise your entourage. Ordinary all in flexibility, you will much less hesitate to show you directing and this is without call which you will say high and strong which are your most urgent claims. If you have between 28 and 37 years, that is likely nevertheless to cause relational damage that you n' will not have wished. Make in kind demolish you of any aggressiveness to transmit your messages. The aspects of Pluto in square to your sign return to you incisive and caustic almost in spite of you, you are the only one with being able to balance these tendencies with the proper perspective.
Your vitality will be this year one of your most useful and pleasant strong points at the same time. Indeed, the arrival from Saturn in your sign at your main planet comes to soften the existing evils already and to slow down the arrival of future concern in the field of health. You will know instinctively to find the points of balance which spares your energy as well as possible, you will be more reasonable without making particular strains. The Mercury impulses confer a very particular mental energy to you; your interior balance get harmonized in the good being, you advance your interests as well as possible. Jupiter comes to support a certain tendency to retention, do not forget to eat light, particularly during July 2011 and June, to avoid overloading your organization.
October 23 - November 22
Horoscope : GENERAL
The resumption of your essential projects continues intensely, for you, this year. You enter in 2011 pennies of the planetary impulses very instigating to the social plan, relational. And paradoxically, you will test a need for withdrawal, of retreat, even insulation towards the change appropriateness which will still not miss arising. The Jupiter impulses into trigonal to your sign are there to give you the last fundamental dashes of the opening of your ambitions. The Saturn demy-folio comes to reactivate your creativity… In all the fields! You will live intense alternations of contacts and meditation, phases of work concentrated with moments of total relaxation.
Your social and professional life is announced as pleasant, and lighter until the end of the year. You will take retreat compared to your projects, which allows you to have a comprehensive view righter of the continuation of your activities. This is very positive in particular if you are in a scientific profession, related to the public. The fortuitous dialogues with your collaborators will wake up in you a theoretical amount of creativity which can prove fertile for the future, if you keep them with the heat. The last Jupiter impulses as Poisson will enable you to buckle works in progress among more painful or difficult, the concentration will be with return! It would be positive to remove you from the delays before starting these new designs and ideas more concretely, you do not let carry by the pressure of your entourage, which will wish just a thing, that you launch them.
There are passion storms in prospect for you, this year. Indeed, you are at the end of a cycle in the sentimental field, and you will be thirsty to see perfectly clearly, even in what is related to your past. You will turn a page certainly important, but the following one is much more promising in term of potentialities: Your ripening opens new doors to you. Without to change partner, this is especially from your behaviour that many things will be able to change. Crucial questions arise for you lasting first half of the year. You will feel unable to circumvent them, and from the answers quickly will miss you, you who are accustomed to regulating your problems without complication. This time, it will be more difficult, it will be necessary that you mobilize your capacities of reflexion without to lose control. Have confidence, because you will note a first break. You will find your wellbeing and the pleasure will reappear little of time afterwards in your life of couple. In the same way, your capacity of seduction will go up out of arrow, your entourage and your partner more than whoever will surprise you by their will to communicate, to approach you. It is the logical consequence of the feeling to have succeeded in solving these basic problems which lives you. You will be able to taste with the return of your love of life and your emotional life will appear clearer to you relating to long-term future.
On the financial ground, you will have urgent points to solve, imperatively. A lack of time is likely to appear, and to put to you in position of alarm. The rigour is on the agenda, to leave certain embarrassments. Passed this course, you will have more possibility of retreat, and this fact a more serene vision as for knowing how to manage your money, and your priorities. Do not hesitate to make the comparative ones, evaluations, do not yield to impulses of purchases for all that touches with the hearth, you would early have made pay more than it is not necessary any, only because you will have listened to your enthusiasm. Do not leave a place to the risk in your mails, it is not excluded that you make an error of distraction, check the practical details.
The interior deceleration which is done in you can let to you suppose that you will go too slowly towards the achievements of your objectives. You do not trust these completely subjective impressions which from influence Saturn, come spontaneously to you. Indeed, this deceleration can precisely enable you to rectify many shootings which you had developed in the tread of so much other things, that certain corrections could improve the things considerably. Take time to think quietly of the turning which your life takes, anticipation will carry you chance. Assessments, developed are beneficial this year, do not hesitate to insulate to you with this intention.
This is not exactly the great form, at the beginning of year 2011. The accumulation of action starts to weigh on your organization. This one tends to a general deceleration and that is comprehensible, you gave much of your energy especially since last year. The Saturn impulse which is out of Balance reverses the tendency, you must slow down the rhythm for the good of your health, to avoid mental overwork particularly. It would be ideal at the beginning of year to take a prolonged week end to cut you a few times of your concerns. The sleep will be essential to your nervous and emotional recovery. Make not dead end on the fresh produce in your food! The autumnal period will see your form raises some quite naturally.
November 23 - December 21
Horoscope : GENERAL
The astrological tendencies of this year will bring to you a new dash of life, able to make you reverse obstacles of size. Indeed, Jupiter first steps start, reinforced by the progressive departure of Pluto lead you to a more optimistic state, and brings you more occasions to remove you from constraints and considerations become obsolete now. You will test a deep need to make safe your life and that of your close relations, and you will launch out in action without difficulties, quite to the contrary! You to slow down in time will be essential pure not to burn stages.
You will advance courageously, it is the adequate period to sharpen your weapons, to perfect your talents, to act in-depth and buckle the files in progress. Your career is in the foreground of your thoughts. On the other hand, it is necessary for you to take care not to even show you too hard with you, under pretext of advance more quickly. You will have evil to advance as quickly as envisaged, because you will have to face relational barriers. You will work steadily, which with excess, can lead you to mental overwork and return to you pessimistic while at the same time you are on the road of success. Slacken as soon as you can it, and made in kind keep an overall vision of your work in progress, not to devote you to details which do not deserve so many attentions. From July 2011, you will be able to blow and benefit from the projections which you made !
The tonality of your love life will be mitigated at the beginning of year. You are asking yourself many questions, and the answers are never simple, finally. That you are single or already in couple, you will meet circumstances which will enable you to reinforce your existing bonds or to create new the very favourable ones in the long run, provided that you are ready to take patience as for l' evolution of your partner. Your attractivity is rising, you will not have any difficulty in allure, to convince, your expression gains carefully and your affectivity is acting… A second should not especially be hesitated to leave your reserve, and to accept the invitations and festivities which will not fail to arise! The festival will be related to the love, the meetings are favoured in light environments, at the end of the year. It is a climate which supports the reconciliations. You feel the need to centre you on your aspirations and will have in heart to reveal them in your manner of being in an absolute way. You will go beyond simple appearances and you will seek the company of those which are truly sincere, to benefit fully from the good things of the life, passionately. You could be tender, attentive and diplomat while being more authentic than ever. The relations with the children are favoured this year.
The financial interrogations will seem less heavy to you to carry than last year. Indeed, you will meet circumstances which without turnings, will push you to simplify situations in progress… and with quite simply circumventing them. This choice will be always possible, with you to think of the consequences, to anticipate them. “What is made is no more to make”, the saying is truer than ever for you. You lack of patience to work out bill books, to plan your long-term expenses. If you put gum last year to solve financial worries, you will be tempted to make a pause, this year, to enjoy the first effects of already made very fresh progress. The misunderstandings are not rare in the planetary configuration in which you are.
To put all its heart in the considerations related to your safety and that of your close relations, this is all with your honour. Nevertheless, you will be carried to making some too much, this year, at the point to forget that it is essential to have moments to release taken for resource. The impulses of Pluto which still influence push you to go until the sacrifice sometimes, to protect certain people. The founded good of your action is to be called into question: you do not be Superman! Your direction of realities (Saturn) completely lucid in this moment does not tally completely with the psychology which you project on your entourage; you must make in kind revalue your close relations before protecting them at all costs or judging simply which are their true weaknesses.
This year will be that of the efforts required, for you. Indeed, of the actions impossible to circumvent presenting to you, you will need the maximum of your energy to face your obligations. The Saturn support will enable you to change some of your practices of hygiene of life in the right direction, but also gives you this year a tendency to inertia which is in connection with your true constitution. You will have to fight against this deceleration, but it does not have for specific problems for as much. The last three months of the year will see to increase your mental energy in a way surprising on the level of your creativity, your organization in same time will be ready to provide efforts for your most serious objectives.
December 22 - January 20
Horoscope : GENERAL
You will live planetary impulses which will allow you in a general way, to find more lightness and to diversify you. More occasions of leisure, thus than an increased facility will be born, you will learn how thanks to the situations that you will meet, to relativize more the human phenomena. This is your tolerance which extends itself, your comprehension, in all the fields. That brings a serenity increased to you thus than a greater moral energy to apprehend the circumstances with an unquestionable sense of smell; the stars release you this year of certain material considerations, which leaves the free field to more humanistic concerns to you.
You will work as well as possible in a collective context, this year. Team work is definitely favoured, it will be impossible to circumvent but also carrying success. You will be instinctively more with the listening of your colleagues and superiors. You will have on the other hand to provide efforts only towards to you even, without you to extend to others; The idea of innovation will have to be worked in solo. Your ease is likely to create jealousies. To make in kind not return in discussions the purpose of which are to reveal your faults and your doubts. Your personal goals will have to remain your point of test card. The influences of Pluto and the Sun facilitate your personal projects. It is the moment to complete certain legal steps. Your meetings will be carrying long-term, do not hesitate to open yourself to the unknown.
You lean resolutely towards serenity, this year, in the sentimental field. Your thirst for peace and balance is in inflation! But the circumstances which you will know however encourage you to carry out handing-over in question which are essential but which goes to opposition to your immediate peace. On the other hand, you are likely to attract partners who are in search for protection. Be careful, even if that is definitely very flattering… In the long run, that could become a load of too in your life! The second and fourth month of the year will be most carrying personal satisfactions, you will be right to show all the amplitude of your desires, until most intimate. You will live for the first time! If you are in couple, your partner will show himself more inclined to understand you in your intimacy; the intimate conversations are more fluid… Your patience impresses positively and softens the angles of your relation. You will note a harmony growing between you. Your confidence in you is reinforced, and that helps you to remain calm in spite of the critical pseudo of your partner. If you are in a double or nebulous situation, you will learn some long during spring, that will allow you more precisely to see the situation before judging it and slicing definitively, this time, this is to be wished… Do not tergiversate any more if you hesitate since last year.
Your financial life will know this year of the positive improvements. Especially if you seek to increase your standard of living, you have if you persevered in your search, the possibilities of succeeding truly. Indeed, the conjunction of Pluto to your sign in square with Saturn announces facilities material for all that relates to terms of payment, spreading out of expenses, but also creations commercial, result of lawsuit, etc…. You grope less than last year to make radical decisions. And in fact, they are matured for a long time, only the occasion missed. You will launch out in an important financial transaction which will be with the source of a complete change of lifestyle. The success is very close there, be attentive.
Success of last year will have an immense interest to bring a certain nervous relaxation to you and especially the awakening owing to the fact that you have need maintaining to raise the foot, in particular for all that relates to the material considerations. Indeed, the Saturn impulses always in square with your sign, alleys with the Jupiter effects in a friendly sign help you to become aware of the already traversed road. Profit consequently occasion to remove you from your useless culpabilities, admit it… They are not only a burden which slows down your walk, and this, without making of good to anybody! This is alarming remainder in you more of you that you will have in hands the best means which are so that your entourage profits also from your good being.
There is recovery in prospect, on the level of your energies, this year. Indeed, you will feel spontaneously that you must slow down to carry on your road with the long run, and you will be right! The impulses of Mars and Saturn, in square with your constellation tend to return to you less patient than usual towards agitation of crowd, meetings, and festivities. That will be done ideally in October, period in which you will find the full expansion of your energy. The Sun and Mars come in reinforcement to enable you to drive out in a radical way of the harmful bad habits to your health.
January 21 - February 19
Horoscope : GENERAL
Astrological climate of this year 2011 is announced in a general way, serene. Indeed, Saturn, Mars and Uranus in dynamic aspects with your sign will soften your bonds with a bigger comprehension, which will be facilitated in a reciprocal way. You collect the fruits of your efforts of last year, you will not have much opportunity to insulate you, but you will be able to transform your chances of new meetings thanks to your sociability, on fertile occasions for the future, in all the fields. The life reduces of weights resulting from the past, and in spite of the fact that you will have for that to confront you with it, you can precisely exceed that to evolve peacefully to the future. This fight is healthy, keep on it.
This year will be stirring up on the relational level. You will meet circumstances which will support the widening of your knowledge, and will transform certain bonds. You here at the end of a cycle, it is the moment to put an end to unstable situations to analyze them. From May 2011, you will have the chance with you for all that refers to the expansion of your activity, its development, or to start a new project. The contacts with your collaborators will be more serene, you will see them more reconciling with you… You will have more talents of diplomacy than usually, it is for you the moment to show your determination, your good will. Team work is necessary in autumn; if you only work, you will be likely best to lead to the longer-term recognition.
The stability of your emotional ties will be the one of your absolute priorities, this year. Indeed, the conjunction of Neptune softens and wakes up in you fears which will cause defence reactions in a constructive direction in your attitude with your partner. The Venus effects in aspect to your Sun will support your efforts in the direction d' a denser expression in love. Moreover, the changes which you set up will start to bear their fruits. The general climate is tender at the beginning of year. Your loves tint increased tenderness, you will have more resources to reinforce your agreement, the harmony settles, without you losing the intensity in love which holds you with heart. Will be able to reason your requirements if you are alone, the meetings during this time claim efforts in this direction, it is necessary to round the angles, not to appear harder than you are it actually, in spring. Your spontaneous reactions will be dense in emotions. But for your partner, you do not astonish if he considers them too whole and if you are taxed with susceptibility! If you are single, you will meet events very records, there are projecting meetings in prospect. The love at first sight is not a myth… You will not play shy person well a long time! These new departures made possible in autumn will force you to leave your reserve, but especially to look at your fears opposite: You attract with you the people who without difficulties discover you the most hidden weaknesses.
You will seek to put more order in your administrative business and your accounts, to cleanse certain things, in particular invoices still on standby… the influences of Neptune still very close to your sector encourage you to imagine facility where it does not have unfortunately… But that is counterbalanced by Saturn which allows you to rectify the things where it is needed. Your realism is your best asset. Your reason is a shield against the future possible insecurity. Prepare the ground for future, you will be right to put coast the finally futile expenditure to go to essence !
You know well that tormenting too much you does not make advance your business and withdraws you means of action that however in normal weather, you control… All this concern that you made puts sticks in the wheels to you. Admit that you enlarge the events as by reflex. Saturn indicates that you are exposed to this tendency, this year, which also attenuates your happiest and pleasant moments! Neptune in your sign comes to encourage you with more escape from the material considerations, which overlaps with moments of concern on this same field. Find a point of balance which allows you to act without tensions and all while preserving you of the moments out of time.
The Jupiter effects of last year blur in a progressive way, this year. Little by little, you will see recording your energy level, in particular in contact with the others, and of new knowledge which will be a considerable support with your energy. The impulses of the Sun and Venus irresistibly attract you to insert more relational satisfactions and pleasures in your existence; that positively stimulates you on the mental level but tends to make you go too far in exploration of these pleasures and fact. This is in June that you will be completely capable food fully and without weaknesses the changes which you intend to implement.
February 20 - March 20
Horoscope : GENERAL
The year 2011 will arise in two times. The first three months will be instigated by a more voluble, in request for your attention, and more inclined entourage with a true intimacy, truths bringings together in the dialogue. Even if sometimes you must firmly affirm your positions to defend them, you can do it without cutting these bonds because the messages end up passing more clearly than usual. The last months of the year will see more the calm one and still harmonize, and that will give you a stronger energy paradoxically, an instinct of combat more sharp-edged than you will direct on the genuine targets, and not on the people… Your direction of the strategy will be on its best level.
Your sociability will be one of your best assets, in the professional field, this year. You will be able to determine with a frightening precision the intentions of your interlocutors and to make them coincide with your own waiting. The trade negociations are favoured, and even if you must proceed by successive stages, you can achieve your goal perfectly, even if seemingly you leave ballast to your interlocutors. The simple facts, realities, evidence will be the pivot of your success in these talks. This is with more balance than usual that you will be able to leave delicate situations. If you are in research of employment or in a trade in investigatory matter, you will have an unquestionable sense of smell, in autumn 2011. This is the best moment to make proof of audacity and especially to trust you with your instinct.
Beyond your propensity natural to idealize the sentimental love songs, you this year will exceed you to concretize your most intimate dreams. This is free or double, you will not have patience to make cinema and especially to play the detachment that you n' do not test! So you can test difficulties of respecting the needs fully; independence of your partner, who will not fail to him to assert his share d' autonomy, especially during the first three months of the year. With you in profiting to give a progress report on your relationship to objectivity and to observe what owes to be at your partner. You will then be able, during the three months of spring 2011, to act and to put all the chances of cutter with dimensions. Because you will have at this period, more impact and of magnetism in the sentimental field… On the other hand, a Saturn dissonance wakes up fears of abandonment which take root very far in your past. And even without going very far, you will feel a deep need to ensure you of the reliability of your entourage. It will not be the moment to seek to make radical transformations… But to still collect elements before setting up the changes which will appear clear the next year to you. For those among you who are single, there are strange meetings in prospect, open to exoticism, you will not regret it !
Your material life will be at the beginning of year, the latest of your concern. You are more carefree as for your way of spending cash, and at the same time, you think more of future and with its dependent material needs. You anticipate those with accuracy and the great projects monopolize your attention: house, furniture, work, etc… You are on the point of making efforts of savings. It misses you practical information to put on foot your projects with precision. Your entourage will cause in you a need for expenditure not always very judicious. Think of twice before launching you to accept certain requests! Time is your ally and for the majority between it, there is no urgency.
You are ready this year to clean your life, and to radically stripe the past of your current chart. You feel in you a need to go from the front and more quickly than these last months. Such a wind of revolt is likely to cost you troubles if you made not there left to act in an order which is appropriate for your interests. Think twice before cutting bonds which in addition, could be useful and even more than that. Your eruptive sensitivity infantilises somewhat your reactions…. Seek to make return more pleasure in your life before making irrevocable decisions.
Your health passes above all by your emotional life, more than ever, this year. Indeed, your sensitivity binds you more closely still than usual with those which you like and your general state will be closely related to the "good health" of your relations. By putting all your heart in your bonds you will be curiously more easily in form. Many doctors will get lost, you will see to disappear digestive dermatoses, concern by finding a family and/or sentimental balance! The impulses of Uranus will support certain allergies, especially caused by pollution and in the broad sense, with all that is related to metals. Combined Saturn with Jupiter into trigonal indicates a strong probability of dental or osseous concern. Take care not to make dead end on the dairy products, particularly.
Courtesy of ( May this year be a wonderful year for all. Stay/Be positive, smile always (be happy) and take things at your stride. All will be wel for everyone.