Well...it's really a bad bad day..1st, i was bored at home, til my brain is going to burst..Staying at home simply bores me..Nothing to do..and so, i drag myself and my brother out. We went to town. I finally went to the PUMa shop at Taka that i've been always wanted to go. Cos i wanted to see if i can find this PUMa belt which i saw in Kuala Lumpur when i went there last year. And guess what, i found it. Hmm, still as nice as ever. I just can't wait to get my hands on it, but i'm totally broke now..so i shall wait for my payday.
After that,both of us went walking around. Argh...going out with my brother simply sux too..He's always pulling that black long face, making me feel so sian also. And so, we went PS thinking of catching a movie..When we reached there, all nice movies were already either sold out or have to wait til 11 plus..it's like an hour more before we can actually watch movie. So we skipped movie and went arcade instead. It's been so long since i get my ears invaded by the booming sounds of those game machines..As usual, i'll top up and play my favourite game - Virtual Striker. Haha..so long never play already, lose abit of skills, but still can manage to win a few challengers. The feeling of winning is just shiok..Just when i was about to go home, i received a news which i deemed to be bad - i'm going to get enlisted on 21st July!! Argh!! Shit man..I thought i won't get enlisted so early but there comes that dumb letter.
But i'm glad for alot of things:
1.At least it's not under PES A or B
2.At least i get to finish my contract without breaching it
3.At least i get to watch WORLD CUP
Hmm...when i reached home, i started to talk about army life with him. Then he went on to tell me alot of interesting stories about himself. I'll share with u people on msn as it's quite long. ask me if u are interested too. After talking to him, it somehow makes me feel that going Ns isn't that bad after all. It's just that i'll be missing alot of my friends and my family. Hmm..so for now til that very day, i shall spend as much time with them as i could..
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