Yes, it’s that time of the year again. The time where you get to rejoice and feel sad once again. Rejoice because I’ll get to meet my favourite people again, showered with love through wishes and gifts and most importantly, a great excuse to eat, drink and no need to work (if your leave is approved of course). However, we can’t deny the fact that we are one step closer to the tomb whenever one commemorates his or her hatch day.
It all started with the girl trying her very best to plan a surprise for me. Possibly, after what I’ve done for her birthday this year, she’s out to ‘kill’. Similarly, she did up a Facebook page more than one month in advance so that my anticipation kicks off way in advance. A few segments to it, but there was a frantic period in between, definitely no thanks to the f**king SAF who screwed up the beloved plan she planned. Nevertheless, fate was kind to us and she managed to get everything back on track. Her first surprise was an unfortunate one. Can’t blame her too, because she wasn’t aware of it as well. It’s a message treatment at Cuppage Plaza. The name of this place can clearly show you what you should and will expect. Frankly speaking, it wasn’t an enjoyable experience AT ALL, nonetheless, her effort shows it all and my heart felt everything as compared to the yucky feeling from my skin. And so, that’s one down, more to go (I’m still clueless although she fed me with quite a number of clues). Her riddles began yet again….which doesn’t seem to help me at all as well.

MR was there to celebrate with me for my birthday. Had planned for Buffettown for a normal dinner feast before we actually chilled out in Marina Barrage. Buffettown was a killer. All of us left the place feeling more than just FAT. The salmon sashimi, crepe, soup and prawns really got most of us high, it’s funny how our talks between each other still garners so much fun and laughter ever after these years, especially with the presence of Smell. Went to watch a movie (finally MR’s watching movie together once again), and we watched ‘The Thing’ after their request was rejected by both me and the girl because we had already watched ‘Real Steel’ the night before. Ended up, Smell was jokingly angry with us for not watching ‘Real Steel’ with them, because, ‘The Thing’ was such an awful and lousy movie.
Nevertheless, we decided the night is still young, and after countless ding dong (as usual), we ended up at Marina Barrage. First visit to MB by MR. Smell seems to have a Doraemon car where he had picnic mats, kite and even leftover wine in his car (that’s for tricking girls of course). His kite really got us laughing for a whole good time before they present me my present – a Senheisser Headphone. Cool stuff, it’s like a little wish came true. Definitely got a big smile on me knowing I can blast my music away into my ears, all thanks to MR.
If you think the headphone was cool, wait till you read about what the girl gave me as my 2nd surprise. A Razer Lycosa! Cool stuff right? Girlfriend knew how much a gamer I was, and despite her not liking me to play game in expense of our time spent together, she knew what will make me happy. Indeed, I was all smile when she present me with my surprise. I'm was speechless and extremely. Right away, I replaced my keyboard and began playing with it. Possibly one of the best birthday present I've ever received, for sure!
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No prize for guessing why is October my favourite month because my celebration will be spread over a few days across the month, instead on just that day itself, by and with all the people I love. Last day of work before I enjoy my long awaited 5 day break from work, I was sprung a surprise by my colleagues. One whom I called ‘Da Jie’ at work and the other one who was nice and kind enough to wrap me a red packet. ‘Da Jie’ on the other hand, gave me a birthday cake with some nearby colleagues sharing the joy with me. Not forgetting a gift bought to me by ‘Da Jie’. One word – Touched. Thank god for these colleagues and if there’s anything I wouldn’t want to leave behind when I leave this company will be these wonderful colleagues.
A day of havoc on the next day! Had a whole day outing with Don before the highlight approaches at night. Jon and Layhuan joined us for clubbing @ Zirca. I guess I’m happiest because I finally get to club in Zirca and drink once again! Literally brings me back to good old times where we were all still young and partying away almost every other week. Making use of the 1-1 offer, all four of us were high not long after. Before the stroke of midnight, I was presented a glass of graveyard. I’ve tasted its power, and never liked it. But then again, the hi-ness you get definitely conquers it all. That graveyard really sucks. It almost literally sends me to graveyard. By the time I ‘down’ that glass, I almost died. I’m almost drunk in another 1-2 hours and seriously, I can’t really recall what happens thereafter. The next thing I knew soberly, I was busy vomiting and trying to get myself up. I was so wasted, I forgot about my poor girlfriend, who got worried over me for a good few hours through the night. I spent early of my birthday drinking, half of it vomiting and the later part with my girl!
All was well as she presented her masterpiece to me. As usual, I’ve always love her works, the collage she made because that is the best representation of her and I love to collect every single one of them. Thanks to Cathay, I managed to get a 1-1 offer for the Cathay Platinum Suites. We were lucky to watch a movie over this luxurious setting. We watched ‘In Time’ over a spread of yummy food we ordered, which surprisingly last us through the night. Definitely a memorable night as we both indulges endlessly. Of course, wishes from friends still arrives heartwarmingly over at the social media since the night before and although as funny as it may seems (how Facebook has replace the most interpersonal way of greetings), it’s good to know that people still remember to wish you over your birthday.
Not forgetting that very night, mum and dad celebrated my birthday for me with a cake bought by mum. She always remembered which my favourite cake is. Even up until today, I’m still her little boy where she will always remember buying that cartoon chocolate from me from Polar. Loves. We’ve reached a stage where our feelings and kinship slowed, but still strong as ever, Somehow, their birthday singing was the most memorable. Perhaps, it’s been years since they last sang me one. Tricked mum into giving me a treat by bringing her to Taste Paradise. Always felt bad whenever I’m having good food outside without her presence. Of course, eventually, I insist it’s my treat and there’s nothing she could do about it. Ordered her favourite food and dessert, which definitely got her smiling, and let me tell you, that smile is priceless. Thank goodness, dad managed to get a bite of their yummy food as well.
Thanks to Smell, we had a chalet booked and organized by him. Unfortunately, because of that bad experience, drinking party isn’t going on anymore. Therefore, we packed lots of food and simply just feast and drink. We decided that rugged chalet was way too boring, and decided to summon the mahjong table and chairs from my house before we played our way through. Guess who’s the winner, Kelvin Low of course (=p). Woops! Now, MR really got my mahjong bugs coming back again, and I’m seriously wondering when my next mahjong session is. Thanks to my girl, we managed to share my birthday cake with everyone in MR. The girl was so worried this cake surprise would failed because I’m dead drunk but afterall, I won’t let any efforts go down to the drain. I still can’t forget how ZQ gave me a kiss and Smell gave me a freaking musingly lick on my face. Eww…it just irks me at the thought of it. But seriously, thanks for this time as my birthday celebration continues.
Girlfriend woke me up damn early in the day and revealing the first riddle of the day. My choice, Egg Benedict of course. Turns out, she’s bringing me to Spruce. Definitely the mood was not dampened by the hot sun and non air-conditioned outdoor as we insist in sitting indoor to enjoy our breakkie over the air con. Breakfast was so-so as compared to Epicurious, but I must say, their Salmon is awesome. Towards the end, Girlfriend unveiled the 4th riddle which was the most difficult riddle. Because there’s so much work to be done. When I finally solved it, she conveniently denied me my correct answer, which got me pondering over and over again through the entire journey to my correct answer – MM = Marina Mandarin. Awesome! It’s Staycation. I bet we realized and discovered our love for Staycation since the first one during her birthday celebration. We got a free upgrade to Premier room which is really spacious, high floor and they even come with a business desk, bathtub and shower, and did I forget to mention, it’s King Size Bed!!! Oh how we love King Size Bed. Somehow, we were always wondering and puzzled why do hotel’s bed feel so comfortable. If only my future home has such comfortable beds. That aside, we spent the rest of the day living like a tourist and definitely a relaxing and enjoyable holiday, planned effortlessly by the girl.
That’s not all, my final celebration was a dinner with sumptuous crab feast whipped up by dad. Chilli crabs by dad has never tasted so well and to be very honest, I’ve never eaten any chilli crab which taste nicer than my dad’s. Perhaps it’s because all of us in the family had gotten use to the taste, but undeniably, it tasted wonderful and awesome. Even girlfriend got a taste of it, after Dad insists I passed some to her.
Just like that, in a blink of an eye, all celebrations are over and I’m one year older. Nothing much exist in my wish, but it’s just the same thing over again this year. Most importantly, I’m contented. Contented with all the love, wishes and greetings I’ve received and effort anyone and everyone have made for my birthday so far, which had definitely make this year one of my best birthdays.