Nothing probably beats Club Med when it comes to their inclusions. Personalised greetings made us feel welcomed after that 2 and a half hours flight on Singapore Airlines. However, still on my mind was the guilt brought along when I unknowingly tipped the guy who helped us with the luggage onto the taxi with 5000 Rupiah (FYI, it's only a mere 70 cents). Blame it on the number of zeros they have on their note =p

We managed to check into our room early. Disappointing enough, the first day/night was not as good. Air conditioner was not working and we had to inform them time after time before finally, the air conditioner was working way better than we expected. The worst thing of the trip was probably the lack of track/sports shoes. Without that, we basically can't do much in the resort.

Nevertheless, we managed to make the most out of what we had. Therefore, we focused on the food. We ate as much as 4-6 meals a day and ate so much that we literally forgot how to spell HUNGRY.

And when night falls, the whole resort seems to come to life with nicely lited interior and exterior. Especially the main bar where they serve free flow of wines, alcohol and cocktails etc, even the snacks got our tummy growling. Music blasted set us into the mood and their nightly entertainment never fails to amuse or amaze us. Especially the last night where the girl insist in playing the haunted maze where she got herself so scared while I got myself insanely happy, patting and pulling on people's hair. Woops.
What's memorable is the cooking class which both us attended, learning how to cook an Indonesian dish, PEPES! I've yet to try at home but someday, I will. It's interesting to see how Club Med has everything packed together for everyone, from young to old. Imagine having petit Club, mini club for children so parents can conveniently and happily leave their children on good hands while they go and enjoy themselves and spend some romantic couple time.
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