Things are always and usually easier said than done. Even i myself became the sinful criminal of commiting the wrong way of handling my own emotions sometimes. Being a scorpio, i'm condemned to being emotional, and if look at two different perspective, it can be a good thing, or it can possibly be a terrible bad thing as well.
It's is important to realise that managing it would seriously be much better than trying to control them. More often that not, we encounter things, both within and not within our control. But how much are we letting the impact of it affect us, is entirely up to us. I must say, to manage emotions is to handle or direct it with a degree of skills, which comes alot of proper mindset such as positivity.
Of course until now, at times, i'm still guilty of 'controlling' my emotions now. They sometimes said it boils down to your emotional intelligence. Having said that, i generally feel that whatever we feel or do, we should not be trying to suppress our own emotions, if not, it's like fighting against yourself. Total struggle ultimately.
Let's see it this way: what is someone dropped something, and you leaned over to help them pick it up, but however, you didn't notice that he or she was also leaning over and all of the sudden - BAM!, both of you bump heads. Would you be mad at that person? Would he be mad at you? Maybe yes to both question, but think on another perspective, you were only trying to help, both you and that person know it. More often that not, it's the intention that most overlooked rather than the consequence.
It all ultimate boils down to the positive intent. Keep whatever you can control and hit your best and whatever is not within your control aside. Probably, it will makes you feel much better
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