Yesterday was chionging maple. Finally, i've found a new place where i can train well. It's always better to train in party. You gain exp fast, you get more items and more fun! Seeing Don's damage just make me feel so jealous. His damage reach as high as 5k plus as compared to mine which is around 2k on average. We made plans tomake our mapling more fun. We shall chiong together, raid maps together, bring out our guild, eliminate inactive members, earn mesos together. It's nice to have a mapling buddy. Well, don has been my gaming buddy since years ago. We started out on games like yahoo pool, pokemon, swat 4 and lotsa of other games. Cos it's never bored to play with him.

Presenting 'kendoboi'
Finally planned my business with Don. It's really time i get started. Shall elaborate more on my blog next time. I feel confident to bring this business up. Got support from my dear too.
Went to 'kuan yin'temple with Don today too. Prayed for a few people. Hope they stay healthy and happy, of cos that includes me..=)
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