It was a long awaited trip. I had to 'earn' for this so called half leisure/half business trip. I had to get myself recognize as an Aussie Specialist (a learning manual of 19 modules to get myself claimed as Aussie Specialist, including planning an itinerary from scratch). The completion of this entire modules are by means no easy feat, which makes this trip extra satisfying and meaningful.
It's hard to come by such opportunities, therefore, it explains the envy of many. I'm happy and glad to be given this chance, especially when the Familiarization was nearly fully paid for. Three of us, Ray, Gary and me went for this trip, which consist of a pre-tour as well as the actual event trade show where I get to meet tour operators and suppliers from all over Australia.

To kickstart things off, it's my first time taking Qantas and the flight delay definitely did not helped. It delayed our entire self drive itinerary but nevertheless, it did not dampen our mood. Onward we proceed to Sydney centre for a very brief tour about by one of the supplier. Nice lady I would say, who brought us to eat what she presume the best Vietnamese food in Sydney.
It's not long before we embark on a few hours drive to Salamander Bay, Port Stephens. We went to the Australian Reptile Park before that to expose ourselves to the Tasmanian Devils, Wombats, Kangeroos, Koalas, Pythons and so much more reptile. Eye opening indeed especially the Wombats because they all look so cute!
Oaks Pacific Blue resort was cosy and it definitely helped in our much needed sleep. We had a good hold of drinks before we turned in. Chivas was indeed a good sleep inducer.

It was para-sailing the next day, nothing new to me as I've done it before back in Thailand few years back, except for the crystal clear waters, clear blue skies and serene blissful that makes me feel really zen. We are even able to sight dolphins while on the Dolphin watching cruise. My first time 'chasing' dolphins in such a manner but definitely unforgettable. Not forgetting to mention the locals are especially nice, making me feel disgusted with some of the people we had back at home in Singapore. Of course, I'm talking about their comparable Top Notch service in comparison with those I've seen in Japan, what's the next best is of course their abundance of yummy food all around. You name it, Oysters, Prawns, Beer, Seafood, Beef etc...I had a hard time spelling hungry over there. Food aside, I got to bear myself with a bunch of DAMN Chinese while doing my 4WD over at the sand dunes with sand surfing. My virgin try on it and not something very interesting, much thanks to those Chinese. DAMN!

It pretty much concludes the entire Port Stephens that we had before we proceed to the much acclaimed Hunter Valley for nothing but its vineyards and wineries. Indeed, the air is fresher here and it's no wonder why this place is perfect for those yummy grapes. Too bad, harvesting period was over. Nevertheless, we had the luck to be hosted to a wholesome lunch. Fish and Chips in huge portions and ice cream for me to indulge. Please tell me, what else can I ask for more?!?!

It's pretty boring in Hunter Valley if you are not a wine person. But Hunter Valley Gardens is definitely a place for you to kill your time. Beautiful gardens with lots of pretty flowers and plants. A heaven for the girls I would say.

Wine is not the only 'treasure' you'll find in Hunter Valley. The GM from Hunter Valley Resort brought us a whole new experience of beer tasting and it's aspiring to see what his vision is for his resort. It's pretty interesting and definitely a good 'starter' for a well self hosted fine dining by him. Had a great meal feeling

It was a disappointing morning the next day as we sacrifice hours of sleep just to take my first step on a hot air balloon. In the end, it was cancelled due to strong wind, so strong a disappointment that I can still feel it now. =( The next long near 5 hours of drive definitely did not help make my mood better. What's worse it by the time we reach Blue Mountains, it was so foggy that visibility became limited.
The 3 rides we tried to take in Scenic World proved to be a waste of time as we couldn't even see anything at all, not to mention the 'three sisters'. Fairmont, the resort we put up that time though, was an awesome resort to make up for whatever we lose/missed during the day.

Time flies when you are enjoying and it's driving back to the city. But before that, we en-route to Sydney Fish Market for some really fresh seafood. You literally see nothing but really fresh seafood around. We got our hands busy picking on the freshest and set our tummy ready for the feast thereafter. Did bridgeclimb of the Sydney Habour Bridge and the view it has to offered at the summit was definitely something I wouldn't exchange for, even with money.
I had this give special praise to the hotel we put up with, thanks to Tourism Australia. The Observatory Hotel, a 5 star property, literally had anything a guest need, and even a turn down service for all guest. This hotel makes me feel like king and it's the experience that one would definitely pay for.

The event officially started the next day and it was busy whole day from morning till evening, with hosted dinner and events thereafter. I must say it's all so tiring but I had fun, really lots and lots of fun.
This trip earned me an experience I wouldn't forget, meeting wonderful people, learning awesome stuff, seeing breathtaking scenery and tasting marvelous food. I will come to Australia again and this time, I'll hit the romantic Melbourne and fun-filled Gold Coast. Wait for me!!!
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