Has been sick since Thursday. I really hate sore throat. The feeling of swallowing be it food, water or even your saliva is a torture. Simply can't help but keep feeling and be reminded of the uncomfort and pain. My bout of sickness always starts with sore throat. The next to follow would be the flu and it bounds to make me feel as though i'm in hell. Somehow, the flu medicine would make me drowsy the whole day, no matter how many hours of sleep won't help..I must watch my diet these few days if i want to enjoy my feasting come next week when i'm another year older.
Have been making plans and realise not only i'll be feasting but i'll also be spending a bomb on just eating alone in the spans of 4 days next week. Still, it's a yearly affair, so why not. Sakae Sushi, Fish n Co, Kublai Khan and of course, not forgetting my secret recipe cakes...yummy!
I'm hooked on Hong Kong Dramas. I used to think more of Hong Kong movies rather than drama. Rather, i'm seldom a fan of drama because it's frustrating and tiring to catch episodes and episodes. But no longer do i have those mindset. Right now, it's fun catching episodes after episodes. It's as though i've something to look forward to. But seriously, if only i owned the whole series, i bet i'll watch the whole series within a day or two. Anyone has any Hong Kong drama to lend or recommend?

I'm in love with this biscuits. It's similar to the Hello Panda under the same company 'Meiji'. But right now, i'll prefer it over Hello Panda because it's really much nicer than Hello Panda. Much because of the hard and more crispy biscuits shell. The chocolate filling is more or less the same as Hello Panda's. I've one right in front of me right now, but i have to watch my diet if not, my sore throat might just worsen again. REn!!!!!
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