These few days really has been very slacking..playing maple, going online surfing around and also playing my PS2 game - Need For Speed Most Wanted. It's really a very nice game, need for speed never fails to disappoint gamers with their series of games. These few days i slept very very late, around the region of 4am. Just when i was about to sleep, i can always hear sounds from the void deck, looking down, i could see worker (foreign worker) sweeping...I feel for them, being kilometre away from their hometown, yet have to wake up everyday so early, even though it's public holiday, they still have to sweep the floor, keeping our neighbourhood clean..
Recently i read >XiaXue's and XueLing's blog, i really feel disappointed on how foreign workers are being seen by us, Singaporeans. XiaXue seems to be condemming all whereas XueLing is only against the bad and evil ones.
I admit there are foreign workers who cheated in Singapore, commiting crimes after crimes and going scot-free. But these are just miniority. Majority are still workers who stays commited to their job and only do what they are supposed to do. Me, having worked in a construction site before (for my poly attachment), i am sure i know more of these foreign workers than any other people who hasn't work with them before. My 2 months with them make me understand the kind of life they are in, how much they had to endure and give out before getting what is so little yet meant so much to them. I worked, getting 450 bucks per month and unexpectedly, they are getting the same pay as i am. For me, wearing the white helmet and them wearing the yellow one, yet getting the same pay. I feel very sorry for them. My job is just to learn about the construction process, walking around the site like a king, whereas they are the ones doing the job. I must say in the site, i learnt that the Chinese from China are much more rowdy then the Blanga. Many has this impression, very very bad impression against Blanga. Do you think if they were to dressed up like you, given the same education like you, they would not be as successful as you? Their character is the same as nice, if not nicer than some or most of us. One thing is for sure, they are alot more hardworking than quite a few of us Singaporeans.
For your info which confirm will shock you to read this sentence again, they are not supposed to spend more then 2 bucks a day. Cmon 2 bucks!!!!! Hey, just a look at XiaXue's hair, my slippers or anyone meal outside, it all cost more than 2 bucks, maybe even 5-20 bucks. They can't even spend more then 2 bucks a day!!! That's how they live, spending less than 2 bucks a day on three meals and if you do see the kind of quarters they live in, i'm sure u will feel sorry for them. Be glad that we even have a bed for they are sleeping on a mat, soaked with soil if it rains. A t-shirt can be wore for months without washing, can u imagine?
Well, i didn't say that will give them the excuse to commit crimes or do unrowdy stuff. Those who commit molest or even rape, i must say these foreign workers are just plain stupid. Not thinking of the consequences, they messed with the innocent girls, their future will be ruined if they do so. I just find these foreign workers very stupid. Stupid enough to travel to this country and instead of earning more money (they earn more money if they work overtime), or even resting, finding friends to talk with, they do silly things that might get them sent back to their own country. How dumb could this be.
I generally feel that most foreign workers deserve our respects and we should not treat them as second-class human beings. It's just the moniority of them that's under the catogary BAD, just like Singaporeans too. You'll never know whos' the bad one as they don't write the word 'bad' on their forehead. They still need respects from us. It's not easy to work in a country so far away from your house, not even to mention , getting stares and stupid comments from locals. Let's just hope these kind of situation will improve in Singapore..
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