A very unfortunate incident. Well, i was shocked upon knowing this news. It did came unexpectedly. I mean, it's common that some participants will over-exert themselves and some incidents happened. Sad thing is that he's only 25 years old. Sad...
My very first marathon. Quite a good experience. It's the first time i'm running such a long distance - 12km. I never thought it to be so long. Wel, i did walked on several occasions but i tried pushing myself. Jogging very slowly is better than walking. Throughout the whole run, i was jogging at a slow but constant speed. I failed to meet my targetted time of 1 hour 20 mins. I was nearly 10 mins late.
After the run, i really felt as if i'm dying. I just felt uncomfortable. I thought eating some food would helps. Well, it did help a little but it's the leg's turn to do the torturing. I can literally feel the pain on my thighs. By evening time, the pain extended to the knee. Thanks to the massaging of
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