Enough said, everyone was ready and by late morning, we hit Siloso beach. Sunny atmosphere, bikinis babes and half bare bodies greeted us. We soon find ourselves a shady spot, leave our bags and there we go, soccer first! Don knows how desperate i am to play soccer once again..
We played against other people shortly and by the half hour mark, JJ was already down and out with his so called bad injury. Gosh, he really does nothing but sit there, claiming he needs to rest..
It was really shagged playing beach soccer because of uneven terrain but nevertheless, very very fun. Frisbee followed shortly, it was quite a difficult sport i would say but very interesting. I always envy those who can throw their frisbee to the intended target so nicely, i just couldn't get the knack of it.
Then came the destestable volleyball. Somehow for some reason, i hate this sport. It never fails to make me feel pain, and it's not just pain but very very painful, as though someone's hitting my arm's bone with a hammer.
Now let's mention the most wonder event of the day. I managed to get myself injured, after some attempts to do some nice dribbling moves with my soccer ball. I ended up with a sprain at my left ankle and it swells right away.
All lookings at babes...
The weather's good as well....

My swollen leg has already proved a barrier to my movement..
At last, Xero4 says goodbye to Sentosa!
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