Till now, with just 29 days left to ORD for myself, i asked myself, so is National Service harming or causing us trouble or is it doing us any good at all? It's the first in my very own opinion. Now i'll say why.
- One of my pal since Tekong all the way until the same camp, he got his leg injured with the possibility of being wheel-chair bound after a fall during guard duty.
- One of my best pal in army got his spine scanned during his last visit to specialist, just months before he ORD, only to find out that they missed out the fact that his spine is crooked, which might require surgery and by the time he get his dates for the surgery, he's out of service and no more medical cover.
- One of my friend went on to school after National Service only to realised that he has lost touch with the outside so much so that he need to start refreshing his stuff all over again.
- For me personally, other that those sayings on how army can change a boy to man, i think i haven't learnt much during my army days. Apart from some good friends i've made, nothing relevant i learnt in there is of much use to me.
Well, enough of those crap, back to the my friend's ORD. He, being a filthy rich guy whose family own a car distributing company and a large bungalow and 4 cars, invitied those NSFs over to his house for his ORD bbq party.

For now, i'm officially left with 29 days, with few days of OFFs and leave to clear, plus MC, i'm left with like 10 over working days....count down with me!!
Post Bangkok activity: Pulau Ubin Visit.
We were busy getting our friend to join us..texting here and there...
I think god heard our prayers and soon, weather turned fine. We also managed to get Edmund to join us, if not, his leave will be wasted totally.
When Edmund arrived, everybody started 'bullying' him. Not only he was late but also because there's simply nothing else for us to do...so he became the centre of attraction...
The moment we reached there, we rented our bikes...and off we went. The weather is not too hot, more of cloudy, most probably because of the earlier rainfall. But still, we had our worries that god might play a joke on us again...
Due to the earlier downpour, we have difficulties riding. The uneven and muddy terrain made our ride much worse..Not only our shirts were stained by those mud but our bag as well...gosh. I sure have to thank Edmund for bringing my his slippers, if not, my new white shoes would have turned brown. Phew...
By then, some of us were shagged..
We have some serious difficulty riding up this slope...brakes were useless here..
The System Office Guys...
We managed to reach this quarry. The gate wasn't able to stopped us from entering it. It's a new view over the quarry inside.
Enjoyable trip came to an end. Drizzling rain and muddy terrain are the only spoilers, other than that, everything is a perfect experience with the guys..We were totally shagged by then. Thankfully, we had our meal @ Changi Village - Nasi Lemak...Woot!
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