Thursday, August 28, 2008
'DisneyLand Small World' Dinner
I was excited at the thought of having a dinner at such hotel ballroom because such chances are considered rare. Everything is so grand - from the architecture to the decoration to the silverware, almost everything seems so royal. I felt as though i'm a very important person when i'm in there. Wahaa..
Not much happenings, except for the presentation of prizes, some lame games. But the best part of the event was the free welcome gifts given by the organiser. I love the 'Stitch' handphone chain especially, it's soo cute. It's just something about Stitch that makes me look so cute, at the very least, to me.
2 more days and i'll be flying off. Mixed feelings still but absolutely looking forward to it. All those mentioning of the tidbits there by my colleagues really makes me drool all over.. Yummy! I'm going to sweep it all!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Disheartening Incident
What's supposed to be a nice meal with my ex colleagues ended quite weirdly. We were sitting down, eating as usual. After filling up our stomach (few of us didn't finish our food), we just spent some casual time chatting. Out of the sudden, there's this auntie who appeared from nowhere and sit beside my friend as the seat was not occupied.
She gave my friend a long glance before she finally blurped out something from her mouth. She said this to my friend in mandarin ,"你吃饱了吗?你还要不要?" My friend was stunned for a moment, temporarily lost for words. Without any second, that auntie just stretched out her hands and took that plate of un-finish rice and put it in front of her, and then, she started tucking away. The moment i saw her eating, i feel that sour ache in my heart. I couldn't believed what i've saw.
Me and my ex colleagues looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Without hesitating, we left the table. Just as we left, a group of people wanted to take over our seats (it's lunchtime and food court is packed, so seats are all occupied). Just then, i saw the auntie stopping them from sitting down, and there she went, helping herself to the plates of leftovers.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't expect that to happen in my very own eyes. My heart reach out for her. I had this thought of giving her money to buy a proper lunch, but i didn't. I was too stunned to do anything. So many thoughts running through my mind out of the sudden. I was wondering, it's either she's really poor and hungry or it's just that she has mental illness.
To be frank, i hope it's the latter. It's really disheartening to see someone going around and eat leftovers. This is Singapore, isn't it supposed to be a developed country with how the ministries has always promised better lives for us, Singaporeans? Moreover, i would rather see her beg than eating leftovers. Had someone knew of her plight, perhaps things would be better, or worse enough, nobody even cares. What's the annual report of how much GDP Singapore is gaining quarterly, yearly or whatever shit? There's actually lots of people still starving in Singapore, worrying over their daily lives. I can still see people sleeping on benches under void decks or even on the bus stop.
This incident has been on my mind the whole of today and i'm really bothered by it. It's not her fault, perhaps it's the society's fault, it's the government's fault. Whatever....i don't know what to say...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Japan & Korean Craze
My first taste of such craze starts with Korean movies, all under the influence of the none other than my Secondary School classmate - Farhan. I can still remember the day we both went to watch 'Windstruck', a movie by Jeon Ji Hyun. We named that the 2nd part of the 'My Sassy Girl. I turned into a Korean movie fan before that outing. We always visit the VCD rental store located near our school and we would always browse through the shelves for nice Korean movies. We would then exchanged after watching once so that the other could watch as well...
I went on in search of even more Korean movies. I would then stayed up in wee hours just to finish watching those movies. Everything got worse when i completed my O Level. There's simply plenty of time and i convert those time to slowly dwell my mind into those movies. Soon, 'Daisy' was screened in Singapore. Immediately, i seized the chance to watch it first hand. The kind of sastisfaction really cannot be explained.

In between this period, i was introduced to Jap rock and also Korean Pop. BOA, being a Korean, really impress me with her Japanese songs. Before her, i was crazy over the songs of Ayumi Hamasaki. Both of them sing me to my own sleep. Nothing beats listening to their songs and i could hear it over and over again. Plus the fact that BOA looks so cute and pretty really get my high over heels. She just 'breaks' all teenage guys hearts.
My favourite Horror movie of all time..
She make me think of her all the time when i was still a student
Besides the typical Korean movies, i explored other genres and sooner than i can speak, i fell in love in Korean horror movie and one of my all time favourite would be 'Wishing Stairs'. It was so nice that i recommended it to every of my friends then. What's worse is that i 'fell in love' with one of the lead actress- Park Han Byul. By then, you could call me crazy. I'm really crazy over her. At one time, i want to buy all her posters, watched every movie she acted in and even a thought of flying to Korean to SEE her. Luckily, school commitment ends my obession. Not long after, i find Korean horrow movie a bore, because they all seems similar but still i never failed to catch any Korean horror movie, that goes the same for Japanese horror movie as well.
X Japan, they simply rocks
Sometimes, you just have to discover nice music yourself, just like how i discover this band..
As i grew older, all those are nothing but pure entertainment. Music became part of my life with the growth of popularity of mp3 player. I owned one myself and soon, i'm obsessed with Japanese rock. Great rock bands were slowly introduced to me by friends. X Japan was one of the impressive ones. Not forgetting the fact that i discovered a nice Jap punk rock band - The Pillows. Then, band names were funny. Most liked to add the word 'the' in front, for example "The Strokes", "The Hives" etc etc..
Even for a person who hates Hip-Hop/R&B music and find it all crap, DA Pump proved me wrong. They captured my ear drums with their music. I first got on contact with them through a Taiwan drama show and since then, i love their music. Somehow, it's so different from crap group like 50 cent or JayZ shit, although their music falls under the same genre.

As Korean movie starts to gain popularity in Singapore during the late of my poly days, i discovered that Cineleisure had more Koreans movies. Usually, these Koreans and Japanese movies aren't being advertised that well. But still, they are gaining the right market for them. For comedy, i would specially show off the fact that i've watched both 'Wet Dreams" and "Wet Dreams 2". Somehow, there is this funny things about the Koreans when they in a comedy. Girls tend to be in control over the guys because they appear to be fiercer than the guys.

Watching this with someone you love adds that extra spice
One drama impressed me deeply - 'My Girl'. This show made me feel in love with K-drama. Of course, i'm still not letting my movies off. I found a liking for a new genre of movie - Romance. One of the best ones i've ever watched would be 'Sky Of Love'. That's the one that had my tears flowing out.

A very touching show - the actress's HOT!
Till today, i'm proud to have watched countless Jap/Korean movies, listen to countless Jap/Korean rock and pop music and also watched several drama. I'm still in search for better shows and music so if anyone of you has the common interest as me, do share it with me...Sunday, August 24, 2008
Met up with the Army gang. Life in NS has been wonderful for me that i kind of miss those days. It's the company of buddies i missed and not the whole bloody NS experience or the stupid camp. Went Hot Culture(if i didn't spell it wrongly) to eat. It was totally packed but thank goodness, we had pre reserved our seats. The food sucks but it's more of the gathering that's fun. While i was having my own gathering,
At last, my degree programme has started. It's going to be a whole jammed pack weekend for me. Due to some bloody clash of interest, somehow, Kaplan doesn't acknowledge MDIS qualifications and therefore, i'm being made to pay a bloody huge some of money just to attend some stupid bridging course and going through things which is exactly the same as what i've learnt in MDIS. Sadly, their excuse cost me a sum of precious money.
Skipped marathon due to the uncertain weather. Shall wait for Standard Chartered Full Marathon. It's a dilemma for me. Part of me is really starting to love this new hobby which i found a liking to a year plus ago, but part of me just can't find time to train for it because of school, social and work commitments. All my time are so jam packed. I was telling Don how time is precious to working Adults nowadays in Singapore. Other than work, the rest of the time is spent on resting. You just don't want to do anything but rest...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tour-Leading in Hokkaido
Good thing is, i'm finally fulfilling my this year's wish of travelling outside S.E.A before this year ends. To Hokkaido is definitely a dream holiday to many because it's considered so expensive for some to travel, especially when the fuel taxes to Japan is one of the highest in the world. I count myself lucky, but couldn't bear to think of that fact that i'm leaving Singapore for 7 days, most in my life ever. This time round, Dearie is going to be sad. As much as i can't bear to go, other part of me can't wait but look forward to it. Hope this experience is a worthwhile one.
PS: I'm going to get that special flavoured kitkat that is only available no where else in the world bu Hokkaido.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Olympic Fan
It all started out with swimming. With big names coming up, it aroused my curiosity and soon, it turned into some crazy interest. Micheal Phelps keeps winning and each time, i just wish he fail but sadly, he didn't. I went to research more about some of the atheletes participating and they all wowed me with their passion, determination and skills of course. Singapore atheletes on the otherhand, instead, kind of disappoints me initially starting from Singapore's very own shooter, followed by the sailors. But the moment Tao Li starts to surprise everyone by some really good results, it struck me, giving me extra reason to watch.
We even rushed to the supermarket and get our ingredients before trying to catch some Olympics action, which is of all my favourite, the Atheletics. Whipped up a good meal of Macaroni soup again. Dear's enjoying so much that she said she could eat that every week. I bet she's going to be sick of it should that really happens.
We caught the action of our Made-In-China Singaporeans again yesterday and as expected, they lost, happily. Oh ya, not to end the day by reminding her to bring her new surprise - a Tamagotchi i bought for her home. We already have a name for it, Boo.
I just received an email from the poor management of Kaplan today. I'm doomed. My weekends from now onwards until 16 Nov will ALL be OCCUPIED. So friends, forget about asking me out during weekends, unless it's at night. Sad...i just hope this hectic period will be over soon. I long for long hours of sleep....yawn...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I really feel so tempted to book those packages which I’m handling day by day. I’m really planning a holiday, it’s just damn that UNI$ which dear has. NOT ENOUGH!! Anyway, I’m already planning for trip for future. There’s so much to the world than I’ve expected and this line of work has let me learn a lot! Surprise trip coming,
Even for next year Manchester trip with Don and Jon, I’ve already made fruitful plans. Can’t wait to visit Old Trafford, hopefully, Ryan Giggs is still playing by then.
Now this part onwards was blogged at home. I didn't managed to complete this post before i ended work. Work, work and work. All i can say now is i truly enjoyed my new job. The people there, the environment, the job scope, the location, the bosses and of course,
At last, everything starts to settles in my job. I got my own internet account set up at work, i got my own work email, and i'm getting my namecards soon even. The sense of satisfaction i get from this job so far is tremendous. I still have lots to learn. I was talking to Don today, telling him how wonderful it is to be in my line of work because you get to see the world literally without even going there, of course, it won't be as eventful as you being there to experience it yourself over there.
I can see myself loving my current job more and more. School's starting soon and i'm expecting it to be a tough path. With work and studies at the same time, it's going to be challenging. Luckily, i've got a good boss who supports me, family and friends who motivates me
Collected the Army Half Marathon race pack today. I decided to go for the run. Just me and Don this time round and we are going to improve on our previous timing. I'm still upset at the fact of not being able to run the Standard Chartered Full Marathon this year end..ARGH!
Watched 'The Mummy: Tomb of the Ancient Emperior" with Don. Not as nice as i have expected. The first two series is much better..After that, went out doing some shopping. It's been a long time since i have last window shop along Orchard. Orchard Road is going through so much changes that i can expect it to be very different in future, probably the roads are going to be more congested (for sure).
Olympics fever right now. I'm loving the action from every single sports, especially track and field. But so far, i'm missing out on quite a few. Argentina's through to the semi-final and i'm going to support them, not forgetting to support a team of CHINA-born Singaporeans tomorrow. I wonder how is it to play against a team from a country you were born in. WEIRD! But who cares, they are going to stand on the podium tomorrow with Singapore national anthem being sung. Still, i'll expect the game to end fast because there's no way Singapore can win China, even for a game, i assume!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Weekend Fun
Three occasions in just one week. Firstly, let's mention my beloved mummy birthday. We delayed her celebration till future because of Bro's heavy schedule in Tekong. I supposed she's happy to see what we've brought for her. Each time this year, i would spend some time reflecting on what my mother has done for me so far up till now, not that i only wait till this time do i take some time out to think and appreciate what my mother has done for me, but because this special day is really special to me. It reminds me of the greatness of mother's love. For that, i'm glad to be her son. Sometimes, i really imagine what would have happened if she's not around *touchwood*, i supposed i would be very depressed that life would perhaps be of no meaning. I promise her a post celebration and i'm sure to hold my word...
Olympics. A world affair i would say. I can still remember how i forced myself to watch the opening ceremony. I missed the eventful part only to see myself staring at the tv, watching countries after countries being introduced into the stadium one by one. In the end, my eyes gave in. I dozed off and decided to give it a miss and have my beauty sleep.
I slept my way to the 3rd occasion of the week, National Day. If i'm still a primary school student, this holiday would have meant something to me. I could still remember how i, as a primary school student would get freebies from the school for this special holiday. Not only that but also because we get to be dismissed from school earlier. Watching the National Day Parade is yet another enjoyment. But not until in recent years where they took it too seriously. Imagine a parade that hold so much rehearsals and even allowed people to watch the rehearsals then after that the main event came along and it doesn't really hold much surprises anymore. So to me, that day is basically a day for me to enjoy my holiday.
Wanted to celebrate Mum's birthday on this very day but at the very last minute, we cancelled because mum decided that everything is too rush as my brother has to book in that very night.
After the movie, it's some great mahjong session over at Don's house. Busy Jon managed to squeeze out some time. Intended to play 4 rounds but instead, we could only managed to complete near 2 rounds with near 9 hours of mahjong playing. It's my first time playing Mahjong for sooo long. Though i lost abit, it's quite an experience because it's the first time Dearie is playing as well. Everyone did managed to win and also lose so i supposed it's quite a fair match. To all of our surprise, and it's really a surprise, Jon turned out to be the big winner. He's the only winner that very day. We could no longer crack that classic joke he created one year plus back...
Singapore lost their swimming medals hope. Singapore shooter's out as well. I assumed that it's going to be a medal-less Olympics for Singapore again. Not that i look down of them but because they gave me nothing to hope.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Happy Birthday Mummy!
Monday, August 04, 2008
First few working days is really tough. I almost broke down, i was really stressed, so much so that i had little and uneasy sleep.
NATAS fair's over only yesterday. Although my role isn't that great, but i did a job well done as claimed by my boss. Getting my efforts paid off and regconised is certainly motivating and encouraging. This's the first time i'm attending this event as an exhibitor. The feeling and experience is different. After 3 intense of working in this event, i'm actually envious. I too wanted to go holiday
I have to specially thank DaJieJie for showing her supporting by coming to the event and look for me
I've got good and helpful colleagues who i'm sure i can get along well with, well, almost all of them in fact.
So many things ahead. I wanna watch money not enough 2, the mummy 3, my mum's birthday, enrolment of my school, going to malacca...wah..busy week ahead...i'm so tired....