Sunday, February 21, 2010
Start of a busy period ahead...
Definitely a tough period ahead but i'll just hang on...and wait till 10 days later, where i'll be able to enjoy what i've been enjoying for the past few days...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The End Is Near....
It's no peace at work soon. Unlike past few weeks, war is going to start. I'm going to be hella busy with briefing, meetings, phone calls, emails blah blah....the list goes on. I foresee lots of overtime, lots of frustration and of course, i foresee myself being so shagged that the moment i'm back home, all i want is bed. Every year is the same old routine. I'm just hoping everything can run smoothly, be it pre-NATAS, post-NATAS or during NATAS. I'm just afraid it eats so much into my time and life that i had to forgo meals, neglect her (i'm so sorry), skipped school, miss project meetings. No point dwelling, i'll just pray for the best, once it's over, i'll just be counting down to the '1 millions things to do'...
Chinese New Year came just like that, and in a blink of an eye, it's already the fourth day of CNY. I am not done with my gambling yet! The Ang Baos i'm collecting are getting lesser and lesser, and year after year, it's getting more and more boring. Now, it's my no.1 most hated public holiday.
That aside, another milestone reached. To me, it's a proud success and i'm glad it went well. It's that sort of assurance i called it that pushes me to do what i've been doing...for that, i'm contented....and that is where it will all continues...
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wishing everyone a very Happy Lunar New Year. Eat more, play more, win more (gamble more of course), collect more hong bao and HUAT AH!!!!

Coincidentally, it's Valentine's Day and hereby wishing those in love a very Happy Valentine's Day and cherish all the loving moments and wishing those singles to find your loved one soon.
Friday, February 12, 2010 not take things for granted
The opposite of remembering is forgetting. I honestly feel that sometimes, we remember the unnecessary and neglect the important ones. Very often, we, myself included, are prone to forget the most basic blessings of what we have until they are jeopardized. For example, we tend to forget it’s a great blessing that we are healthy is until we are ill or injured, or we probably forget how fortunate we are to have a complete family, to have someone you love, loving you, to have friends that we only realize until we are on the verge of losing them. If we keep reminding ourselves constantly, will things be better? And what’s worse, there are even people who hates reminders because to them, it’s an insult, which makes everything else so much more difficult.
I was made painfully to be aware of the need to remember the blessing of what I already have and time and time again, I’m glad I went through that pain and experienced the lesson learnt. Reminder was not just a reminder purely to me but something I can cherish. I don’t want to move on in future and say words like ‘what if’ or ‘if only’.
The whole idea and importance is simply to cherish all of the good things that we normally take for granted. If one can walk without pain, be grateful. And even when I mentioned simply, seriously, how simple is it, because in this word simple, I see a lot of difficulties…
Monday, February 08, 2010
V Day Celebration

Sunday, February 07, 2010
February - Start Of a Busy Month Ahead

Muse concert kickstart this month with a total bang. Not to mention probably, Saosin and Rise Against did contribute to this 'whole cool rockin' experience. The interval wait between the bands was definitely worth it, especially after Rise Against. The moment Muse came out, everyone stood up promptly, as though welcoming something huge. Indeed, the entrance of the band was inspiring in some sense, in addition to the visuals, simply awesome.
First song, 'Uprising' already got the crowd gone mad, me and Don included. Following a few more classic and favourite songs like 'Stockholm Syndrome', 'Plug In Baby', 'Resistance', 'Hysteria' and eventually ended with my all time favourite song from them - 'Knights of Cydonia'. As i'm blogging, oh, i'm already missing them. I'll definitely catch them again if they were to hold a concert. I can never forget the way Bellamy played his guitar, plus his multi talented skill, as displayed when he performed 'Sunburn' that very night. The visuals - the lighting, graphics and laser wow-ed me. I've seen it all in youtube before this concert and finally, in front of my very own eyes, i've seen it all. And like what she said, we're glad i enjoyed and i really do. My first concert - a huge bang! =)
Chinese New Year gathering began way before the actual celebration. First was with my group of friends - Dear, Don, Gav, Jon, Layhuan, Med, Vicky, JJ. Steamboat back to where we once gathered and eat before - Zhen Huat Steamboat in Novena.
Second was with my UOB Travel colleagues. Lots of changing of places before the uncle finally decided on Swissotel Merchant Court, Ellenborough Market Café. Wasn't fantastic, price was slightly on the high side, therefore, of course i must eat my fill. Sashimi and crayfish seems to be only best food and nothing else there interests me much and by the time i wanted to hit the dessert bar, i'm almost gone-case.
By Friday, i realised i'm really getting fat. The amount of food i'm consuming a day, is enough to feed two normal human being. When i hit Superstar Virgo again, i started to reminisce. The good old times i used to have on board this cruise with different groups of people. I feel like going back again here. I have this thing for cruise somehow, even though many said it's boring. That aside, the 8-course dinner was fantastic. Too bad my tummy could no longer hold anymore, if not, i'll definitely whipped up everything. The abalone, Buddha jump over the wall, the yusheng, all so yummy.
Speaking of food, i was planning the itinerary with the girl again today and i realise, i seriously can't wait to hit Taiwan, for their food. Yums...meanwhile, i shall look forward eagerly to Chinese New Year, where there will once again, be good food to savour.
Bon Appetit!
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Grudges..time to let it go...
Bearing grudges waste time and energy it seems. Let’s be honest, I used to bear so much grudges, specifically with someone. That is simply exhausting. Firstly, it doesn't improve the situation and often, we end up feeling wound up something that has already happen and seriously, no amount of dwelling can make it 'unhappened'
I understand that an initial response when it all happens and you just tend to vent it all out, jolly well knowing bottling things up isn't good for anyone - but there comes a point either you have to deal with it or let go. If one don’t, then every time we happen to run into the person who we consider the cause of our grudge will just continue to release negative energy.
I have plenty of reasons to bear a grudge towards certain people who’ve been part of my life, but now that I’ve learnt the deeper meaning of it, probably sometimes, it's being forgiving or even forgetting that makes it a better deal.
There are lessons to be learned from everybody i meet. It isn’t always easy to see the lessons at times, but once we are able to take a step back and view it from a distance, and really start to look, it's all just there to be found and experience is what one grow upon.
Who knows, maybe that person you’re bearing a grudge towards has actually taught you an important life lesson. I know i did and i'm totally glad that instead of bearing a grudge, i've moved on with life, and thankfully, in a much more positive manner.
Monday, February 01, 2010
End Of January At Last! *Updated*
Surprise welcomed me early morning on Saturday. Now i have plenty of junk but super yummy food to fill my always hungry tummy thanks to the girl. In the past, it was funshine. Now it's the many many yummy stuff nicely packed into a box, now that's really sweet. Cool stuff.
On a hot day, with clear blue skies, what's even better than picnic!! Our intention to hit the nice beaches (ok, not that nice afterall) at the soon-to-be-populated Sentosa was fulfilled. The sun, the clear skies, the beach water, the sand, the picnic set, the food we prepared - perfect setting. Another one down on our 1 million things to do list.
Ok, i just got to crap about the entrance fee for car which cost a whopping 7 bucks. To make everything else worse, the parking is another 7 bucks for the first hour. Imagine driving to Sentosa in future, you better had at least 50 bucks inside your cashcard, if not, you might as well not drive at all.
We popped by those hotels in Resorts World. Fantastic indeed. The architecture, unique on its own. The interior, grand as it can really be. Everything else feel likea luxury but it is a very much on the same concept as our neighbour - Genting. The casino caused so much hype but it seems like a 'oh, just another casino' to me, moreover, the 'lose $100 before you lose more' gantry look so unwelcoming to any dumbheads who wants to go through that very gantry. Stupid as it can be i thought, so too.
Hit Dempsey for the first and possibly last time on that white Honda Fit. I'm glad i did anyway. Her first time as well to Ben and Jerry Dempsey, and so, we munched on the 'so heaty' brownie plus two heavily sinful scoop of chocolate ice cream, continuing our streaks on unhealthy diet of recent days. Crap, time i seriously wear my jogging shoes, hit the road and ooze some sweat.
Been mugging at RP yet again, and feels so welcoming back into its arms. The environment, doesn't even make you feel it's like a school, yet it provide a condusive place for studying. Perhaps it's the recollection of my mind (Nov-Dec mugging last year) that i feel it's extra comforting to study over here. I seriously don't mind the travelling and company and i suppose it is that, that makes all the difference.
Finally, they met. It's not a huge thing, yet it feels like it's another milestone reached. It's like what Layhuan said about welcoming into the big family and it really makes everything so blessful, making what's already right even more right than ever before. I just hope that this continues on to the day i presume it's one of the biggest milestone yet. First impression seriously matters and i would want to put on my best to pave the path for future. Steamboat was nice but unfortunately, with the abscence of 'yu sheng', if not, it would have seriously been a perfect reunion dinner. Dudes are all gettng on the lower notes time by time and i feel we are seriously all hitting the age crisis. We all now see more of future than how we used to only see the present. Everyone starts to think of the future, reflect on the past and laugh and talk about it now.
Finally, one more down in the one million to do list. Not sure about her being a successful convert but at the very least, when i know Liverpool's not playing, she's on my side, being the serious Red Devils. Apart from the bloody rude guy who almost spoilt the night, everything else was great. Man Utd seriously deserve to win, with both predictions wrong, we still had our time of the night as the match start at the struck of 12, which perfectly end the January test with both of us, happy with our present.
And before Feburary continues on, i shall move towards the next milestone with a wonderful quote:
'it's very simple to be happy, but it's very difficult to be simple'
let's just work around it, stick on to that little faith plus positiveness and it will all be just fine.
Something to be really happy about. Taiwan trip is on the agenda. Tickets has been booked and confirmed. So for now, it's the planning of itinerary, sourcing for good/cheap hotels and not forgetting the munching on bread and porridge so as to splurge more in Taipei.
Imagine the shopping, the food, the Taiwan babes (Oops, i sense danger), the company and all the fun that comes along with it. It's so near, yet so far. Simply can't wait....