Time flies....it's the 1st PSLE papers tml..It's English..I guess all or rather most of the kids must be quite tensed up for their 1st major examination of their life. Hopefully they would give it their best shot tml. If anyone of you taking PSLE later on gets to read this, please read on. No matter what, just give it your best and final shot. If you do your best, you didn't let yourself down for you have already given what you know and learn over the past few years. And trust me, your hard work especially these few days will pay off.
Here, i truly wish all the students best of luck and all the best! GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK!! May you do well in this major examinations. During these critical period, i am most willing to help any of you who needs help and please do contact me if u do need any. Last but not least, 'Jia You' and i'll pray for yuo in silence and support you morally.
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