Finally, i changed my blogskin. I've decided to make something more colourful, so here it is. My latest 'Masterpiece'. Comment on it on the tagboard on the right navigation box.
I've finally watch MI3. It's a very nice movie i would say and it hasn't disappoint me. Thanks to her, i'm able to watch. The only sad thing is that, she has to bear with the cold. I wanted to help, but i'm abit dumb. The least i could do as i thought to myself, was to share the 'coldness' with her. I folded up my long sleeve. Indeed, it was cold inside. But i could see she's even colder than me.
Before the movie, she brought me to eat 'La Mian' at Crystal Jade Restaurant. It's the 1st time i eat the 'La Mian' at Crystal Jade. It's rather disappointing. Mine turns out to be abit bland whereas hers turns out to be quite salty. We couldn't finish that bowl of harmful noodles. But oh gosh, the dumpling there was superb. I would like to try again if i can.
After the movie, we headed home. Things started to turn abit weird at this point of time. Both of us became quieter. I know something's not right, but i don't know what is it. So, i went back home. Designed her blog. Supposed to go Eski Bar with Don which i was expecting and looking forward to it, but postponed instead. Instead, i went to meet her for dinner. Oh gosh, i'm super useless. I'm late again..WHY!!! I also keep her waiting..i hate myself..i shall be early and be the one waiting. I feel bad to be the one coming late, turning up late, making her wait. We ate Macdonald. I wasn't in the good appetite actually, but the burger was quite nice. Fries sux..tasteless..I gave her a surprise. I didn't mean anything else..Just want her to stay happy, forget everything else. Everything was settled. I'm glad, relieved and happy.
Things is still the same. Time will tell. I'm expecting it to be better. Tml's Mother's Day. I'm going to bring my mummy around. She deserve a good treat from me. She deserve more than just a treat actually, but a treat is the most i can give her, other than that, i can only say 'i love you mummy'.
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