Poor girl was made to thought she'll never get to receive anything (although she wasn't expecting anything at all), I made a surprise appearance at her house with a self-bundled of roses with a special cake she loves.
It was a simple affair this year, or at least we tried to make it just a simple affair this year. We did not specifically celebrate it, probably just spending some dates out to 'commemorate' this day. Had a wild night @ Zouk on our favourite Mambo. The night did not hit its peak all the way until near wee hours, certainly didn't even started well after we somehow witnessed a unbearable accident just across the road (we're still praying that guy's alright).
Call me old man, as I barely can sustain for long enough. Just like that, I feel I'm exhausted. Perhaps, clubbing is no longer my kind of stuff. And yet, it makes me wonder, where did I get my energy in the past.
Bought her a webcam, so that she can see my unglam self at home. It dawned on me that we could just be spending time looking for practical gifts as times passed us by...
Our dates continues the next morning where we visited Wild Honey for some anticipated yummy experience, but as it turns out, too costly and guess what's worse, THEIR SERVICE AND FOOD SUCKS! Period. I shan't go further into that.
Were supposed to continue our wonderful dates that very Saturday. Turned out I fell damn sick with fever hitting near 39 Degree Celsius. Poor girl's heart were shattered. Her long awaited Hi-Tea @ Goodwood Park Hotel has to be cancelled. So, she spent her precious time for that two days (almost), spending time to change the cold towels, ensuring I'm kept cool before the fever can even hit me real hard. Thankfully I survived the ordeal and by the next day, I'm out with her. Her springing of her present where she went miles just to ensure she wasn't empty handed was totally unexpected. Nice choice of shirts I would say.
Luckily, I would say the outing that day managed to save some hopes as she enjoyed her dinner and my final surprise for her - Gold Class experience. Indeed, it wasn't cheap, but I felt it's worth every penny spent. That satisfied smile on her face spells it all. From the start to the end, we felt special. And I really do mean special. It was definitely exclusive. Seats like business class seats, menu where you can only find @ Manhattan Fish Market, service that warms your heart and of course, the experience to ensure you enjoyed your movie, totally. That's how we concluded our so called celebration of V Day.

For you girl, all I want to say is that, I'm glad having you as my valentine and Te Amo.
PS: Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman was indeed damn hot!
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