It applies totally same to us Human Beings. We could well be no different from those lovebirds when it comes to the word love. How one couple can weather through ups and downs and how the basic ingredients of a relationship are so essential to it, such as freedom, trust, understanding etc. This amazing thing called ‘Love’ to me, feels like something unexplainable that could impact one’s life. No longer do you put only yourself before yourself.
So much has happened in the past 12 months and I could not be happier to have loved and be loved and still do now, to have learnt how imperfect I am as a person and how important is ‘giving unconditionally’. Many times, many said wooing a girl is like an uphill task, because you have to impress her, you have to ‘not be yourself’ or to be the super nice guy she wants you to be, etc, and once you got that girl, it’s a job well done and finally, the boulder of love on your shoulders are down. But, I beg to differ, to a very very large extent. Not that she’s easy to woo, but because I feel maintaining the relationship is the tougher job. I’ve read through the ‘so true’ 5 stages of a relationship (http://ezinearticles.com/?5-Stages-of-Committed-Relationships&id=528343). It nicely sums up a couple’s love life basically. Maintaining a relationship is by means no easy feat. It takes a lot to stay committed, to keep a balance between all aspects of life and of course, to love yourself before you can even have the capability to take care of someone.
She taught me a lot. My imperfections, my strengths, even to the most nitty stuff like baking. In short, we compliment each other. I guess chemistry just sparkles more as bond grows along the way. Little wonder why they call the closest thing after magic is love and I can’t help but agree more on that. With that, Happy First. =)
Ending this heartfelt post, with something I chanced upon somewhere which leaves one with more room to ponder....
Life is short
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Love truly
Laugh constantly
And never stop smiling
No matter how strange life is
Life is not always the party we expected to be
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