Why is it so different? This time round, guard duty totally sucks. The people you are doing with really matters. There's this guy, never mind the fact that he's doing his duty for the first time. He talked in an atmosphere where no one felt like talking. and he can go ask questions. Well, i gave her 'ya' , 'huh, 'ok' replies just to ensure there's no next question. Yesterday, the bedsheet and pillow case were extremely dirty. How i wish i could really bring my own pillow and bed there. Imagine sleeping on a pillowcase with dirty shoeprints on them and lotsa dust and dirt on the bedsheet. Oh man, where's the SAF's "Care for Soldiers"? Gosh...i can't imagine any longer. I had a hard time sleeping yesterday. Took me 3 hours before i actually set my mind in and dozed off and before i knew it, it's already 5am and i have to woke up and still got 'questioned' further by that newbie. Enough of him.
Another guy's much better. Well, maybe because for the fact that i knew him. He brought a very cool stuff - a Tamiya remote control car. It was totally cool. But for the fact that he spent around 400 bucks on it, i must say it's quite an expensive hobby. But imagining yourself assembling the part together, spray the pain onto it, sticking on the stickers before letting it run on the ground, all felt as though it's an achievement. I had this temptation to get one but well, it's still a temptation afterall. Maybe i shall get someone to get it with me,. It's always more fun to play with friends rather than alone. Interested to know more? Visit this website, they'll tell you everything. http://www.stargek.com/

The Tamiya Remote Control Car
They even had models like subraru, ferrari and BMW. simply cool...If that's my birthday present, that would be great...Wahaha!!!! (Get the Hint?)
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