My first taste of such craze starts with Korean movies, all under the influence of the none other than my Secondary School classmate - Farhan. I can still remember the day we both went to watch 'Windstruck', a movie by Jeon Ji Hyun. We named that the 2nd part of the 'My Sassy Girl. I turned into a Korean movie fan before that outing. We always visit the VCD rental store located near our school and we would always browse through the shelves for nice Korean movies. We would then exchanged after watching once so that the other could watch as well...
I went on in search of even more Korean movies. I would then stayed up in wee hours just to finish watching those movies. Everything got worse when i completed my O Level. There's simply plenty of time and i convert those time to slowly dwell my mind into those movies. Soon, 'Daisy' was screened in Singapore. Immediately, i seized the chance to watch it first hand. The kind of sastisfaction really cannot be explained.

In between this period, i was introduced to Jap rock and also Korean Pop. BOA, being a Korean, really impress me with her Japanese songs. Before her, i was crazy over the songs of Ayumi Hamasaki. Both of them sing me to my own sleep. Nothing beats listening to their songs and i could hear it over and over again. Plus the fact that BOA looks so cute and pretty really get my high over heels. She just 'breaks' all teenage guys hearts.
My favourite Horror movie of all time..
She make me think of her all the time when i was still a student
Besides the typical Korean movies, i explored other genres and sooner than i can speak, i fell in love in Korean horror movie and one of my all time favourite would be 'Wishing Stairs'. It was so nice that i recommended it to every of my friends then. What's worse is that i 'fell in love' with one of the lead actress- Park Han Byul. By then, you could call me crazy. I'm really crazy over her. At one time, i want to buy all her posters, watched every movie she acted in and even a thought of flying to Korean to SEE her. Luckily, school commitment ends my obession. Not long after, i find Korean horrow movie a bore, because they all seems similar but still i never failed to catch any Korean horror movie, that goes the same for Japanese horror movie as well.
X Japan, they simply rocks
Sometimes, you just have to discover nice music yourself, just like how i discover this band..
As i grew older, all those are nothing but pure entertainment. Music became part of my life with the growth of popularity of mp3 player. I owned one myself and soon, i'm obsessed with Japanese rock. Great rock bands were slowly introduced to me by friends. X Japan was one of the impressive ones. Not forgetting the fact that i discovered a nice Jap punk rock band - The Pillows. Then, band names were funny. Most liked to add the word 'the' in front, for example "The Strokes", "The Hives" etc etc..
Even for a person who hates Hip-Hop/R&B music and find it all crap, DA Pump proved me wrong. They captured my ear drums with their music. I first got on contact with them through a Taiwan drama show and since then, i love their music. Somehow, it's so different from crap group like 50 cent or JayZ shit, although their music falls under the same genre.

As Korean movie starts to gain popularity in Singapore during the late of my poly days, i discovered that Cineleisure had more Koreans movies. Usually, these Koreans and Japanese movies aren't being advertised that well. But still, they are gaining the right market for them. For comedy, i would specially show off the fact that i've watched both 'Wet Dreams" and "Wet Dreams 2". Somehow, there is this funny things about the Koreans when they in a comedy. Girls tend to be in control over the guys because they appear to be fiercer than the guys.

Watching this with someone you love adds that extra spice
One drama impressed me deeply - 'My Girl'. This show made me feel in love with K-drama. Of course, i'm still not letting my movies off. I found a liking for a new genre of movie - Romance. One of the best ones i've ever watched would be 'Sky Of Love'. That's the one that had my tears flowing out.

A very touching show - the actress's HOT!
Till today, i'm proud to have watched countless Jap/Korean movies, listen to countless Jap/Korean rock and pop music and also watched several drama. I'm still in search for better shows and music so if anyone of you has the common interest as me, do share it with me...
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