You think you are the most unluckiest person on earth. You think you are the pitiest person that has ever exist. You think you have no future. All the above shouldn't exist at all. Wait til u hear what i'm about to say.
A colleague of mine, turning 20 this year, has served NS for about a year. Recently, his condition has worsened. He belong to PES E status due to his skin condition and his eye problem. He visits skin centre for some therapy almost 3-4times a week, each time taking almost half a day. But i supposed what's bothering him most is his eye. He's almost blind, yes, ALMOAST BLIND. His eye is very blurish and has cause him great convenience. He used to be better but it just got worsened after he enter army. He told me alot of thing. He asked, have you ever wondered what you would do if u go blind? He even said to me, he haven't been in love once and he said he won't have any chance cos he's going to turn blind soon. His blood pressure and eye pressure has make his eyesight almost disappearing due to his breakage of nerve near the eye.
He told me he can't see things that near him. His scope of vision is so narrow that u keeps banging into things. Once he said he even bang onto full height mirror and said sorry to his reflection because he couldn't see. My heart reached out to him when i heard what he said. He said he's having depression now and i feel very sorry for him. But i must say he's strong that he's still living life as usual, just with abit negative thoughts. He told me this, i don't want my last moments which i can see to be in army, i want to see more beautiful things. At that moment, i shut my mouth. I didn't know what to say..
To me, i would rather go deaf, i would rather go dumb but i would never want to turn blind, for that is the most scariest thing that can ever happen to me.
I've been feeling super lousy today. I feel totally depressed. Still suffering from the lapse yesterday. My mood wasn't ok until just now when i reached home after meeting Dear. Dear, u did make my mood better.hee..out of the sudden, i miss her so much. She managed to score well for her assignment and i'm glad for her. She's picking up well and hopefully, she can make it through and well for her exams.
My PEs status is expiring soon. I'm going for the review soon and hopefully, it will stay at C9L2, which means no IPPT for me. Guard duty this friday, the though of it just makes me feel sucky..Haiz..
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