Music - No one today can resist the beauty of music. Be it any genre..Rock, pop, classical, jazz etc etc..I used to have a huge collection of songs. I can still remember how i once fall in love with pop all the way until i got influenced to the swanky tunes of techno and eventually to getting addicted by the power of rock music. After i got together with dear, the route of music path to my ears changed, not very big but just abit. I was made to love chinese pop, rock..basically just chinese songs. Til now, my 'rock' passion is fading. Due to the lack of guitar practice. Anyway, music rocks my ears, world and life. BUT!!! My collection music is gone mostly. After this damn laptop met up with an accident, most songs i loved or used to loved are gone, til now, still unable to sastify the hunger of my ears. I have to re-collect them again. It's going to take a long time before i make up the list..
Have been reading up the Mindef forum at work. I've been rather slack. I've this boss that doesn't really treat my as his personal assistant. He asked other colleague of mine things that he's supposed to ask me. Well, i don't really care anyway. Back to my topic on the forum, there's still forum on Relationships. Inside, you could see people posting about their relationship. Mainly trouble people met in their relationship. My curosity proved to be of good intention and i must say i realised quite a few things about myself. I'm definitely the best boyfriend that dear can have but i can be good. I won't be perfect, but i'll be good. I'm learning everyday.
All that forum-ing has inspired me. I've thought of things i never think before. I even had an idea of what to get from my Dear when our 1st year anniversary comes.
By the way, Dear was nice to accompany me to watch TMNT. It's a very nice movie. From childhood till now. Even though i've lost touch with the turtles for ages, but the movie just got my out of my seat. The feeling of being a child just came back. Nice movie with a few funny scenes but the turtles looks abit skinny..making them look abit weird..

Another good news. Finally, Don's able to go holiday with me! I'm was glad enough to be able to go on holiday with dear once again. Just when we thought we couldn't get anybody to go to the trip with us, Don called. He made it. When it was told that only 2 seats were left, i have this fear that he couldnt make it, but luckily, he did. Now i shall wait eagerly for my leave to approved and i'll just look forward to that trip.
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