Got this article from Sunday Times. Find it rather meaningful as unknowingly, many couples like me fall into this 'crime' at times. Hope by sharing this, I can not only remind myself as well as my fellow readers.
Everyone has his or her type of love language that will trigger and satisfy the most deep-seated emotional needs - a love language that makes you feel loved in the most direct way.
Affirmative Words
You show her that you are proud of her when he or she gets promoted at work. When he goes on a new exercise regime to shed a few extra pounds, you shower him with daily encouragement through the phone, sms and email.
Love needs to be expressed. If your date needs affirmative words to feel loved, be generous with your compliments and encouragement. Affirm your relationship and love for each other frequently.
Even for the most reticent, getting started with encouraging words is simple. You can surprise your loved one or show your appreciation with a handwritten card, email or sms.
If your loved one needs you telling him or her "I love you", say it often and mean it with all your heart. To affirm your love, you have to be sincere - go beyond sweet talk and your date can tell the difference.
Example would be a case where the guy, Danny, in his 30s, was not so vocal with expressing his love, while his date Lynn in her 20s, wondered why Danny did not profess his love for her. Lynn, whose love language is Affirmative Words, needed her date to provide assurance as their relationship progressed. They were both simply not speaking the same language of love and had different ideas on what they thought the other needed. After they were aware of their own and each other's preferences, their relationship improved.
Quality Time
Quality time does not mean you and your partner need to stick together all day.
Example would be Jacob and Emma only have weekends together due to hectic working hours, but each time they meet, they have so much fun experimenting with a new recipe in her kitchen. It doesn't bother them if the meal turns out to be a 'disaster'. They simply love how much fun they are getting, laughing over the experiment and doing something new each time they are together.
Another example would be Carl and Kathy, quality time is that precious hour at the end of the day when she calls him for a bedtime chat. They are too busy with work to meet up, but hearing each other's voice and knowing the other is someone they could always turn to, makes them feel loved.
If your date needs to have quality time to feel loved, think of new experiences and new places to explore together. Five you undivided attention to each other; be there for her when she needs you and let her know she can always count on you.
An expert says "A relationship is about providing what other person wants and not providing what you think they need, so once the couple understands that, they are able to get past their differences and come to a compromise to match each other's expectations.
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