Well, saw this health report somewhere on a newspaper and i thought i should have shared it. Here you go.
According to the ancient art of face reading, your state of health is prominently displayed on your face. Concepts of face reading can be used to look at one's health. The basic principle is that each organ is allocated a certain region on the face, so puffiness or redness in one are can indicate that the organ is not functioning at its best. One important sign of ill health is how you feel, regardless of how your face looks.
Mouth & Chin
The lips and mouth area reflect the health of the stomach and digestive organs. If the skin there is sallow and pale, it means the digestive system if not working well. If there is a greenish tinge, the liver is the cause of the trouble. Deep creases along the nose to the corners of the mouth indicate bowel weakness. A protuding lower lip is associated with a sluggish colon.
Cracked lips and ulcers in the mouth could be a sign of infection and poor healing. People with irritable bowel syndrome and lupius are also prone to mouth ulcers. The chin is meant to represent the lower abdominal organs, including reproductive organs, so puffiness and blemishes there can indicate energy stagnation and dysfunctions in the abdominal area.
Forehead & Eyebrows
The eyebrows are symbol of a person's vitality, so the bushier the eyebrows, the healthier the person. This refers to the natural shape of the eyebrows, not those that have been plucked and shaped. Natural thinning at the ends of the eyebrows is associated with a declining thyroid function.
Deep horizontal creases in the forehead can mean that your digestion is poor, while an oily and blemished forehead may mean you're eating too much of fatty foods and diary products. Vertical creases between the brows are a sign of poor gall bladder and liver function.
If the area under the eyes is puffy and dark, it may indicate that the kidneys are overworked, and this can be due to overwork and lack of sleep. A diet in coffee and rich foods can also cause this darkness.
From a western medical approach, the eyes are the place where you check for signs of jaundice (look for a yellowing of the whites) and anaemina (look for a paleness of the conjunctiva, the inside of the eyelid).
Nose and Cheeks
Redness and broken capillaries around the nose indicates a weakened heart. If you have red, puffy or pimply cheeks, it is thought to be due to eating toomuch of diary and fruit products. Such a diet is believed to produce mucus and lung congestion.
Some practioners believe that if your cheeks suddenly become red and dry, you are suscepticle to catching a cold or coming down with a lung infection
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