Work has been alright for the past 3 days..except for the last day maybe. I made hell lotsa mistakes..which yet again makes me feel bad. Those mistakes are quite silly actually. Gonna be abit more careful next week.
Cut a shitty hairstyle on Wednesday. It sucks big time. Some said it just simply not nice, few say i look like small kid, well, i find it 'just ok'..wahaha..Finally met up with Farhan and he was saying how he's juggling 2 jobs right now. At least it's just for a while. Hmm..this is how we are expericing too. Who doesn't needs money. Money don't drops from the sky or gush out from somehwhere like how water is 'spit' out from fountain. Yet, the standards or living has made it almost impossible for teens like us to enjoy life and at the same time, not spending 'much' money. One trendy t-shirt would cost u one day or even one week pay. much i know precious money is, how it is to earn money, i always fail to appreciate it and would use it without thinking giving much thought. I shall get rid of that bad habit and think think think think think before i buy anything.
For now i had a rough idea of how am i going to deal with my 1st pay. Buy some of the things that's from the wishlist and save some, give my parents some, give my friends a how much would i have left by then.
On thursday, work was fine until i spill that darn cup of milo on the table! Gosh! Damn! At the moment of time, fear came. I dunno what kind of fear, i just had this uneasy feeling. Luckily, my colleague, the always happy-go lucky one helped me, as always. She's always willing to help me, with abit of 'nonsense' to calm things down. Her smile and talking to her always makes ur day. I learnt alot from her and would like to learn more. I hope i won't make silly mistakes again. Cos each time i make one, she will have more to do.
Friday was the worse, mistakes after mistakes i made. Giving my colleague more problems. Haiz..feel damn bad! Shall be careful rather then slow this time. Pray!
Finally, Xero4 is back for another short outing yesterday. We went to Queenstown and eat some really nice food. If u guys wanna know where, ask me..i'll give u more details. We ate alot of food. Hor Fun, Guo tie (Fried and steam dumpings) and there's also sweet and sour soup which i skipped. After all that, we ordered another 30 Guo tie. By then, the auntie whom we ordered from are starting to think if we are really mad to be able to finish sooooo much food. We thought we could until the last few piece, we started to have our stomach bloated up. So, we played games and loser shall eat up the dumpings left.. One by one, the dumpings gone and after everything is finished, we were like pregnant man! After that, stupid Jon went back home as he claims that he can't stay up late with us. So, instead, Me, Gavian and Don went to play pool. Yes, Don's the winner again..hmm..i shall train up myself more. After i reached home, it's soccer match. and YES YES YES!! Man Utd won Bolton by 2-1, closing down the gap from stupid Chelsea to only 7 points. Yes, i said ONLY!
After the game, we saw Jon onlien. Haiz..Disappointment..He still online..he still say he needs to sleep because he has to wake up early this morning. Stupid Jon. U better play ur drums. Judgment day is soon..drawing nearer and nearer
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