Ahh...Smokers! I hate smokers..i hate them...i curse them...i want to crush them!!! By saying that, i'm only refering to INCONSIDERATE smokers - smokers who smoke without considering the public and ignore the response the public might give..I was going home today and there's still old uncle who came out of the lift. On his old, wrinkled and yellowed left hand held a stick of pathetic, ugly looking and super smelly cigarette. Something which can caused DEATH. He just came out of a small compartment call lift where there's a sign displaying "NO SMOKING....FINE $500". Obviously such people look more at their cigarette to see whether how more puffs they can go with that stick they are holding rather that the pathetic, useless and tiny sign which won't even get their attention.I went in and choked on the smoke which is invading and polluting the whole of the compartment. I felt like dying inside. That few seconds from the 1st storey to the 11th storey felt like donkey years when i was inside. I can't wait to break open that stupid door and get some i called 'FRESH AIR'. Such inconsiderate people should get a taste of what is it like to get choked on something. As an asthmatic peron, i've always hated such people. For their few puffs can makle my life and LUNGS difficult. Last years attack made me suffered for near 1 year. I don't wish to die as a passive smoker. Darn..Cursing them seems to be the only thing i can do..so..i so bad right? U think so? Then u must be one of them..hymp!
Let's starts today from lunchtime. Lunch was supposed to be the cup noodles that the few of us bought yesterday. But it turns out that we bought outside food instead on savouring on the cup noodles. We bought Nasi Lemak and bring back to dine. Sitting on the floor and eating at the same time make us look like some labourers making their short lunch break over small chit chat. But seeing our other colleagues lunch make our own lunch taste super bland. I had a hard time finishing it and before i could really finish it, we went to buy what they were eating - Mee Goreng. Yummy..It turns out to be super delicious..too bad Shirley can't take food that's too spicy..and so, Yilin and i finished up the whole packet only to find our own stomach feeling abit weird. Nevertheless, it was a sastifying lunch.
Work today was super sian. I really really feel like sleeping. I almost doze off time and tme again. I just feel super sleepy when i'm facing those applications. Suddenly, something woke me up - Mel has decided not to go watch movie..ARGH!!! *Bish* *piak* *box* Actually i think Shirley also didn't wanted to go, but lucky she agreed to go, which make me feels abit bad because she did mention that Either Mel or both of them were tired. I rushed my work before leaving the office.
Reached Plaza Singapura..Walked to the theater only to find no nice movie..I'm being named indecisive..wahaha..which actually i'm not..or maybe i am..haha..Shirley's shld be the one..not me!! Wahaha..woman are weird creatures who can't make up their mind..not all's like that..Oops Shirley, i didn't say u were wor (If you are reading this). Wahaha..Then we rushed to Cineleisure, trying to catch 'Daisy". Just as we thought we were late for that show and was waiting for the lift, someone approached Shirley..Of cos is approached her lah, can't be me cos i'm NOT a gay like what the girls claim. They asked if we wanted the free movie tix from them and after much thought we decided to take it. The show is called 'when the stranger calls'. Never heard before of the movie, we hesitated a while before deciding to give it a shot.
As it's free seating, we found ourselves seats at the back. A nice view from where we are sited. As the show starts, Shirley has some questions in mind i bet, she keep on saying it's a horror show and i only found out after the movie that to her horror show means any shows that is not korean romance/love/comedy is a horrow show. Haa..now back to the movie, it was not bad. Not a horror movie but more of thriller/suspense. This movie is boring at the start but it gets u abit out of ur seat as it gets to the climax. After the movie, i was freezing and i needed a toilet to release. This movie theater is one that i've never visited before. Everything seems new at that place cos i always went to Plaza Singapura for my movies.
After movie, i was dinner cum supper. We ate at a open coffeeshop (well, so called). Ordered carrot cake and char kway tiao. Then i also ordered StingRay for Shirley. Wahh, in the end, she seem to eat only abit of everything, actually not everything, she ate alot of the carrot cake. Haa..gosh, i had to eat up the rest, anyway, her stomach's not feeling good. Takke good care, no more food for u after 8pm next time. I'll take note..Wahaha..u shall watch me eat after 8pm in future..
Eyes feeling pain..my lungs are still suffering from the smoke just now..hope i won't suffocate later..
The more i listen to the Canon Rock, i just love it more and more. I'm more than determined to learn it, i must master it..Hone up my guitar skills, train up my lazy last finger and play that song out...