Thursday, December 29, 2005
Recently i read >XiaXue's and XueLing's blog, i really feel disappointed on how foreign workers are being seen by us, Singaporeans. XiaXue seems to be condemming all whereas XueLing is only against the bad and evil ones.
I admit there are foreign workers who cheated in Singapore, commiting crimes after crimes and going scot-free. But these are just miniority. Majority are still workers who stays commited to their job and only do what they are supposed to do. Me, having worked in a construction site before (for my poly attachment), i am sure i know more of these foreign workers than any other people who hasn't work with them before. My 2 months with them make me understand the kind of life they are in, how much they had to endure and give out before getting what is so little yet meant so much to them. I worked, getting 450 bucks per month and unexpectedly, they are getting the same pay as i am. For me, wearing the white helmet and them wearing the yellow one, yet getting the same pay. I feel very sorry for them. My job is just to learn about the construction process, walking around the site like a king, whereas they are the ones doing the job. I must say in the site, i learnt that the Chinese from China are much more rowdy then the Blanga. Many has this impression, very very bad impression against Blanga. Do you think if they were to dressed up like you, given the same education like you, they would not be as successful as you? Their character is the same as nice, if not nicer than some or most of us. One thing is for sure, they are alot more hardworking than quite a few of us Singaporeans.
For your info which confirm will shock you to read this sentence again, they are not supposed to spend more then 2 bucks a day. Cmon 2 bucks!!!!! Hey, just a look at XiaXue's hair, my slippers or anyone meal outside, it all cost more than 2 bucks, maybe even 5-20 bucks. They can't even spend more then 2 bucks a day!!! That's how they live, spending less than 2 bucks a day on three meals and if you do see the kind of quarters they live in, i'm sure u will feel sorry for them. Be glad that we even have a bed for they are sleeping on a mat, soaked with soil if it rains. A t-shirt can be wore for months without washing, can u imagine?
Well, i didn't say that will give them the excuse to commit crimes or do unrowdy stuff. Those who commit molest or even rape, i must say these foreign workers are just plain stupid. Not thinking of the consequences, they messed with the innocent girls, their future will be ruined if they do so. I just find these foreign workers very stupid. Stupid enough to travel to this country and instead of earning more money (they earn more money if they work overtime), or even resting, finding friends to talk with, they do silly things that might get them sent back to their own country. How dumb could this be.
I generally feel that most foreign workers deserve our respects and we should not treat them as second-class human beings. It's just the moniority of them that's under the catogary BAD, just like Singaporeans too. You'll never know whos' the bad one as they don't write the word 'bad' on their forehead. They still need respects from us. It's not easy to work in a country so far away from your house, not even to mention , getting stares and stupid comments from locals. Let's just hope these kind of situation will improve in Singapore..
Monday, December 26, 2005
We went PS (Plaza Singapura) to watch movie. Now i'm really started to ponder on what i said to my sis yesterday. PS is becoming my favourite hangout, not only for me but for my buddies as well. Went there almost every week. We went to watch Narnia today. It was a very nice movie - much much much better than i expected. I also thought i would see my sis there cos she said she will be watching that movie today. I wasn't really interested in this movie initially because of the actress and the preview, but i never regretted watching it.
This movie is about 4 siblings, who found their way out into another new world called Narnia through this wardrobe. From there, they discovered that they had to save Narnia as they were somehow forced top believe in the prophecy - at the same time, saving the younger brother who were on the bad side unknowingly. Eventually, it was the lion who make the sarcrifice, but survived in the end and fought a battle together with the siblings.
There were a few touching scenes..That makes this movie nicer..After movie, Don and Jon went for their dinner appointment, leaving me and Gav. So we went to play some pool. This time, the pool centre wasn't not so packed like yesterday..if only yesterday wasn't packed, then i can let sis play pool for the 1st time, i suppose it would be a ncie experience. And yay, i won 7-6! Hooray..i must say Gavian's improving. I must practice hard on my part too..After pool, we went for dinner and went to take bus.
When we were walking to the bus stop, we saw 190 turning instead of stopping at the usual bus stop, so i and gavian started wondering why is that so, miss around 1 bus, we find it weird so we went to the previous bus stop instead only to find out that 190 is doing a detour because there's christmas celebration closure somewhere at town i suppose. Went home with a tired body, mind..slept til 1am..Haa..ZzZzZ..Still feel so tired..Yawn..
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Went to CCK mrt station control to gather 1st..slowly, one by one came and it's nice to see all my ex classmates again..the times we had together, often relived by some of us..haa..Yao Long, Edwin, Wen Jin etc..we went to get our christmas present 1st, so that we could have a christmas gift exchange later on..And so, we reached Shu Xia house..Starting off by chatting abit, then the food came..after eating, it's down to game time..we played a few interesting games..quite fun til past midnight, we started to exchange presents..there's some delay in exchanging because of the miscommunication..the gift exchange wasn't meant to be performed by lottery method but choose who u want to give instead, in the end, everything screwed up..nevertheless, we managed to solve this problem like we always does when we were in secondary sch for being the most "Notorious" express class in Sec 3/4.
After that, it starts to gets boring, watching Vcds was suggested go the 13 of us squeezed into this small room..Not cramp but cosy all started to get into their position and watched the 1st movie - SAW. A very very nice movie indeed, i regretted not watching SAW II..haa..nvm, i'll wait for the vcd to coem out. After SAW II, we wanted more, so we watched a comedy insetad, this time, 50 1st dates. Another nice movie, after this movie, most were already knocked's 5 plus already..i fall asleep without knowing too..But couldn't sleep much as not used and there were too much talking going on and surprisingly, the "too much" talking was only done by one person - Gunalan. As always, he would talk talk talk..non stop and i guess the only person to fall for his 'Speech" is Mildred's sis who don't know much about him and even ask for his mobile number..OMg..Soon, sun rises and time for us to leave soon, before leaving, Yi Lin cooked us a bowl of noodles, it was delicious and i must say she can really cook..Went home with a swollen eye and when i reached home, it's around 9am already, i immeditately bathe and fall catch come sleep before going out with my sis..
12pm, alarm clock rang...woke up reluctantly. But i know i have to wake up..cos i'm going out with me sis!! Not everytime we can go out together cos both of us hardly have the time. So i started getting ready and off i go to meet her. When i met her, we started to exchange gifts. Well, she bought me this really nice sweater from Hong Kong which i like it very much. Thanks and nice of her to still remember me..heehee..Thanks Sis..Whereas on my part, i felt abit regretted when i bought her that eeyore bear bear, knowing that she would have a few already, i still buy, luckily she said she like it too and never had any similiar to the one i bought - PHEW..So we wanted to watch movie but in the end, no nice shows and most are already selling i suggested eating something. I list a few options and asked her to choose and my sis, being nice to me and sparing a thought for my wallet, chose Ajisen instead. Nice of her to think for me, i appreciate that but Sis, it's ok cos we seldom go out so it's only right that i treat u to somemthing u really like and never eat before.
So we went Ajisen and i ate this Volcano Ramen, looks spicy but actually it's not as spicy as it seems..After eating, i suggested playing pool. I wanted to teach sis and luckily she didn't say she don't we went to Paradiz centre and in the end, all tables taken up and we left that place and back to PS again. Sorry Sis, next time if got chance, i'll teach u how to play. We went window shopping awhile and i treated her to ice-cream and off we went - home. Yawning a few times on the mrt..haa..i'm too tired..i need to go and sleep already.
Thanks for everything sis! I appreciate it..and hope u enjoy your day. Hope i didn't make u feel bored today..
Thanks to my ex classmates, making this gathering a fun one..hope we can more of that.
I'll be having another one soon, in a few hours time, i think i better catch some sleep now..yawn...ZzZZZ
Friday, December 23, 2005
After dinner, i actually planned to go home, but my mum persuaded me to accompany the wholw family to walk. So i obliged. 1st time since don't know how many donkey years i went out with the whole family..Hmm..sounds like a bad son huh..yes i am..seldom at home, always go out..nevertheless, my parents still didn't complain and gave me the freedom that i want. Realising now that i should do my part to. Dad's birthday is coming, i wanted to buy something for him..hmm...i shall buy the same old thing i bought for him every year - he loves it. (Not going to say what is it)
Sis's coming home tml..Yay!! Finally..hmm..Saturday will be going out with her but then had no idea where to go and what to do, if anyone knows, please give some suggestions at the tagboard..Tml i'm going to have a class gathering cum party..Shall have fun tml! Can't wait..sun please rise up quickly!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Finally, i dyed my woke up super late..felt abit bad about it though..don't know why..Just now while dyeing my hair, one drop of that dye accidentally drop into an area near my eye, now my left eye hurts like shit..argh..Hopefully this time, the results would be good..i'll be waiting..
Yesterday bought quite a few presents..Yay!! I'm going to surprise one person. Hopefully this person will be very shocked when he/she (can't tell you if it's a she or he) gets my surprise. I'm now totally broke..ARGH!! Haa, i'm going to save money, for the Dream Theater concert that coming up..hopefully i can save that amount soon..
Christmas's coming soon! Yay..times flies, last year christmas seems like it was just yesterday. Still can remember very clearly how it was spent. Hopefully, this year, this christmas would be a fulfilling.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Today got so irritated by those aunties. It seems like these Aunties are always dying to get seats, so much so that they hit and bang around just to drive their sticky and 'not-so strong' body through what they deem to be pile of easy obstruction form by polite and organised passangers to get to one seat. As if those seats has a $10 note on it. Omg! Kiasu Aunties will only make Singaporean more Kiasu for one Bus/Mrt ride will tells it all about us Singaporeans.
For once, bus fare is only of an mild amount, whereby most people could afford and yet within a few years, the fare increase so much so that it cause burden finiancially to some, even to me. Service is still the same and i don't see myself getting a more comfortable ride even i paid more then a few donkey years ago. Installing TV Mobile is a bad poor idea, fancy displaying it near each door, whereby the screen will always be blocked by some 'Big-Heads', within the video always lagging. oh..Sometimes i wonder what i am really pay for? For the comfort of me not needing to walk to my destination but yet get irritated by some irritating passengers?
Finally, i've finished the paper assignment given by my boss. I'm left with the book assignment. Rush it all til i drop dead..argh..come weekend come!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Lonely Days are back...
Finally my ears is not pain anymore. One more stud and i think it will take more than 2 weeks to recover for this newly pierced one is taking more than 1 week to heal. Poor Jon, he has to take out his piercing and replace it with a altered ear stick - one that he cut til very short by himself. I wanted to dye my hair too, but have yet to..don't when i should dye..when i feel like it bah..
Christmas and New Year's coming, i'm going get ready for the gift exchange party this sunday and the countdown..argh..can't wait..
Don, i believe u never do it..for this would never come out from your mouth..I'll be behind you for you are my best buddy..Fear not as we will go through this..I'll explain on your behalf and concentrate on whatever you are doing now..Wait eagerly for this holidays and rock and have fun!
Sis, hope you get well soon and do enjoy your last week in Hong Kong..hope you are having lotsa fun and come back soon...haa..can't wait
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tiring But Fun
On 8 Dec, i had my presentation..which went on very very smoothly which i never expected it cos i thought that with my tired and restless mind, i couldn't present well but luckily it turn out not to be for the street soccer compeition later in the evening, it was a big disappointment. The last compeition that i can have in Singapore Polytechnic was just gone in 10 mins. 1st game was against my team played hard but not well enough. I am very disappointed with myself for the performance i gave for i know i can do alot better than that. My stamina is deproving and i know something has to be done but can't.
The next day, my knee was more painful than ever. I went to sch with a tired body and mind and went home before school dismissed because i'm really too tired. On Saturday, i went to Gavian house and we jammed! Woohoo, i would say this time is the best jamming session because all of us were really into it, especially jon, i could see his efforts made weren't easy and although the results weren't that good, he already put his best and i really respect him for that. That very night, we went Clubbing!!! It's like the 1st time in so many months since we last clubbed together. It was very enjoyable and we saw lotsa pretty girls and pole dancing..some hot, some boring like sh!t..we went home and knocked out right after we showered..
Sis's at Hong Kong..What an envy..haa..she used to be the 1st person that came to my mind whenever i have problem but now she's at hong kong, i can't sms her much for i all it's very very enpensive to even send one sms. But i know she's always there for me, spiritually..Hope you enjoy yourself and i'll be waiting for u to come back..haa! Eat more Smelly beancurd!
During that week, i had some good and bad experience. I knew some of my friends more like Xue Ling. Besides that, i got to know fantastic people like Darren, Claire, Cindy and Jun Li. They were great people and fun to be with. However, i had a bad experience during the camp. Someone has been badmouthing me, and it's not just me but also my friends. How could we work together if she continue doing all this nonsense. I really feel like quitting my job but i can't for i have to finish what i'm doing. Til this day, i've totally seen through what kinda person, she can be a very nice person but at the same time, she can be the most 'poisonous' person on earth. Well, her bad points can't seem to overcome her good points..i'll see how it goes..meanwhile, i shall concentrate on my studies and wait for this saturday..YAY, going sentosa!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Woke up feeling more pain, then there's nagging from my parents, not wanting to hear anymore, i went to bed early, the earliest this sesmester i suppose. Then, my brother turned in, followed by my parents. Ptch black everywhere and the only sound that broke the silence is my groaning. The pain is unbearable. Whole night i didn't sleep well because of the terrible. I tried to bear with it all the way until this morning, i quickly rushed to the clinic downstairs. Went at 8:30am, in the end i have to wait until 9:15am to be consulted, cos the doctor only came in at 9:10am. Why does Doctor always come later than the opening time..Luckily, i was the 1st one to be consulted, went home, took my breakfast and medicine and went to sleep. Intending to go sch actually as there's stuff to be submitted tml but the pain was simply unbearable, making me feel weak and restless, so i informed my group members. Thanks alot for their understanding, i manage to have a good rest and i'm feeling alot better..just abit pain now...........
Friday, November 25, 2005
Yay..Submission Over!
Friends should care and share, never mind those minor stuff/arguments but always keep a lookout for each other. I'm glad i do still have friends who are really good to me. For this, i count myself lucky. Yesterday was the PSLE results, overall, i think most students did quite well, except for one or two. Well, never brood over it too much. For those who think u have a bad result, learn from it and move on. Work harder in the process. For those who have dine well, congratulations and all the best in your secondary school life!
Recently, i have been bugged by my project, so much so that i realised my dark rings are DARKER now..ENPEC manual has been finished but always unable to meet Anne for timing she set is always wrong. Well, i can't possibly accomodate her as i do have my own commiment which i deem as the most priority. But no matter what, i still do my job well and as usual. Tml's the meeting of Xero4 cum Natural Objection..let's look forward...meanwhile, let me rest and have a good nice sleep
Oh ya Maplers, if u wanna get maple cash card, please do let me know..i've got 'lobang'...haa!!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
After that, i rushed home to get changed before proceeding to meet Anne and the kids. This time we are going to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire. Certainly not a Harry Potter fan, i manage to get fascinated by this great series of Harry Potter ever since it 1st came out on screen. This time, although the story plot wasn't that fantastic, the whole concept and the way the story was acted was nice. Especially the part where the dragons get to appear on the screen. It was simply cool. Scenes and scences of exciting moments gave me suspense and eagerness to find out what's going to happen, unfortunately, it was spoiled by XinYi..Keep asking me question regarding it, making me abit irritated and moodless...haa..but luckily, the nice scenes kept me moving. The show actually lasted for 2 and a half hour. Didn't realise it..well, time true can this be..For thos Harry Potter Fans, better catch this show and i'm sure u'll like it..or rather LOVE it!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Sickly Me
Had the most work done this sesmester and i am proud of myself. But i am considered one of the last few students as my classmates are all already up ahead. Yes, i intend to stop slacking and start to work on my project. While consulting the lecturer regarding my project today, my flu started coming. It's very irritating with those liquid flowing down endlessly, making me frustrated and moodless to do my project after the consultation. Using my handkerchief even til it became wet, Eww...i know it's disgusting..haa! I tried to hold on all the way until 5pm, which is my dismissal time, and great i am, able to hang on til that late. Class started at 9am. Argh, this sesmester timetable sux big time,almost everyday follows office hours. When i reach home, i was in rather foul mood, because of my stupid nose. It's making me look like a clown because of the constant rubbing of the nose. I was dead beat and totally exhausted. Hunger further make me feel the torture and finally when dinner was served, i started regain my lost energy. After eat, i went to sleep because i'm really very restless. Woke up and all ready to charge for my project.
Although my nose is still not ok yet, i went on with my project as i mention earlier, i have to work on my project. Just popped one flu tablet and i guess i'm not in a drowsy state cos i'm starting to see blur image on this screen.haa..that's all for now..byee!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
NS Medical Checkup
Upon reaching, i have to pass this heavily guarded entrance gate before finally reaching CMPB main building. So on i went and started registering myself. 1st station was eye test, as usual, that will be my fastest test because i had perfect eyesight (Hehe). Next, i proceed on to hearing aid test, got a pass for that too before proceeding for the urine and blood test. Urine test sucks cos u have to actually fill up that small bottle with your urine..YUCKS! After that, it's blood test, that darn medical officer sqeeze my finger so hard that i actually feel the pain when i see blood oozing out from the spot he hit with a needle. Ouch!! Then i enter to the next station - Chest X-ray. From what i know, one cannot take more than one x-ray within 6 months. I just had one chest x-ray taken last month yet i have to take again just because i didn't have any dumb documents to prove. I was wondering will there be any damage to my body? Pray it won't...After that i went to a room to have my height and weight taken. After all that, i strip myself down to shorts and went to this room to do what they call EGC. Well, i don't what's that but what they do is put a few things on your chest, i guess it has something to do with your heartbeat.
All that, went to this room where they started to ask me about my asthma and then strip me naked totally and asked me to cough. Don't know what are they testing on with this. X.X..Finally, it's down to the last section which is also the longest section - IQ test. This stupid test takes more than one hour and i am rotting as the question are mostly dumb. Some even test what i learnt in Secondary school but i have long forgotten what h learnt in school. Wonder if i can pass that section or not..HAHA! As i have a asthma history and is currently under medication, i am being catogorised as PES D. I am required to do another test, something to do with my lungs i suppose before i am eventually being given a another PES status. I hope to be given PES C. At least i will be able to experience army life yet slack all the way..
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Bad Day
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
It's A New Beginning!
Recently, i received 2 more presents. One from my sis (XingYun) and another from my buddy(Donovan). Coincidentally, both presents are wallets. That makes me abit stucked. I have to give up my old wallet which is Billabong-branded. But i don't mind as both wallets are just as nice and even more 'useable' than my previous one. But which one to use? I intend to switch between wallets occasionally. One bring to school while the other bring when i'm out hanging around.
Oh ya, Man Utd Won..Finally, this win came not easy. Overcoming lotsa nonsense ever since the past two defeats, Man Utd yet again show their pro-ness. This time to a damn cocky club - Chelsea. And surprisingly, it ended their unbeaten run of winning games, like what Man Utd did to Arsenal last season too. Cmon, Man Utd is not a team to ignored.
Reaching to this age is certainly now easy. Knowing lotsa people, learning lotsa thing and experiencing things that i have never experience before. I must say my 20 years is lived worthwhile.
For Sister,
Past few weeks/months, i have been neglecting my Sister. She's not my real sister but someone whom i regarded as one. Known her for a number of years, we maintained a good relationship and never fail to keep in touch with each other. We shared quite a number of woes/happiness etc together and from there, grown to know each other better. She's simply a sister that i never regretted knowing. Due to work and studies, i have neglected not long ago. Although she didn't say anything, i still felt bad cos certain time when she needed someone, i was not there. No matter what, she's still my sis and will always remain that way. If u are reading this. hope u can forgive me. Dui Bu Qi! It's been a long time since we last went out already, shall give u a big treat..please do let me know when u are free wor, hopefully before u leave for HongKong. Take care and Siblings Always!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Slacking week.!
Wednesday is supposed to be a schooling day. Yet i didn't go school again. This time it's not because i'm lazy but because it's my grandfather death anniversary. In the end, i didn't wake up and help out but i did pay respects to my grandfather. Although i'm not that close to my grandfather, but i still feel somehow close to him. It's really saddening to see someone just left this world like that. When my grandfather pass away a year ago, i felt that sudden fear. Suddenly, i'm scared. Cos once a person is gone, he's gone forever. He will only remains in your heart. That all really makes me treasure certain people more.
Went out with my fellow buddies later that night. Supposed to go clubbing but didn't because Jonathan and Mun Hoe doesn't wana go. Somehow i felt that i disappoint Gavian. Well, i will make it up to him next time. I myself also wanted to go because i miss those clubbing day with them whereby we really had hell lot of fun. So that day, we went to watch movie instead. Two movie in a row really makes my back ache. The 1st movie was Domino. A very very sucky movie. This is the 1st time i felt so uncomfortable and slept during a movie. That could show how lousy this movie can be. That's why i say, sometimes, trailers don't show the whole movie. ARGH! But luckily, the 2nd movie was alot alot better and nice. I would give it a rating of 10/10. It's simply a superb movie. It's called Tom-Yum-Goong. Here how the movie goes roughly.
It's about a Thai who had his two beloved elephants stolen by a group of people who stole endangered and rare animals to serve as a dish in Australia. So the thai with the only clue of where one of the bad guy is, went to Australia to find back his beloved elephants. He met with lotsa difficulties but with the aid of a few people, he managed to find his way eventually to the place where the elephants where brought to. !st he found the smaller elephant which is the child. After that, when they eventually reach the highest level, all he could find is skeletons of the big elephants. The bad guys had killed the big elephant which is the father i supposed and use it as a statue with this ugly piece of gold cloth overing it. Filled with anger, he fought to revenge for his beloved elephant and evetually killed the mastermind.
This movie really moved people. I can actually feel how the actor feel. It's how strong the movie is and i really would love to watch it again. I highly recommend it to everybody. After the movie, we went for a nice supper and headed home to watch soccer match. Man Utd lost once again. They don't seem to be like before. Now they play like some division 3 teams and they really sucks!! Jon, Gavian and Mun Hoe gave me a birthday present. Didn't expect it to be a watch but i really like it very much. Thanks buddies! Below is the pictures of the watch. Quite cool. Now that all of them have booked in already, i shall look forward to Saturday and hang out with them. Wooo....

Saturday, October 29, 2005
My Birthday!!
This year birthday was kinda boring. On my birthday itself, i stayed at home, lazing around. Just don't feel like going anywhere and doing anywhere. Maybe it's because of the exhaustion i had from too much playing on cruise the day before. The moment the clock struck 12am, i received a few birthday greetings. All from people whom i know cared for me. This year, my fellow friend weren't there to celebrate for me, for all of them were in army. But i know once they are out, fun will be around. My very 1st present was from Mildred. Gave my something very meaningful (Secret) and it was thoughtful of her to do something very special for me. Well, i couldn't have thought of that, i guess she learnt it from her sisters too. Haha..thanks anyway. 2nd present came from Diane, XueLing and Berlinda. Thanks 3 pretties! They have me 1st half of the present, saying the 2nd half would be given some other day. Well, maybe that's suprising enough.
Yesterday, i'm out with Gerald, Denise, XinYi, Sarah, Diane and Anne. We went to watch Transporter 2. A terrific movie with lotsa actions. It was very very nice. How cool was the man as he go all out to save a boy, a girl, even the world. After that we went to Seoul Garden to have the buffet. And guess what, we wait for near 2 hours just to get our turn , by the time we went in, we were like hungry pigs searching for food. Then, food was like gold bars. I took lotsa food, and started eating even before the food was cooked. Cos all we have left is around 45 mins. That's the fastest buffet i have ever eaten. Oh ya people, the chocolate cake was very very nice and thanks. After that, we went to watch the 2nd movie - The Legend of Zorro..It was another fantastic movie. Filled with fun and actions. A fulfilling day ended and i enjoyed myself very much. Thanks for everything, everyone.....i shall wait for another day of fun when all my buddies book out..
Cruise with Family
In Penang, my family joined the Nature tour, whereby we visited the spice garden, butterfly farm and also did some shopping. Over there at the spice garden, i only see plnats and lotsa mosquitoes. Luckily, i sprayed some mosquitoes repellent on my body already, if not, i'll need to eat lotsa pig liver to replanish my precious blood. In the butterfly farm, it was the most fun..Over there, i saw the biggest spider and bettle. There are thousand species of butterflies too. And there butterflies were like flying all around. They can land on your hand, hair, shirt etc...but on the floor, u can see lotsa dead butterflies. It's kinda gross cos u have to be careful of them too. Oh ya, i also saw big big big scorpions. They glows in the dark..which makes them especially cool and nice.
Once again i hopped onto Superstar Virgo yet again on 23rd Oct..Everything seems to be so familiar as i'm at the exact same cruise boat about a week ago. This time cruise was slightly boring, because i have tried everything when i was there a week ago. Nevertheless, i spend my time best and well. Doing things i didn't get to do previously and also enjoy the plunge pool which is forever so refreshing. This time, i brought my brother along we really enjoyed ourselves very very much. Luckily this time, there's tour to Penang and Phuket, which makes the whole 4D3N trip not so boring.
In Penang, my family joined the Nature tour, whereby we visited the spice garden, butterfly farm and also did some shopping. Over there at the spice garden, i only see plnats and lotsa mosquitoes. Luckily, i sprayed some mosquitoes repellent on my body already, if not, i'll need to eat lotsa pig liver to replanish my precious blood. In the butterfly farm, it was the most fun..Over there, i saw the biggest spider and bettle. There are thousand species of butterflies too. And there butterflies were like flying all around. They can land on your hand, hair, shirt etc...but on the floor, u can see lotsa dead butterflies. It's kinda gross cos u have to be careful of them too. Oh ya, i also saw big big big scorpions. They glows in the dark..which makes them especially cool and nice.
In Phuket, we went for the shopping tour. Not really that fantastic as it's just normal shopping. I did some shopping myself. Bought Manchester United T-shirt, a shirt and several stuff. I also bought a guitar model. Argh, cool cool cool..everything was not really cheap..just a little bit cheaper than singapore that's all.. That very night, we had Gala dinner. My whole family dressed ourselves up and went for the dinner. Everything was like so nice and everybody dressed up. As in we were in some kind of grand party in a big ballroom. Finally, the night ended and we were on our way back to Singapore.
This time Bingo wasn't that successful but did played some jackpot and win. Hehe..The next time i board a cruise board, it will be Gemini already...Can't wait...
Me and My brother
Friday, October 21, 2005
Set off for cruise centre on 14th October. Went there to meet the people 1st then off we go. Wait wasn't long, luckily and we started off the day with a nice, peaceful dinner. Over there, i tried alot of things i have never tried before when i was in the same cruise boat - Superstar Virgo. Don and I tried the Japanese plunge pool. There's this two pool whereby one is super cold and the other one is super hot. Inside the cold pool, i can't even stay inside more than 20 seconds because it was like super cold and after that i immediately plunge myself into the hot pool. Repeatedly ran between these two pool. It is said to improve blood circulation and i works wonder. Both me and Don felt so refreshed after that. Another thing i tried that was fun is the Bingo. Whereby one has to struck off all 15 numbers within 45 calls, if not, the one who manage to struck off all 15 numbers 1st wins. During my last day of cruise, i finally won! Woohoo, though it's just a hundred and over bucks, it did brought lotsa fun. I even won a medal for some compeition - NOT TOPLESS DANCING! Just some compeition in search for 'hercules'. HAHA! The children - XinYi and JieRong brought much fun and their company is certainly enjoyable and make my day. Jackpot in casino wasn't that fun because both me and Don was like losing money like free. So that sucks. The 'Char Kway Tiao' there was simply superb. It was very very delicious that make my craves for it even til now. When i went back on 16 October, i was simply exhausted due to the lack of sleep and the overpowering of the air-conditioner there. The next day is my KL trip already, and i thought i was going to fall sick. Below is the photo of Me and Don when we were on the cruise ship. At this nice lobby.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Recently, i'm into another state of lost and troubled mind again. I lost someone who's once dear, well, not so dear but someone whom i really mind and dotes on alot. I am starting to see a gap/barrier in between us. I don't know why yet again but i make some predictable guess and assumptions. I began to take things more slightly positively as advices from the past few lessons gained made me a stronger and wiser man. Seriously, i wouldn't have take things so easily if not for my important friends. Jonathan and Gavian really really give me a great piece of advice. Well, Don's has been asking to take things easy and relax..haha..i am...TRYING! Although i really feel abit regretful of why things has come to such state but i guess it's no point dwelling. No point bringing myself down. I guess those who know me well enough would know what happen to me..Pain is still being inflicted but i guess it will heal. All i need is time..
Thanks for the early present from Denise too. She's a student whom i knew from ACES. She gave me a little Pooh Bear, a charm and a birthday card. I appreciate that and thanks alot for the present.
I have been letting myself down by not practising my guitar. Argh, the passion is there but i just don't have the mood. I don't know well. Recently, i've rented alot of Vcds and has been watching at home. Luckily all the shows i watched so far are superb. I get to watch some World-Cup qualifier actions yesterday morning too. Yay!! Switzerland has the chance of going to the World Cup next year!! Way to Go! GOGOGO!!
Well, now this paragraph is dedicated to Jonathan and Gavian. I won't be in Singapore til late next week. Hopefully, this time when the both of you book out, u guys can get to hang out or spend time with people whom u didn't get the chance to spend with for the past few days/weeks/months. All the best and hope you guys will enjoy yourselves and i'll miss the both of u!! I'll get something for the both of you from wherever i am and hope to see you guys soon. I don't wanna be lonely on my birthday! Haha
I'll be away from Singapore just for those of you who don't know..Away from all these troubles that i'm having right now. I'll come back with a better mind, free of troubles and hopefully, just a better me!
Monday, October 10, 2005
So i set off for town in the evening. We went to Long John Silver to have our dinner..It always nice to eat that kind of fastfood. Haha..Then we proceed to watch the movie called 'Goal'. A very nice movie i would say. Not only because it has something to do with my favourite sports soccer, but it also has a very meaningful plot which leaves me to ponder. Parts of the show moved me and forcing me to drop my tears which i didn't.
This show is about a buy, who has this interest in soccer since young, and he has never thought of being a professional footballer until one day a scout went to approach him. Fighting against odds, he went to England for a try-out at Newcastle United with the aid of his grandma even though his dad refused. And after fighting against all odds, he managed to make it to the 1st-team squad. The price he has to pay is that he didn't manage to see his dad who has already forgave him.
This movie is very meaningful. I greatly recommend it to everybody. It tells people how to fight against all odds, with determination and don't give dreams up easily. From this, somehow i'm abit inspired. But such things has to be accompanied by luck. Without luck, even with 101% of determination, u won't get anywhere. My dream, which some of you know, is something i still hold in my mind but can't fulfill. Maybe i can...2 years down the road, maybe i'll be on my way to fulfil my dream...Sad thing is, given the situation i'm in, it makes it very difficult..let's hope for the better..Live with what i have now i guess...
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Sit Down..Relax...Listen to the song..(Welcome To My Life)
Friday, October 07, 2005
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Misunderstandings are best left to be handled or solved by involved parties and best not to involve unnecessary people, doing so might cause the situation to be further worsened. You'll never know when bloodsuckers / backstabbers is behind you backstabbing you but appear to be doing the otherwise instead. Personally, i had regretted not handling two such misunderstandings well. One happen because of miscommunication. I guess that different people have different views, therefore causing some arguments which leads to misunderstandings between the two parties. But luckily, i think that this misunderstands can be solved as in does not involve other parties. The 2nd one is one that i regretted the most of not handling it well. Now the situation can't be salvaged as i involved the wrong people in. It's a pity to how things can come to such state. There's always people rubbing salt to your wound / adding fuel to fire. Either they are out to go against you, backstab you or they are just plain jealous of what you have. I have come to a stage where i have accepted what's left for me. Good friends can be trusted to handle some misunderstandings for me. I have some really good friends who are always there to help me with whatever misunderstandings i have if i ever need. That's why i never had any serious misunderstandings with my good friends, even if there is, it'll be solved within hours or even minutes cos we won't let such misunderstanding ruin our relationship. It's not even worth it at all..It will be a pity just because we misunderstood each other. That few years of moments together can't be ruined just because a short moment of misunderstanding. I lost one person whom i matters alot, maybe because the time os our relationship then still can't withstand that misunderstanding. It's a pity and i regretted...Seriously...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
PSLE 1st Papers in 6 Hours Time!!
Here, i truly wish all the students best of luck and all the best! GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK!! May you do well in this major examinations. During these critical period, i am most willing to help any of you who needs help and please do contact me if u do need any. Last but not least, 'Jia You' and i'll pray for yuo in silence and support you morally.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Friends Part II
In ACES - a coaching group which i worked with, i made alot of friends. To them, i might be just an ordinary coach, if better a friend or if even better, like a brother to them. I simply love this job or rather a passion. I shoudn't called this a job because it is something i don't considered it as a job. It's fun doing all these. Each time before event, i will have to prepare for lotsa things, i don't mind for i never fail to see smiles on the kids faces on every event day. Inside the room, i'm a coach to them, they are students to me but outside, we are friends. They are very nice to the extent of me even treating some like my own siblings. Some of them are very nice kids, well brought up and i keep contact with some of the kids often. Seeing the kids like that, i'll always think that it's my fate to meet such good kids and to me, they are the funniest kids ever because they all reminds me of my childhood. Sometimes, some kids would come up to me and tell me things which i never expected. It's always fun to be with them for they never fail to bring joy to me. Though i won't get to see them at all already, but i'll always remember them and hopefully they will still remember me the way i do..I sincerly wish them all the best for their upcoming PSLE!
(Jerome, Shaoqi, Samantha, Zong Ye, Zong Xi, Jolyn, Deanna, Dana, Jeanette, Yina, Sarah, Denise, Xue Hng, Xin Yi, Yun Ru, Mavis, Yukie, Rie, Sophie, and alot more..pardon if i forgot your name) --> They never fail to bring joy and laughter to my life..
This Paragraph is for Xue Ling, Berlinda and Diane. They deserve this paragraph for what they have done and for they are considered my friends too. Knowing them allows me to learn something from them too. They are very sociable and though i don't know them well enough yet, i can see that they are friends who is able to fight through thick and thin with me. Give me somemore time, and we'll develop our friendship further for i don't want good friends like you all to be gone.
People say Friends come and go..i agree with it but it also depends on how we maintain it. Quarrels and arguments with friends i would say it's common for no one is prefect. In this world, my best friends would be my Mother, Father and Brother. They are my best friends who watched my grow. They taught me moral values, brought me up. My brother is my best friend who accompanied me in times of needs and help. Both of us played together and although we quarrelled often, we are still blood brothers afterall. I can say that i never regret having this 'friend' at all.
Not everyone is perfect, but i believe that to survive and maintain friendship, one has to accomodate and compromise. This way, friendship will last longer if not forever. In my life, i have always look upon people who is willing to change for the better and i never had any friends who backstab me so seriously until recently. He betrayed my and not only that, he put on a fake front after so much. Now i feel as if that i'm being put in the wrong because of his sorry state but what i can say is that he brought it all upon himself. Most people feels that if a person is willing to change, he can be forgiven. Yes, to me i agree...but in this special case, i won't!! Because for all the pain he bring to me, the sufferings he caused upon me...he made me lose two dear 'friends' and i can't bring myself to talk to him, let alone forgive him. But i'm not going to fall and if he's going to cause more troubles upon me, i only had two words for him - FORGET IT!
In my life, friends play a important role and i appreciate them for what they have done for me - putting up with me, be there when i needed them and growing up with me...i'll never forget them..and thanks for everything all my friends!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Ashraf, Rashid, Farhan and Edwin (My 1st Group of True friends)
As i came to poly, this chapter of life really sucks. Poly life ain't what i expected to be. I didn't really make much friends there, only 3 or 4 for the others are just backstabbers and bunch of people who don't really care who the hell is around them. Luckily, Farhan is still with me when i'm in Poly. Knew a few nice friends in my whole 2 and a half year poly friends, We get along quite orite but on and off, there will be a few misunderstanding. However, i must say they are good for they are always willing to help me out whenever i need it. Gladfully thanks and they always tolerate my bad temper and rubbish behaviour. We too, fool around and allow ourselves to go crazy for the sake of this wonder MUSIC - ROCK MUSIC!
Muz, Ahmad, Matthew, Farhan, Cheryl ( Another Bunch of Nice Friends)
In between my Secondary Life and my poly life, i knew this group of friend whom i have been with for quite alot of years, we do keep in touch all the way until recent years, we became very close. They are Don, Jon and Gav. Donovan is the 1st person i met in Secondary. My 1st friend in Secondary School. My 1st impression of him is that he's a very sociable person. We aren't really that close when we were in Secondary one becos we only met during our CCA. I got into the same class when we were in Secondary two and sitting with him is fun yet irritating at times. But it's always me cos i always disturb him. Ended up in bruises in my hand cos of his stupid hand. But i do miss those moments though. Then as times flies, we started to keep contact lesser and lesser until one day, we intend to meet up for every horrow movie and since then, we became very close. Next is Jonathan, i know him through Donovan. He has the same character as Don i would say. I didn't really know him in my Secondary school life too until when i started to meet Donovan few years back. Gavian is the person that i had most misunderstanding and arguments with. I knew him back in Secondary one. We were alright all the way until Secondary Two where we quarelled. All the way until a while after i started hanging out with Jon and Don, then i become close with him. All 3 of them entered me into another chapter of life - one that's full of colours. They are simply great and i just loved hanging out with them. We always watch movie together, go clubbing, whack ball. We too had common interest, ROCK MUSIC. Well, i and Don had successfully influence Gavian into Rock Music and now trying on Jon, we are on our way to success. We had our own band now and for everything we had done in recent months or years, i really feel that our bond is stronger than before. I do feel the sadness when Gavian and Jonathan is serving NS. I felt uncomfortable. It's like someone leaving our life..Don's going to serve NS too, guess my weekdays are going to be lonely..They are certainly a group of people who never fails to bring colours to my life and be there for me whenever i'm down..
Gavian, Jonathan and Donovan ( They Rocks just as i DO)
Recently, i've been hanging out with some new friends i know too. Those whom i knew from the Xero4 gang. Mun Hoe is one of them and all i can say about him is that he's cool. He got that look that always make me find him friendly and sociable. Sadly, he's another one who's going army..Haiz..hopefully he can be back from Korea and meet up with us..
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Recently, rubbish and nonsense has polluted my mind, leaving me lotsa troubles. Unable to concentrate on my work well, i end up doing my work not so well, afraid of not being able to live up tp expectations, i had this load of burden. I don't wish Saturday to come so soon, for i'm afraid of something - i don't know why. It seems as if work is never ending. I want this 'final' PSLE event of the year to pass by perfectly, but i not happy with the way i did it..Everything is almost done, somehow i feel it's not. Why...don't know either..I guess i'm going to the event with two feelings this saturday. Fear and Eager! Well, hopefully, this saturday will be a happy event. I'm expecting that.
I missed my's has been lying in no-man's place for a long time..Hopefulyl i ca get it back soon..I need to ease my troubled heart with disturbing music..Rock music always saves my day..
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Don's Birthday!!
Friday was a long-awaited day that me and Don has been waiting for. Finally, the two 'Botaks' are back! We din really have quality time together. Luckily, i managed to chat with Jon for a while while others are asleep. He really gave good advice, and a very good listener. After talking to him, i felt alot better. So sad, he's has to book in in around 1 hour sad..this kind of feeling is bad. I just can't bear to leave him. For we have been friends for alot of years..Weekdays are lonely..haiz...
Yesterday, we went to celebrate Don's birthday. I met up with Tired Jon early to get the presents for Donovan. Search all around Far East to buy his presents. After that, we went to hunt for some children's day gifts. I spent a whopping near 100 bucks yesterday. Omg...haiz..i guess it's worth it. Bought my very 1st ORIGINAL Man Utd Jersey tml.Cool huh..haha! But yesterday Man Utd lost the match..sad sad..disappointing one..
Today i woke up very late, cos i turn in very late yesterday..Whole day maple..Take like donkey years just to reach another level..haiz!! I need strong maplers!! Help anyone?? Today will be a boring day...hmmm....
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Jon is coming back tml, i can't wait to pour all my woes to him. He's one that has a really 'big' listening ears and dear! i Miss him. I'm hooked on Maple and thanks to Shaoqi, and i really mean thanks. Now my holiday won't be so boring. Don and Mun Hoe's leaving..It's kinda pity and i'll feel lonely again. Weekdays is will always be lonely and i'll always wait for weekend impatiently in the future. Hopefully, i will feel alot better tml after i talk to Don. These few days, some kids really make my day..Xin Yi, Dana, Jie Rong, Deanna, Yunru..omg..too much to list..And of cos ShaoQi, needless to say..haha..Please teach me how to play Maple, Shaoqi! Well, after your PSLE of cos..Meanwhile, all the kids, please study hard!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
New Blogskin...
Yesterday, bought a power multi-effects machine to boost my, i am totally into music and when i say music it means ROCK MUSIC..what can sounds more powerful than rock music..It never fail to relax my souls, motivate me and bring me into the world of virtuality. Don and me can be considered constantly improving on our guitar skills, looking at MVs always allow us to get more motivated than ever to improve ourselves, with the help of the new 'booster', Natural Objection is set to rock em' all...
Yesterday i had great fun playing Maple with Shaoqi..actually i would say it's with her and her other two's sooo fun. So somehow or another, i'm kinda hooked onto it good news or bad news? omg..who cares, i'm having my holidays now. Shaoqi, please do let me know if u are playing, i wanna faster become ice mage! (Hope she's reading this)..Today has a presentation and it turned out to be far and much much better than expected. I was one of the high-graders..haa, well, yes, i am shocked! Cos i handed in incomplete work and did last minute work too..but i must say, my presentation this time was the best..After presentation, i went to buy some stuff and also bought something for Dana..luckily she liked it..Then i went back home wanting to play my beloved guitar but was kinda busy with my blog...all the way until not long while ago, i am playing maple!! HAHA...going to play til 3am now...bye bye
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Yesterday i watch to catch a was the only time since don't know how many donkey years i get to relax myself..Tons and tons of projects, submission has exhaust me off my energy. Went to watch a movie at Suntec called "Cave". It's a very nice show i would say. Suppose to meet two more "BIG SHOTS", but in the end, both of them put aeroplane on me and Mun Hoe..Feeling abit frustrated!! Well...can't be helped. Had the best time of my life with Mun Hoe..He's so fun and nice..Mun Hoe is really a friend not to be missed..well, now that i am praising him too much..let's hope he don't float..are u floating now? Haha..
Bought a printer today..Yay!! Finally can print all my favourite guitar tabs..oh ya, we have a new me soon people..Byee!
Please appear my in rainbow..please..
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
And all those apologies coming from two mouths came fast but unexpected that day i broke down once again..but til today, i realise that only one is sincere...even the gift given to me..i appreciate it as there's this thoughts but if it's bought just for the sake of buying, i rather u save those money..i have been reflecting on myself this few days, i seriously don't went wrong, i found the wrong person to find the answer for me and i did get back part of what i thought was lost..As this blogs is being typed, tears are starting to come out...i really miss those good days, i wouldn't have put them in my heart if i really don't care for them..and right now, only one of them know my intentions and i'm hurt and disappointed.
Why tell me that nothing negative is going on when in your heart, you just had this feeling against or on me..i'm really really upset..why does it happen to me...what did i do wrong...
I really still wanna be your favourite coach..and no matter what,both of u is still my favourite always...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Today we went to take neoprint..the moment i stepped into the arcade, both of them jump in joy and what i saw is numerous toys and sweet lying on the game machine..haa..these two girls are spending money like water and i chipped in abut too..After that, we went to take neoprint..had lotsa fun before, during and after event..Tml might be taking summore pictures..this time maybe with Diane..Look forward to tml..!! Will post the pictures of my gifts and the neoprints soon..check back soon..
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Today was the 1st day of the September event..Alot of new faces..saw Sophie which just so happen coincidentally happen to be born the same day with me..hehe..however, she was all the way talking to her schoolmates..haa..among the students are XinYi, Zong Ye, Jerome and Xue Hng..The latter 3 certainly made my day..We formed this funny movement, playing a prank on Jonathan, in the end, all ended quite funny because of actions carried out by Jonathan..After the event, it was down to dinner..Dinner was sastifying but towards to end, wasn't really feeling very comfortable..Jonathan received his mobile phone that we bought for him..hehe..hopefully he like it..Seriously, i must say i am going to miss you and all those pranks i played on you which started recently, even before you know it, were meant to be pranks! Haha...don't cry Jonathan, cos i have no tissues for u!
Shaoqi change the date of staying in Parksuites..omg..that also cause come confusion in Samantha and frustration i heard from Anne...however, i am so looking forward to that very day...hmmm....i just can't wait..they are really really fun kids to be with and i seriously treat them like my sisters..Don will also be joining..CAN"T WAIT!!
Friday, September 02, 2005
But there's a good asthma is healing and hopefully i can be back to the old me whereby i can run and exercise which i seriously need to and drink all the super cold drinks and eating the best and delicious desserts in Singapore...hmm..Yummy..speaking about food...Recently these two days, my lady boss has been bringing me to this Chomp Chomp market in Serangoon..omg..each visit was a SASTIFYING and a fulfilling one..hopefully i can gain a few KGs out of it..haa!!
This week event is coming and i just can't wait...i can't wait to see my Favourite Students.!!!
Monday, August 29, 2005
After that, went to Sim Lim Square to but my very 1st Digital Camera!! Firstly, i went to this sucker shop, i wanted to buy the Digital camera, but the shop owner was like " What are you looking for?" then i replied" just looking around" then he said, " if leave if you don't wanna buy, i'm very busy"..I was like, what the hell, so i 'greeted' him off with a glare! Then i went to this shop, the salesman was very friendly and so is the boss, i saw this very nice Camera and so i bought it..I'll show you some of the masterpiece i took using the Camera i bought.. So we rushed back to Gavian house and started cooking. We took around an hours plus to cook finish all the food..Below are our masterpiece..hehex
After eating a sastifying meal, we started to rock the house with our 'weapons'...played quite a few song and we really really enjoyed ourselves..We play for hours and the next day, we continued..Below are the 'Future Rock Stars'..Please support us!!
At night, we went to visit some places for some stuff..It was very cool...enjoyed myself alot, been to places i have never been to actually..and some places which i have been to bring me back to those nice moments i used to have..eventually, i reached home at around 4am and turn in at 6am!! This is's been so long since we last enjoy ourselves and reach home so late..
Today or rather yesterday which is Sunday, i and Don went to Deanna house. This is my first time there and it was cool. I get to play badminton, soccer and some TEDIOUS cycling with Deanna and Don..I find Deanna quite cute but quiet..haa..maybe she's shy..basically, i enjoyed myself very much and i find her whole family very cool and friendly..OH ya, her sister is pretty too..hehe..let's look forward to the upcoming event..woohoo