Monday, September 26, 2011
10 Ways to Identify a Dross (Bad Boss)
Therefore, it explains the existence of this post and it pretty much sums up why those 怨气.
Number 1: You get a boss who doesn’t really look decent and plus the fact that there were indeed some abnormalities (it’s factual, not evil) on the facial features. One more sign is this person has no ring on its fourth finger and of course, a middle-aged tanned man.
Number 2: You have a boss who never once remembers whether the employee is on leave, MC or simply just AWOL. This would work perfect if I’m serving my NS but no, it is a disaster in this real working world. A boss doesn’t ask the employee where the absentee go, but a boss SHOULD inform all employees where the absentee goes. Come on, know what you should do and what you should not.
Number 3: You have a boss who keeps mum and so quiet during big meetings with his superior and many more superiors who is much more SUPERIOR than himself BUT once outside of that meeting room, he goes bling-blang-blung on his ideas and ranting to those poor employees.
Number 4: You get a boss who question the own service and product of the company yet doing nothing about it. Come on, you don’t say that imported apple is bad yet you still continue importing them. Worse, you questioned and laughed hysterically at those customers who actually bought those apples from us even though it’s bad. Oh man, where’s the boss seh?
Number 5: You have a boss who really looks like a boss when he first arrived, with all his boosting of his experiences, his visions for the company and his plans to execute the strategies but as time passed, his experiences, visions and plans deteriorates and vanishes like the person himself, where you can’t even see a shadow of the word ‘boss’. Probably, one might even misunderstand him as Veggie Seller in Wet Market.
Number 6: You get a boss who doesn’t engage the employees. He arrives to work without any greeting because his sulk face already says “Bad Morning’ instead of ‘Good Morning’; He goes for lunch ALONE without asking anyone (or probably no one wants to eat with him or worse, no one DARES to eat with him); He goes home as a ‘ghost’ because he does not even produce a single sound.
Number 7: You get a boss who SELECT things to do and it is only things that interest him ONLY. Those outside his ‘interest range’, of course, it will be handled forcefully by employees who were already headless about what is doing on. Best of all, if you are the lucky one selected, it’s not because you are capable but more so because you seem the ‘free-est’ to him. Period.
Number 8: You get a boss who doesn’t know the operations well enough YET still wants to manage them. It’s like you are in charge of displaying the fruits in the supermarket, yet you put those oranges in the apple crate and durian in the strawberry shelf. You do so because you don’t know strawberry is almost 10 times smaller than even the smallest ripe Durian that ever existed.
Number 9: You get a boss who sit like Johnny English in the movie ‘Johnny English Reborned’ which makes you and most others wonder were this person even born with a spinal cord with backbone or not.
Number 10: You have a boss who tell you one thing on Day 1 and ask you to do something else on Day 30, forgetting what he said on Day 1, and rejecting your work (work done based on his instruction from Day 30) on Day 40. But when you insist in telling him what he said on Day 1, he will INSIST in telling you he don’t remember what he said and worse, you took his words then on and one fine day, probably on Day 100, he’ll ask you why didn’t you follow his instruction as per Day 1.
Alright, that’s a DROSS for you people.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Boss or Dross?
Counting off hand, I have worked in at least 8 different jobs, with differing environments, I can safely say, I’ve seen most, in the aspect of how a boss/superior can behave, should behave and have behaved. I’ve definitely seen the worst (until someone else told me of their shit story back at work) and too, the best to me as well. To me, bosses are there to assist, empower his or her employees and getting involved in literally everything that is being done under his or her care. That way, respect is garnered, trust is built and naturally, the team will work in its utmost effectiveness.
Based on my experience, I would love to share some of the worst bosses I’ve ever seen, where I could really pin point their common ‘rubbish’ and of course, some of the best I’ve worked with. Based on my definition of boss, the worst one is definitely way off course to that, especially the one I am working for and under right now. All I see from this one is nothing but ‘blow cow (吹牛)’. A boss needs to give proper direction and follow it, but instead, this boss did the former but twist the latter. What’s the point of getting someone to do what you want when you are even unsure of it. Secondly, I’ve not seen a boss who behaves so pathetically. This boss of mine does and only DOES things that interest him. It’s like ‘I choose work to do as and when I want, not work choose me as and when it wants’. Oh crap. Imagine there are 10 responsibilities falling under your job scope, but because you prefer 2 out of the 10, you simply push the other 8 conveniently to your employees, who indeed feel empowered but ‘headless’ without direction. From this, I’ve seen the irresponsible side of him which utterly disgusted me. To me, a good boss praise when a job or task is done well, and correct when an error or mistake is made. It’s worse if a boss just pin point your mistakes and not praise you for your work well done, but it’s even WORSE when a boss doesn’t even bother to correct you. He even spit it right out from his mouth that he DOESN'T see or read what we did or sent him because it simply means nothing to him. Oh great! I foresee myself deteriorating under him, definitely.
To me, working is not just working. It's learning, gaining experience and exposure so as to better contribute to the company to get job satisfaction in return as well as self-grooming, bringing up your own value so as to move on with a better career prospects. But that is totally impossible if you find yourself stuck in a rut under one useless boss who, whole day does nothing but trying his luck on his 'experiments' in hope of success and there I am, one of the guinea pigs.
But then again, I always put myself in perspectives. Like many said, 做的好就留,做不好就走. I rather have myself seeking better opportunities than stuck in that rut. But on the contrary, I have been really fortunate enough to have work under good Boss.
Back in my army days, there is this superior, as much as her rank is many tiers higher than mine, she doesn't make you feel like she's your boss. Instead, she makes you feel you have to appreciate her every intention and instruction, making you feel WANT TO work harder not only for her, but myself too.
Until now, I cannot forget her motherly care as a boss, the patience she rendered while guiding me effortlessly and not forgetting her willingness to acknowledge mistakes and let me learn in my own way and my own pace.
Perhaps, it could be because she's a female boss. But in any case, our harsh and fast working society needs good boss. Bosses who really leads, guides and motivates, not for the better of the staff but more so for themselves and the company. Afterall, a sense of belonging and bond is what keeps employees and employers alike going. No one is superior in fact than another, one should act as though we can't do without anyone at all, that way, probably, working can be a wonderful joy
Monday, September 12, 2011
How now brown cow?!?!?
Happy 'Meng Kwek' Festival
Happy Mid Autumn Festival to all my friends. The subject might struck a question mark on you. So allow me to let the cat out of the bag. I was shopping for Mooncakes with the girl one day and I have no idea why I said 'Meng Kwek' instead of mooncake and there you go, the girl keep on 'suaning' me, non stop of course (it's not as though she gets alot of chance to do so).
Nice enough, I went to re-structure my knowledge on this particular festival and found out various adaptation. But in any case, this festival isn’t just about Mooncakes and lanterns, but also the jade rabbit (which I came to understand its existence only recently). Till today, it wasn’t a festival that my family celebrated but rather we appreciated it. Since young (only when we are young), my dad would open the entrance door wide, so we would stayed up till slightly later and watch the moon.
Traditionally, MR also has the tradition of playing lanterns (or playing with fire by two arsonists) but as age and time gradually passed, this tradition no longer exist too. Last year was my first Mid Autumn Festival with the girl. I have no idea why, although we did not deliberately celebrate, my fond memories of those photo-taking along the river of Clarke Quay cast a great impression on me.
Perhaps, if Mid-Autumn Festival is a Public Holiday like what they had back in Taiwan, there will be more people appreciating this festival, gathering with loved ones, eating mooncakes, playing lantern and appreciating the beautiful full moon while remembering the story of Chang Er.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
The Time Has Come
The fact that the Human Resource back in the headquarters overpromising has led to the disappointment of many. To be frank, those accolades and awards given to them, are a vast difference and opposite of what are they capable (or rather incapable) of doing. The way they work, the way the function, doesn’t seems to tally with their objective, which of course, led to high turnovers, as always. Perhaps if this aspect is better, I would have give this position another positive go, but time has come for me to realize that, the clock ticks even though you’re unhappy. I have to move on, for the sake of myself and future.
Being where I am now, doesn’t equip me with sufficient skills and knowledge, especially not when I have very limited exposure. Imagine this – I’m my own manager, I’m my own employee and I’m my own middleman. How to learn this way?!??! The only time you know you’re wrong is when someone spotted the mistakes. The only time you know you’re right is when no one complains about anything (which doesn’t necessary equates to you being correct at all as well). Given this limitation, and the vast potential of the outside world, I’ve come to terms with myself to move on from here. 3 years++ in this company is not short, I’m glad to have been able to partake two roles operationally – being at the counter as a sales consultant with great colleagues and being back at the backroom doing marketing with boring and difficult people. I’m glad to have known and work with two different groups of people. Afterall, in this real world, you get to see all sorts of people. I won’t consider UOB Travel a fantastic company, but the culture here is different being outside at the frontline versus being on the backroom at the support stand.
My stint here is definitely memorable and fun-filled, despite the turmoil I’ve faced in recent weeks as well as during the beginning of it. Nevertheless, I am thankful for all the chances I get to travel and see the world (which I doubt I’ll have the chance to do so ever again), travelling to so many countries which is definitely the envy of others. Of course, not forgetting the great job satisfaction that I’ve gotten and this job here definitely helped carve out my direction as to what I want to do from now. As mentioned to many before, UOB Travel is just a stepping stone to me, and probably, I feel that it’s high time I step out of here, learn more and expose myself to more opportunities elsewhere.