Tuesday, July 27, 2010
From Within
They say it's better to lose your ego (within) to someone you love, than to lose the one you love, because of ego.
One may ask even, so what if air is everywhere? Ultimately, we still need a fan to feel it When you trust someone, trust that person completely without any doubt, at the end, you'll only get either a lesson for your life or a very good person
It's not so much about the people who act true to your face, but more about the people who remain true behind your back
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Happiness Is A Choice You Make
When this boy was a little boy, his mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And there’s this one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, his mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage,and extremely burned toast in front of his dad.I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!
Yet all his dad did was reach for his toast, smile at his mom, and ask him how his day was at school.
He clearly do remember watching his dad smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite! When he got up from the table that evening, he remember hearing his mom apologize to his dad for burning the toast. And he'll never forget what he said. 'Baby, I love burned toast.'
Later that night, he went to kiss Daddy good night, and he asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped hime in his arms and said, 'Little Buddy, your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired.And besides - a little burnt toast never hurt anyone! You know, life is full of imperfect things...and imperfect people.I personally am not the best at some things either.'
Learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
We could extend this to any relationship in fact - as understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!!"
Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket - but into your own. No one else can MAKE you happy, Your happiness is a choice you make.People will always forget what you do, and they will always forget what you say, but they will never, ever forget the way you make them feel.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Even after going through much pain
Perhaps it's only a temporary stain
Just like sunshine always comes after the rain
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Simple is Best
A simple example: A young couple had a bright future ahead of them. They were the sweetest couple ever, seen from most eyes. The girl has a dream. She yearns to get married, and jolly well locked and knows her future other half will be none other than her current boyfriend. Her boyfriend fortunately, shares the same sentiments. Throughout their days of courtship, the girl always mentioned how wonderful is it that her proposal was one of the sweetest things that could happen to her, more so after she heard of stories on how her friends were being proposed in all sorts of romantic and sweet methods. Her boyfriend knows her wish and is determined to fulfill that for her, secretively.
Finally, it’s time for them to hit the right age. The guy had something up his sleeves. All that was on his mind, he wants a proposal that could possibly set to make ‘yes’ the only answer. He’s determined to touch her through everything he has planned, just to get her feeling touched and said yes. Lots of efforts have been made. The girl remained being kept in the dark. The day came, the boy was all ready. Never mind what he did. To him, he’s willing to go miles just to see her smile. For that fact, he did one of the most dangerous act to make a sincere proposal to her, and for that, a moment of accident, it cost him his life. He left this world in an instant, leaving the girl he loves behind, the girl whom he has intended to spend his life with.
The girl had her heart sunken. She went into depression. A lot was on her mind before that. She thought to herself, had she known, all she wanted for her proposal, was nothing, merely he himself, his pure only existence. She pondered and pondered, coming into learning the deeper meaning. All she wanted was him. Something as simple as just kneeling down with a bouquet of flowers and ring would conveniently do the job, but. Why? She doesn’t want any fanciful plans, decorations, or anything, she just wants him. But all was too late, it seems like no one was at fault but she chose to blame herself for that.
They say simple is the best. No point being filthy rich, having luxurious car and houses where you can’t enjoy even the simplest thing in life such as having a heartwarming dinner with your family. Simple things are more often than not, the most intangible events/things we can find and not what seems to be so superficial and materialistic. It’s however, hard to keep up with that because everyone wants sparks to their life. Life is only deemed fulfilling when you have a lot of events lined up, you spent everyday outside playing and enjoying, so much so that you left out on what could have been even more important. It’s hard to be contented but it’s important not to be. No?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Happy 24th Birthday To You!

It was a game of frantic trying to make surprise with the flowers. Daisies with special meaning popped in front of her unexpectedly and she accepted it with grace of shyness, before she treated me to a wholesome meal of yummy food over at DOME @ Paragon. Especially loving the combi platter which totally satisfy my cravings for those yummy fried stuff. Earl grey lychee drink was another item which i give bonus points to.
Bens & Jerry was on the next agenda before we hit the theater for Inception. Chose that over Predators and Blood Pledge. Glad she loved it, not so much for me as i remained insistent that Predator would have been nicer, stubbornly not believing in reviews. As the clock strikes 12, blissful wishes by whisper to her ears and it was a perfect end to the day as i continue to wonder the amazement of how Inception managed to capture the eyes of many.
On her actual birthday, the rain almost ruined the day, but thank god, it managed to wake up its idea and we made our way to the ZOO after having our long awaited Delifrance buffet breakfast. Not a very wide spread but it's good enough to satisfy the dollar spent.
Our first time together to the zoo and off we went behaving like children/tourists, flipping on the map and checking out feeding times and showtimes. Drizzles coolrf the place down, however, our walking around, snapping here and there makes us kind of hot. Definitely, it's feel like a child to learn all the things that we had all lost touch, at the same time, the feeding never fails to be an eye opener each time.
I'm glad the girl suggested the tram and boat ride ticket where we had a wonderful ride on both to end this perfect outing to the zoo. Onward to island creamery, where we spent most of our bus trip in lala land. Blame it on the hectic weekday work then. Not as fantastic and the girl was already crazily laughing away at her paparazzi shots taken back at island creamery.
Brought me to this wonderful Ma Maison, my first time there and the cottage feel restaurant won my heart over. Paella with cheese was nice initially but had a hard time swallowing thereafter, until the girl offered a pat on me. How funny for the birthday girl. Not long before she got her complimentary cheese cake and off she went, blowing her very first birthday candle on her 24th, STILL, never fail to get me to taste every cheese item ever since. Ewww, i still hate cheese. Period.
Next up, a secret surprise planned for her over at my house. Highlight was the blindfolding, followed by a guitar song sang by me, topped with a heart shaped strawberry cake to end her wonderful 24th birthday as she venture into another year into her life.
It's barely 3 months we shared the same age before i hit possibly 1/3 of my life. How good is that? No?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
End of the Fever

The ball is round, that makes it no different from the fact that just because of its shape, anything can happen. Odds were stacked lowly against hot favourites, Spain right before the compeition, so low i didn't see them as a threat. Possibly because there are so many hype on them, I got turned off.
Before the compeition fever even started, i locked my sights on teams that has the potential to create impact in this compeition, less for Australia aside of course. Holland and Argentina seems to be the real potential threat in this competition and turned out to be very true.
Drama follows the moment the compeition starts and it seems like draw is a common result, i can't help but felt that it's one of the most boring World Cup i've ever watched. So boring, i lost my money (damn).
Did a calculations and turned out quite amazingly, i bet a total of 45 matches out of 64 matches, of course, recording only a win out of every 4 matches. All in all, i'm still glad my loss did not hit 3 digits. It's even more fun that me and the girl spent lots of night chat talking about World Cup, and even came up with our very own game of predictions, there's even a prize for it, but somehow, this game of prediction just stopped (there goes my prize). Haa.
Back to my beloved Argentina. 4 straight wins and i was high on hopes on having watched them in their best since years ago and determined to laugh loudly at that bloody octopus. And that turns out to be a greatest humulitation by the Germans. I was not angry nor upset, but more of a utter disappointment i felt deep within myself. Gone are the dreams of watching them lift the trophy.
Just when i thought Holland could possibly live my next best dream, they got dumped out at the very last few minutes of the compeition. Cruel and left my speechless. It's a mixture of good and bed i feel toward this World Cup. Good on the fact that me and the girl both went crazy and started downloading world cup related apps, browsing through apps and web to search for the places we can possibly watch soccer, so crazy we had our impromptu moments. Never before, seriously, had i been so crazy over the desire to catch a soccer match, thanks to bloody Starhub and Singtel i guess. I guess, i won't have to mention anything about the bad..
Friday, July 16, 2010
Manage it (emotions), not control it
It's is important to realise that managing it would seriously be much better than trying to control them. More often that not, we encounter things, both within and not within our control. But how much are we letting the impact of it affect us, is entirely up to us. I must say, to manage emotions is to handle or direct it with a degree of skills, which comes alot of proper mindset such as positivity.
Of course until now, at times, i'm still guilty of 'controlling' my emotions now. They sometimes said it boils down to your emotional intelligence. Having said that, i generally feel that whatever we feel or do, we should not be trying to suppress our own emotions, if not, it's like fighting against yourself. Total struggle ultimately.
Let's see it this way: what is someone dropped something, and you leaned over to help them pick it up, but however, you didn't notice that he or she was also leaning over and all of the sudden - BAM!, both of you bump heads. Would you be mad at that person? Would he be mad at you? Maybe yes to both question, but think on another perspective, you were only trying to help, both you and that person know it. More often that not, it's the intention that most overlooked rather than the consequence.
It all ultimate boils down to the positive intent. Keep whatever you can control and hit your best and whatever is not within your control aside. Probably, it will makes you feel much better
Saturday, July 10, 2010
At times, one might ask, what in this world is beautiful actually? Is there even anything worth living for? What on earth are we working towards or for? Ultimately, is it even down to the word 'love'? Life may at times seem to be filling your heart with anger, grief, pain and sadness; so much as that we would think it’s the end of the world. At times, all those negative emotions are triggered by people, but not because people you hate but simply because it’s just someone you love or loves you. They say that love is not an action, but it’s an attitude instead – giving, not receiving; sharing, not hoarding; believing, not doubting; feeling, not thinking; forgiving, not grieving.
Even in smooth sailing journey, we tend to be forced to make changes to our course of journey too, either we are forced or we simply have to. Either way, we either accept it or reject it. Spreading out all the pros and cons, definitely, it's not hard to see which one weighs out over the other. When uncertainty looms right ahead, time seems to be your only best friend. Likewise, rushing into things can only cause things to backfire.
Even for myself, being accepting towards changes aren't easy, not when i already had a mindset or perception instill in my mind long before. But i guess it's all part and parcel of life. Even now, there are changes that i didn't believe i would accept be it in any aspect - family, work, studies, relationship, all because i never believe, but i'm glad the first move was made and most importantly, it's all about making do and out of the best of whatever we have right now.
In life, not everything we do or say is right, but mainly only based on what we think they are. I guess we just have to find and strike the balance between that thin fine line. Easy or not, it's seriously only a matter of CHOICE