i almost vommited umpteen times on and off during the shows. Even if you don't look at the screen, the screaming of that torturous sound is enough to make what's inside your stomach purge out..gosh...

Several parts of the movie shows us why it's R21.
*The intro part right at the start has already give us a rough idea of what this movie is going to be like - a man using a concrete block and literally smashing his feet with it and the feet basically just got distorted and eventually get torn away from his leg. Gosh...
*The below scene where this person body is being hooked all over his body using sharps hooks. To save himself, he had to put himself of these hooks so as to escape from a bomb which is about to explode.

*A naked woman bring hang a freezed to death. She had water splashed and shoots on her til she became frozen.
*A man had pigs grinded into juices and liquid with all the intestines and organs spilled on him with he himself being tired up.
*A man with his whole body attached onto certain mechanism. The mechanism is activated and gears started moving. Each parts of his body is being twisted and of cos, dies eventually.
*The most disgusting part - a female surgeon perfoming a surgery on the mastermind using wierd tools like drilling machine, razor...all that to cut off his skull. The whole process of how the scalp is peeled off, how the skull is being cut off using the razor and drilling of the skull is being shown. That is not all, they even showed us the brains moving..gosh...
At that point of time, i'm already feeling super uneasy up my chest..
Didn't meet up with Dear today. Hope she did enjoyed herself tonight with her friend. I wasn't really happy with regards to my work, but that didn't really matter. I haven't told Dear what happen yet. I don't wan her to worry, but it's so much painful to bottle it up. My friends know what is it like cos they've been through what i'm going through..i'm just so tired..
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