To be rather honest, I really find the entire system in Singapore screwed up in terms of home building as well as the way it manages young couples. The path from singlehood to forming a family is by no means easy in Singapore context. Singapore is the first and only country I’ve heard, where young couples (well, most of them) get a flat first before getting married. Imagine inking your signature on documents after documents informally. The thought and consideration before that, definitely has got to be serious and thoughtful.
I had never imagined myself in this situation, even though I’ve long surpassed the age I longed to see myself settling down. It was a tough decision back in February because afterall, both of us are relatively new in our relationship. To tell the truth, we’re kind of glad we didn’t manage to get the February BTO back in Segar Vale. Nevertheless, as time passed, both of us know and had some thing in common. We have each other in mind, we see each other as the one whom we want to spend our lives with. Quite frankly speaking, I didn’t expect myself to think and feel the way I do, because I used to be such a childish and playful person. Handling a relationship and failing one definitely make me face the real music. Relationship is more than just love to me. It’s commitment, trust and understanding, which would allow two to continue to grow and go hand in hand, side by side. And definitely I reckon time has come, for me to make this major decision and commitment.
Of course, being where we are, having just worked purely for a few years, being CPF rich is the way to go. Cash poor wouldn’t even get you a kennel over your head. Therefore, purchasing our first BTO, even if we can afford it, is really a huge commitment. Me and the girl has discussed this umpteen times before we derive into a conclusion. That goes to show it is by no means easy task in choosing our love nest. Application process is easy, yet the tough task came only after the queue number was released. The queue number was released in advance. Though we got a rather lousy number the first time round, the second time was slightly better. Slightly only. We fall within the 100% percentile but unfortunately, we’re nearing the 93% percentile. Which means we NEED people to drop out or reject before we even get our chance on our ideal flat.
Few things we take into consideration. As we always thought, the sun in the morning could be a concern, but that thought change when the location of both Meadows and Palmview revealed that LRT could be a disaster affecting our love nest. Definitely, that dampens our mood. We were demoralized by that queue number, fearing that we might have to face a situation of choosing a sun-facing unit or facing the music of the LRT. Of course, something common we had in our mind ensures that Meadows was our first option because of its flooring offerings – Timber Planking for bedrooms and Ceramic Tiles for living room. That’s definitely our favourite plus an ideal location, we rejoice at the fact that there’s this option yet fearing that our chance to even pick an ideal flat at that project might not even come. True enough, within weeks from the start of the selection, we could literally see the choices selected applicants has made were skewed towards Meadows.

As times passed us by, we started making back-up considerations on Palmview. Never mind the flooring because we had decided to do it on our own. By the time selections for Meadows seems dim, drop out rate gradually increase as well. Increasing our chance and making us really believe we might just have the chance to get our ideal flat. One by one, we started on the proximity consideration, following by the height above ground level. We eliminated all 2nd to 4th storey units because we believed those are for the Malays and of course, too noisy for human beings to comfortably live in. Next up, the distance away from LRT and expressway. The sound produced from Expressway wouldn’t be as noisy (irritating too) as those noise from the LRT. Nevertheless, we are trying our best to avoid those areas.

Now here’s the fun part. We constantly monitor the queue number for weeks, including the availability of the units. At the same time, girlfriend has been hardworking enough to strike off units after units based on what is reflected from the HDB website. Suddenly, HDB website became one of the most visited websites from us. Eventually, we started ranking the units based on our liking after taking into consideration the sun direction, distance away from expressway, LRT and carpark. Honestly, up until the day or even on that day itself, we can still changing our preferences. We had a hard time convincing and justifying on the reason why we chose one unit over the other, but definitely is fun. Can’t imagine something so important and serious can be so fun at the same time. I reckon it’s all part and parcel of it.

On the day itself, we finally arrived at the HDB Hub, for a very different and special reason. Constantly, our mobile’s on, with the HDB app constantly reflecting from the screen, while at the same time, we had our eyeballs on the queue call counter. The wait was long, even though it’s only a matter of minutes. Can you now feel the anxiety in us? Finally, our queue was called and off we went into this room (I reckon we will only step foot in this room once in our entire life) where staff sit side by side with partitions in between them. We settled down and was served by this guy who was patient with us throughout and definitely allowed us to understand better the entire process. And so, we opted for the inclusions and exclusions accordingly and signed on papers after papers. It brings a surreal feeling as though we were signing on marriage papers. I cannot believe what I’m doing at some mere moments.

Leaving the room was an assurance to me. An assurance to work for the future I want to build with the very girl who was in the room with me. I’m glad me and the girl already has a plan in mind and we are definitely working towards creating our future together with this milestone set, we’re set to walk hand in hand, side by side.
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