Saturday, September 26, 2009

It Really Hurts

My problem took a huge turn. The pain wasn't just pain, it's nearly unbearable when i moved into certain positions. Standing up from a sitting down position became a detestable task which i've been doing so easily in the past. Probably, it's until the edge of losing something that you realise how precious it is.

My lecturer was saying, Human Beings living in a cosmopolitan society like Singapore has taken things for granted way too often. She simply mentioned some words to describe it all - 'the backyard syndrome'. She further explains how a person couldn't be bothered with his backyard until a day when someone throws something into the backyard then only will he worry.

For things even as simple as walking could be taken for granted, same goes to eyesight, sense of hearing etc. Ask the blind and they'll tell you how lucky you are.

For now, i just wished my back can recover fast. I miss bending down wearing my shoes and socks, i miss lying down flat on my bed and sleep, i miss jogging and running.......


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