Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Don't Say Nothing When You Say Something

Nobody can be perfect. Not me and of course, certainly not whoever's reading this as well. Why argue over trival issues? Why get worked up and all tensed up for something that is so insignificant? Just so you can get your message across? Just so you can prove you are much better than some other people? Just so you can let people know about your unhappiness?

Oh, did i mention to anyone that my ears has slight difficulty in hearing, and when i mean slight, i really meant it. It's simply just means i can't hear as clearly as a perfect hearing person would. So in an event when i require you to repeat, it's not because i'm being irritating, but it's purely because i really can't hear.

Worse of all, there's this group of people which i have an issue with. Why say nothing after splurting out some words? Don't say nothing when you did say something. Saying things halfway, keeping me in suspense doesn't make me curious, it's simply just turned me off and worse enough, it could jolly well pised my ass off.

Call me coward if you want. The fact that i don't like to show my unhappiness doesn't mean i'm agreeing with whatever you are doing. It simply just means i DO NOT want things to turn ugly. Moreover, if it's something trival, i rather swallow down the bitter saliva and let it be, till time heals it all.


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