Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Let's take a look at Black Widows. They definitely live up to their name. They are famous for being widows because they never believe in letting their partner/s live after getting 'screwed' in another words. Black widows indulge in mate cannibalism. They kill off their mate after mating. Simply because female black widow only need to mate once in their entire life, and they simply do not need their mate after mating, therefore, killing him. Guess what happens after killing their mate, she eats him up. Easy prey indeed. Widow indulgence.
Mosquitoes. Just when you are busy smacking every mosquitoes that's eyeing on that drop of blood beneath your delicate skin, do you know the one biting you are mainly females, or if not, purely females. They survive on blood other than nectar actually. Simply because they need the blood where proteins and energy can be found so that they can live longer enough to hatch their eggs.
Cockroaches! Girl's most hated pest! It is said that only female roaches fly. I can't imagine the thought of it even now. Imagine a damn bloody cockroach flying past you, you'll probably be scared out of your wits, simply because they don't fly in a singular direction. They just ANYHOW fly, which makes everything worse because you have no idea where they'll land, making it impossible to kill them, at times, or rather, most of the times. One of my most hated female of all time. EeeEeE!!!
Female tiger. One of a popular analogy on how we human often refer a very fierce woman as a tigress. Female tiger or rather tigress are the main hunter in a family. She hunt in view of protecting her territory. Also to prevent just about any male who tries to enter the family. She will not hestitate to injure or hurt the male tiger should he force his way through.
It is said that in a bee hive or an ant kingdom, is all ruled by female, famously known as queen. Queen bee ruled the bee hive and they are the ones with real sting that could possibly sent you running towards the hospital. The male bees are usually the 'hardworking' bees processing the 'operations' inside the bee hive. The males hardly go out of the hive to explore the world. As for the Queen ant, she usually mates with different males and each time she mates, she leave her current position to find a new nest. At this new nests, she can give birth to thousands at one go. They are a specialist at giving birth. She will have 'workers' under her to assist her in her giving birth process, which includes nursing it, allowing her to form a kingdom under her very care. Sometimes, a queen ant can be so crafty that they would intrude into other species of ants and kill another queen ant to be the real queen ant of that very nest. That's how they expand as well.
However, having said the above mentioned. I'm glad to have loved and still loving two of the best females in my entire life right now, and I would strongly believe, they're far from what my subject suggest. =)
Monday, February 21, 2011
V Day Celebration
Poor girl was made to thought she'll never get to receive anything (although she wasn't expecting anything at all), I made a surprise appearance at her house with a self-bundled of roses with a special cake she loves.
It was a simple affair this year, or at least we tried to make it just a simple affair this year. We did not specifically celebrate it, probably just spending some dates out to 'commemorate' this day. Had a wild night @ Zouk on our favourite Mambo. The night did not hit its peak all the way until near wee hours, certainly didn't even started well after we somehow witnessed a unbearable accident just across the road (we're still praying that guy's alright).
Call me old man, as I barely can sustain for long enough. Just like that, I feel I'm exhausted. Perhaps, clubbing is no longer my kind of stuff. And yet, it makes me wonder, where did I get my energy in the past.
Bought her a webcam, so that she can see my unglam self at home. It dawned on me that we could just be spending time looking for practical gifts as times passed us by...
Our dates continues the next morning where we visited Wild Honey for some anticipated yummy experience, but as it turns out, too costly and guess what's worse, THEIR SERVICE AND FOOD SUCKS! Period. I shan't go further into that.
Were supposed to continue our wonderful dates that very Saturday. Turned out I fell damn sick with fever hitting near 39 Degree Celsius. Poor girl's heart were shattered. Her long awaited Hi-Tea @ Goodwood Park Hotel has to be cancelled. So, she spent her precious time for that two days (almost), spending time to change the cold towels, ensuring I'm kept cool before the fever can even hit me real hard. Thankfully I survived the ordeal and by the next day, I'm out with her. Her springing of her present where she went miles just to ensure she wasn't empty handed was totally unexpected. Nice choice of shirts I would say.
Luckily, I would say the outing that day managed to save some hopes as she enjoyed her dinner and my final surprise for her - Gold Class experience. Indeed, it wasn't cheap, but I felt it's worth every penny spent. That satisfied smile on her face spells it all. From the start to the end, we felt special. And I really do mean special. It was definitely exclusive. Seats like business class seats, menu where you can only find @ Manhattan Fish Market, service that warms your heart and of course, the experience to ensure you enjoyed your movie, totally. That's how we concluded our so called celebration of V Day.

For you girl, all I want to say is that, I'm glad having you as my valentine and Te Amo.
PS: Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman was indeed damn hot!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Essential Ingredients to Healthy Relationship
How many of us have allowed ourselves to be caught up in the whirlwind of a romance, only to be disappointed when the “honeymoon” period is over and reality sets in? Often, our partner is blamed for not putting in the effort to make the relationship work. In every relationship, be it intimate relations, friendship or kinship, it always takes a minimal of two people to work at it. A fact that everyone is aware of but rarely practices.
How then can we maintain strong, healthy and self-fulfilling relationships with a partner, parent or friend?
Communication – “Two monologues do not make a dialogue ~ Jeff Daly”
Deep, frequent, heart-to-heart conversations are essential in maintaining any relationship. Relationships fail when individuals hold the belief that: if he/she loves me, he/she should know what to do or what to say. I don’t have to tell him/her what I’m feeling or thinking.
We have to keep in mind that we are meant to interact, and are not mind readers. If you have difficulty communicating deep issues face-to-face, start off by sharing about your day and build up the confidence gradually by sharing issues closer to your heart. The person on the receiving end of your sharing will usually be appreciative of your trust and honesty.
Make time for each other
Set specific times during the week to do something both of you (or in a group setting) enjoy doing. Make it a point to celebrate special occasions and if finances permit, why not spend a weekend away from the stressors in life? Recognise that it is equally important to make time for your family.
Recalling the good times
Remember why you fell in love the first place. There are always wonderful memories etched in our brains. Reminisce on the fun times you had together with your friends and children. Tapping on such memories will also allow you to be more appreciative of one another.
Do something nice for your loved one
Know your partner’s, friends’ and family’s love language and do something they can appreciate. Love languages are expressed by – buying gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, and quality time. Understand how your partner showers you with affection and allow your partner to understand how you shower him/her with affection.
Appreciate the present
It’s too late for regrets when a love one passes on. There’s no point in grieving when the person has passed on or has decided to be out of your life. Learn to appreciate the present. Life is too short to dwell on the insignificant.
Celebrate and Enjoy
Celebrate the relationships you have made and maintained over the years. Enjoy the fruit of each journey you walked with that individual. Thank the person for being your partner, friend or family. Be grateful that they are still by you this day.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Start of the Rabbit Year
Since years ago, it has been a common practise that my relatives gather at my aunt/my house (same block by the way) on the first day of Chinese New Year. And that's about the only time I met most of everyone. Other than that, my Chinese New Year will be rather quiet. Perhaps, as we grow older, such celebrations became mundane and boring, and perhaps that's also the reason why Chinese New Year public holidays were cut down to two days from three days.
The Lunar New Year atmosphere wasn't felt right until the very last moment. Our(the girl and I) visit to Chinatown was unfortunately quite boring, other than the fact it was squeezy with lots of people.
Everything got started on the eve of Chinese New Year eve. Mildred got back in time for our MR traditional reunion dinner. TOO BAD, silly ZhiQin was injured with four stitches which cause the rest of the MR members to swallow 1 red Garoupa, 1 butter crab, 1 crab bee hoon, 1 YuSheng and 1 KaiLan (with fly). We make sure we feel fat with a dessert treat @ Ice Cube where everyone can't stop laughing at Smell's Legendary Smell DIY Ice Cream. Finally, the working ones (Me and the girl) did something rare by staying out till late with a movie to sum up our MR outing.
By the time the next day arrives, it was definitely filled with the atmosphere. I can smell mandarin oranges, red packets, YuSheng etc.. Received mandarin oranges after mandarin oranges before I hit home for my own reunion dinner. Steamboat was the 'highlight' this year. As usual, we always had two rounds (excluding my weird brother). Rain was there to pour, stopping my dad's mood to visit River Hong Bao. Too bad. By then, I almost felt numb, knowing the fact that the next two days is going to be boring. Thankfully, I packed myself with Prison Break and Sudden Attack (A Cash bought, first time for Sudden Attack).
Lunar New Year arrives its first day. I woke up and Bai Nian with my parents without fail, a tradition I'm doing since young, thanks to their cultivation of this practise, which I am glad they did. Aunt came to visit with her family this year for lunch and kickstarted everything. I was bore by boredom the whole day until evening before my cousin, Ah Bear made the first ever Chinese New Year dinner for everyone, but, it's Vegetarian. That alone is enough to turn me off, but thankfully, it doesn't taste that bad. Everyone started pouring in before our annual cousin gathering starts. Lesser attendance than last year with a lousy this year. Talk about an even more proper planning in future. Ah Bear is tasked to take on the burden next year, finally I get to rest.
Second day was just as bad. I practically laze and throw the whole day away before joining the girl and her cousin for Butter Factory, which turns out to be a rather lousy experience because of the lousy music, BUT, somehow, the girls and guys there appeared to be more decent, appearance wise. (Seems like there's no good night outing this Chinese New Year).
My Chinese New Year starts on day 3, where the girl is here to Bai Nian. My sweet parents whipped up a meal for her. Had a sumptousy yummy meal before I had a wild time dancing to the 'the roof is on fire' song that keep her laughing out loud throughout. That aside, it was a crazy long queue @ Singapore Pools. I queue for whole half an hour only to place some bets wrongly, which make me pissed even until now, if not, I could have been richer, much richer.
Blackjack with my friends saw some luck. Perhaps it's home ground advantage =p
Most importantly, our BBQ session went smoothly as the looming of the cloudy weather were just passerby. I swore I feel damn fat and unhealthy after that BBQ session and guess what, I'm the biggest winner in Mahjong after luck. Seems like lady luck is shining of me this rabbit year.
Day 4. My visit to the girl house where happily, her mum decides to whip up some dishes instead of having steamboat. Her mum was known for her delectable cooking where I feel lucky to have tasted and eaten the cooking. Totally satisfying. Concluded my Chinese New Year visits at my colleague, Uncle Bruce house. He stayed in a 7-room HDB Flat (3 room + 4 room) which is awesomely huge. Had some gathering before it's Mahjong again. Can't deny I'm kind of hooked to it, and yet again, lady luck shone on me and my wallet turned slightly fatter!
And now, it's back to reality, where I'll be busy, nothing but busy for I can only expect roadshows after roadshows, bookings after bookings...May I hit top sales once again. HUAT AH!
On a side note, Happy 13th monthsary to you girl! Thanks for the 13 wonderful months you've given me. <3 id="gwProxy" type="hidden">
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Soccer Isn't What It Is Anymore
However, in my opinion, this beautiful game isn't that beautiful anymore. Long gone were the days where players play for the passion. Never mind the football in Singapore (i don't fancy watching them play even for a single time, except during the Fandi Ahmad and Steven Lim times). It's English Premier League that all eyes are set. Said to be the best and most watched league in the world, players who managed to play at the top flight has great prospects.
Today, we see money in nearly every faces of the players. Eh wait, not only the players, but also the manages, coaches, directors and even agents. Money has indeed ugly-fied this beautiful game.
For example, Qatar to host World Cup in 2022. How ridiculous can that be. Imagine playing at a middle east country under 50 degree celcius heat. Yes, you may install cooling facilities in the stadium, but how about during training? How about for the fans outside the stadiums? Seriously, it's all about money. Even comments after the result of the hosting of 2022 World Cup smells nasty. Corruption, dirty, ugly faces all were mentioned.
We see how footballers like Ronaldo, Ronaldino etc were neglected even though they won World Best Footballers years ago. Fame means nothing in this so called beautiful game today. Fortune does. Fortune rules. We see how Chelsea managed to get trohpies after being taken over by Billionaire. After spending and banking hefty sum of players, they started to perform. Many called this 'buying trophies'. Indeed, it's true to some extent. Doesn't that mean those club who's poor was be made to relegate?
We see wonderful legends and players like Ryan Giggs still making appearance for Manchester United. He once divulge, it's an ugly world in soccer because everything is playing soccer for money. Whoever pays you more, you move over. No one can nowadays hold themselves like Ryan Giggs. That in turn gave rise to whom we call traitors of the club. No one can forget how Rooney was boo-ed the first time he play against his old club, Everton. No one will forget how Owen was jeered when he scored against Liverpool. Now let's look at Torress, at dying minutes of the January transfer market, he turned from Red to Blue. Immeditately the news was released, Kops supporters burnt his jersey and termed him a traitor, for all a whopping 50 million, making him a record paid player in English football.
One word, disgrace. Beautiful game has indeed been tarnished. No wonder my passion of the English game is fading.....
$20 an Hour
The father do the math mentally and answered his son, '$20 per hour'. Without hestitation, the son asked to borrow $10 from his father. The moment the question was asked, the father went fuming mad and scolded him, 'What time is it already and you still don't want to sleep, yet you still ask to borrow $10 from me?' He continued scolding and the son just kept quiet through and quietly went to bed thereafter.
Moments later, the father felt bad for being so harsh to his son. He visited his son at his bedroom and asked his son if he's asleep. The son answered, 'Hi Dad, i'm not asleep yet.' Seeing that, the father hands him $10 to his son and apologise for being harsh. Immediately, his son took a container from under the pillow and opened it up. Inside revealed tons of coin and immediately, the father scolds the son again. He scolded his son, 'You already have so much money, yet you still want to borrow money from me.'
Tearfully, the son puts the $10 note into the container and pass it to his dad. He said, "Dad, it's $20 inside this container. Can I have 1 hour of your time?'
The above situation are so common in today's society. Fathers working hard outside, neglecting family time and life. Sometimes, parents work so hard to achieve the tangibles in life - cars, bigger house etc, all for the thought of comfort for the family, but in fact, deep inside the vulnerable and innocent heart of the children, I'm pretty sure it's the bonding time that they prefer to have.
For this, I tell myself, if I ever have my very own children next time, I'm going to be a good father, I want to be a good father that grows up with them.