Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Where's the promise we hold? Never did we try. I'm not sure. When 'Fishball' told me his trip to Malaysia with his girlfriend, i was only full of envy, nothing else. From a point of time whereby he told me his relationship with his girlfriend..from how egoistic his girlfriend is to how much time he had with her only per week...all the way til the day he's back to Singapore from the short holiday with his girlfriend and his girlfriend's family. He has grown to think that he can last with his girlfriend. I used to hear 'i don't think we can last, i don't have feeling that we can last'..until today, he told me 'the feeling of us being able to last is here'. As much as how Da Nu Ren his girlfriend is, there's certain thing they are able to resolve. I'm so envious.

After that judgment day, i held heart to heart talks, all for the better. Accomodation and understanding is all we agreed on, along with some promises. Til today, none of us to able to fulfill it. Somehow, i'm feeling the opposite with 'Fishball'. Not that i feel we can't last, it's just that the feeling of being able to last is not there. Partly due to me..Sadly..

Loving you..but i can't give you my everything
Yet what i can give is not what you ask for..
Neither one of us want to admit defeat
Many times, i just want to hug you close..
Work sux today..It's bored. Plus that trip to medical centre. It's so confusing. You can make two parties happy. First, i got a letter which excuses me from over exposure to direct sunlight, which in turn is used to excuse myself from range. But it's not approved by my colleagues. Yet, my office warrant office buy my story and excused me. Today, i went to explain to the medical officer, yet, i didn't get a specific letter. Sian..I predict work will be sucky for the next week days or weeks to come. Guard duty tml..Boohoo
Interesting news: Our Singaporean very own singlish word 'kiasu' is officially a regconised english word. It made it to the Oxford English Dictionary, along with the word, 'wiki'. Congrats to another singlish word turned english word.
Monokuro Boo...(Dedicate it to my Dear)
'Boo' 'Love?' 'Enjoy?' 'Happy!'

A hidden message from the four words above. A message Monokuro Boo wanted to send across. It goes like this..
We live in a very complex world and have various stresses from everyday life, but we sometimes need to move away from the real world and think things simply. Therefore, Monokuro boo is here to heal you, who are tired of the real outside world.
Monokuro boo is a attractive couple, even though we don't know whether they have thick heads or they are sullen. They love each other so much!!

Monokuro Boo is based on the concept 'Simple and Convenient'. They are a symbol of happiness and love..


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