The Christmas fun kicked off 2 days ago considering it's already monday now. It's jamming session and some real steamboat party at Gavian's house. Jamming aren't really fruitful, we didn't jammed well. I'm beginning to hate my amplifier. It's really time i get rid of this pathetic amp and get a more powerful one. I feel so unmotivated by this pathetic amp. Steamboat is even more wonderful. We bought sooo many food that we even thought that is wasn't enough. JiaJing was even crazier to went queueing up with aunties and brought over 2 KG of prawns. We had a hard time preparing the steamboat. It's also the preparation that sux cos we had to prepare while our stomach is grumbling.
We hardly even finish half the prawns. Food was so much so that the table aren't enough to put our plates. Nevertheless, a sastifying meal. Afterwhich, my very 1st gift exchange this year!! Chose Gavian's present which is a cigarette container. Well, he bought it without the intention of getting anyone the idea to start smoking..or maybe i should (haa...i'll die)..Thanks Gavian! Thanks dude for kick-starting my Christmas and giving me such a great time. I really look forward to New Year's Eve!
Happy Birthday PaPA!! One year older...more white hair on your head. Hope my dad liked the presents Dear and i gave. Haaa..i'm sure he did. He was so happy when he received it...with all smiles..I'm glad..
Went to a christmas party with Dear on Sat night. 1st time seeing all her relatives from her mum side. Their welcome was warm, esp from her cousin. Somehow, the nerverous was killed off, or rather, there's isn't any the moment i reached there. Most of her uncles and aunties eyes were on me, wondering since when a guy popped out all of a sudden..Their curiousity turns to me interest as they continue looking at me. Haa...i feel soo wierd. Now that they known me...i feel so heart-warming. I enjoyed myself..1st time i chatted so long with ur sis too....
Finally met Melissa today. Haaa, Dear's so happy to see her. She's changed i would say. She look different. Somehow when i met her today, it's like meeting up with some long time friend. Haa..She and Dear has been the best colleagues i've ever worked with in UOB. I would never forget the jokes, craps and her actions that brought so much life and laughter to the few of us working together at that point of time. I miss working there with the right people. Aww....but it's ok..they shall stay a good memories for me..
Had a sumptuous dinner. Ate alot..i even bought a chocolate log cake today. Just when i thought i wouldn't get to eat log cake this year, mum offered to buy for me! Hooray..cheers to mum! Cheers to dad too for treating Mac..
Dear bought a new drama show today. I watched the 1st episode and i find it very nice. Worth buying! I'm going to chiong it with Dear..!
I've finally joined the company Don recommend to me. I'm going to strive for the minimum. I'm going to progress slowly and hopefully, i can make something out of it. Bought one cases of Mangosteen Juice. Didn't know mangosteen can be made into juices. Haven't tasted it but heard that it does wonders to our body, well maybe too exxagerating, it does helps our body with certain problems. One bottle actually cost me 50 bucks. Bought one case which has 4 bottles of it. Hopefully it's nice..anyone interested can let me know..
Dear changed her seat. She seems ok with it. She just lost her best working buddy after Mellissaon Friday. I can see she's sad. Be strong Dear..there's still alot of people whom u can work well with..furthermore, mei mei's going in. Oh ya, hope mei mei would get used to the work there. Work would seems tough initially but hope mei mei u hang on there.
Dear told me lotsa stories. I still can't seem to agree on certain things. Office politics has impact on people. I still hate that guy..i can't imagine the party, the kbox, and some other shitty stuff..there's only one word i can used to describe my feelings but i'm not going to say it out..eww..phui..but Dear, i can't stop my heart from melting when i heard how u stood by me, how u defended me when people say me..even if it's ur friends..
Guilt is all over my body now. I'm an obstruction to Dear. I feel that i am. Dear, if you wanna do something, go ahead. If i said i'm ok with it, trust me that i'm really ok with it. Don't hesitate because of me. Not worth the end, u'll end up doing things u regretted doing.
Finally Dear has a preview on the card that i've been working on for her. I'm so happy that she has finally seen it. I really hope she would love all that effort to make this very card. It's the 1st time i doing such thing. I'm happy to be able to do something like that for someone i love. Hehe...let's stay loving you~
Btw, merry x'mas pple! If you didn't get your present tonight, don't blame santa..cos they don't exist..blame ur parents or friends instead... =)
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