Wednesday is supposed to be a schooling day. Yet i didn't go school again. This time it's not because i'm lazy but because it's my grandfather death anniversary. In the end, i didn't wake up and help out but i did pay respects to my grandfather. Although i'm not that close to my grandfather, but i still feel somehow close to him. It's really saddening to see someone just left this world like that. When my grandfather pass away a year ago, i felt that sudden fear. Suddenly, i'm scared. Cos once a person is gone, he's gone forever. He will only remains in your heart. That all really makes me treasure certain people more.
Went out with my fellow buddies later that night. Supposed to go clubbing but didn't because Jonathan and Mun Hoe doesn't wana go. Somehow i felt that i disappoint Gavian. Well, i will make it up to him next time. I myself also wanted to go because i miss those clubbing day with them whereby we really had hell lot of fun. So that day, we went to watch movie instead. Two movie in a row really makes my back ache. The 1st movie was Domino. A very very sucky movie. This is the 1st time i felt so uncomfortable and slept during a movie. That could show how lousy this movie can be. That's why i say, sometimes, trailers don't show the whole movie. ARGH! But luckily, the 2nd movie was alot alot better and nice. I would give it a rating of 10/10. It's simply a superb movie. It's called Tom-Yum-Goong. Here how the movie goes roughly.
It's about a Thai who had his two beloved elephants stolen by a group of people who stole endangered and rare animals to serve as a dish in Australia. So the thai with the only clue of where one of the bad guy is, went to Australia to find back his beloved elephants. He met with lotsa difficulties but with the aid of a few people, he managed to find his way eventually to the place where the elephants where brought to. !st he found the smaller elephant which is the child. After that, when they eventually reach the highest level, all he could find is skeletons of the big elephants. The bad guys had killed the big elephant which is the father i supposed and use it as a statue with this ugly piece of gold cloth overing it. Filled with anger, he fought to revenge for his beloved elephant and evetually killed the mastermind.
This movie really moved people. I can actually feel how the actor feel. It's how strong the movie is and i really would love to watch it again. I highly recommend it to everybody. After the movie, we went for a nice supper and headed home to watch soccer match. Man Utd lost once again. They don't seem to be like before. Now they play like some division 3 teams and they really sucks!! Jon, Gavian and Mun Hoe gave me a birthday present. Didn't expect it to be a watch but i really like it very much. Thanks buddies! Below is the pictures of the watch. Quite cool. Now that all of them have booked in already, i shall look forward to Saturday and hang out with them. Wooo....

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