My heart was totally not there at work. It's the after work hours that i'm looking forward to. After work, i shall be freedom and it'll be a long weekend for me.
Scott stars as John Farley, a self-help author who returns to his hometown only to discover that his mother (Sarandon) has fallen in love with his old high school nemesis, Mr. Woodcock (Thornton) - the gruff, no-nonsense gym teacher who had put him through years of mental and physical humiliation.
A rather stupid show. But who cares, i didn't play for the movie anyway. Wahaa. That show really evoke my feelings. I feel like punching Mr Woodcock. While watching the show, i 'scan' through my mind, thinking of whoever i can think of at that time, wondering if there's anyone i know of the same character as Mr Woodcock. Such people shouldn't seriously be taught a harsh lesson. Physical hurt won't hurt them, only emotional turmoil and psychological pain.
The day i've been waiting for, after counting down the days, this day has finally arrived and i welcomed it with happiness and uncertainty. Rented car for the first time this year i supposed.
I enjoyed the excitement of rushing back home and then rushing off the medical centre (don't you just agree dearie). =)
Doctor gave me the assurance that i'm recovering well. All i need is a few more months and i should be quite safe with my condition. Hopefully when i stopped the tedious intake of medication, the condition won't return how it was before. I've experienced once before already. It was bad and certainly hate it. I really prayed hard that i won't have to go through that again.
The mocktail is certainly sour!
Look at the nice ambience
A super funny movie. Much much better than Mr Woodcock. I can understand why that rating. All those vulgarities, harsh words, funny sexy scenes etc.
Their graduation parties were so open and lively, unlike the ones we have in Singapore. Haiz, if only Singapore wasn't such a 'fine' country, we could have possibly more fun when we were still studying in our teenage years. It's funny to see how the guys in the movie can go to do anything just for 'SEX'.
Driving at night is just so different as compared to driving in the day. The headlights seems so cool when it's shining on the road at night, along with the amount of traffic on the road, i'm driving quite fast. The feeling is shiok. It's not difficult to see why accidents commonly happen only at wee hours of the night.
Woke up damn early to fetch my family for breakfast. First time bringing my own family for breakfast. Never had such a nice breakfast for a long time.
My family celebrated my birthday that very evening for me. Everything just come on just like that. Good things happen and never stops. I felt so fortunate out of the sudden.
Birthday dinner with my family
Not forgetting the presents Dearie gave me, and a very surprising 'hong bao' my mother gave me (she hid it in the plastic bag) and of course all those birthday wishes by friends (as mentioned below, hope i didn't missed anyone of you out cos if i do, do let me know and u'll get to knock my head for FREE). Name here was listed randomly and not in any order in any terms of timing of greetings, or any other meaning.Dearie
Zong Ye
Yun Foong
David Lin
Mei Mei
Jie Wan
Yu Yuan
Dearie was sweet enough to celebrate my birthday again with my family. Although she's tired after her school, she still came. Her sms made me feel touched, her presence made me feel fortunate.
Few more hours before my birthday ends. And there's another celebration, this time round by an incomplete Natural Objection. Only Donovan and Gavian was there. Jonathan was busy celebrating another 'birthday girl' birthday. Well, i won't blame him, because it's a girl..Wahaa...expected that anyway. We gathered for a while and thanks for the present dudes. Don's family even came out just before 12am struck to sing me a birthday song before i had my first birthday cake of this year.
Billabong pencilcase from NO
Favourite T-shirt from NO
By the time i reached home, it's already 12.45am. Nothing surprising but because the next day i had a marathon and i seriously don't want to go to the marathon like a zombie.Sunday
Woke up super early and feeling weak, tired and restless. It was only 4.30am in the morning and i have to prepared myself for the Real Balance Real Run. We tooked cab there and spent a whopping 30 bucks on cab fare, before we watched the bus to Changi Exhibition Centre. Never knew such a big exhibition centre exist. Very nice and huge, well conditioned too.
The race started promptly at 7.30am and off i went, along with Don who ran 10km as well. Gav had to miss the race after waking up late and poor him who had to wait for us to finish everything which is around 2 hours. Jon started later than us as he ran 15km.
This marathon was different was compared to AHM. It's compeitive for all. When i started running, uncertainly filled my mind. All that was in my mind was wondering if i could complete the race within an hour. I tried not to stop. I keep telling myself not to stop and nicely pace myself and run.
I ran side by side with Don at the start. But i lost him soon and i'm running all by myself. 1km gone and slowly, it was 3lm and finally 7km. Amazingly, i didn't stopped for whole of 7km. It's certainly my personal best and i dared to say i'm proud of it. The sand obstacle however, forced me to put my leg to a stop. The sandy slope was so slanted that i had difficulty running, plus my lungs are working doubly hard, i just had to stopped. However, i ran after stopping for less than a minute. I supposed such marathon is good for training your determination and endurance. I didn't continued and keep telling myself not to walk so much.
By 8km, i was totally shagged. The hot sun took almost all the energy that i have left and got me walking again. On and off, i fought against the scorching sun and finally find myself sprinting the last few metres and compeleted the marathon with 1 hour and 11 min 4 sec. A result i must say i'm happy with, even though it wasn't my target. It's considered my personal best with that timing already.
The goodies bag was good, a shoe bag and quite a nice t-shirt, all by New Balance. They even had a New Balance 30% discount voucher inside. Time for me to get a new sportshoes, along with my dad. Seriously, i think i can run better if i trained myself more often. I got to prepare myself for the Stardard Chartered Marathon held on 2nd December which is 21km. I'm hoping to do much better this time round.
My race goodie bag and race tag can be found here.
I was totally shagged when i reached home. I kept yawning throughout my own journey home. I slept for a few hours before i found myself having a bad headache after waking up. Legs were also aching as well.
Finally, she sold her handphone for a mere 100 bucks. A handphone which originally cost so much more the price she sold is just so pathetic, just because it's of 'Samsung' brand. Those shopowners all mentioned how difficult and impopular 'samsung' phones are, and aren't easy to fetch a good price due to its low demand. So people, if you want to buy a mobile phone and has the intention of selling it in the future, ge either Nokia or Sony Ericsson.
Got home and had my 2nd birthday cake of the year. This time round, with my parents. They sung for me and mum bought a small piece of cake as requested by me, all because i'm not a cake lover, so that explains it.
My birthday cake
What's birthday without wishes?
MondayBought my ankle guard to prevent further damage to my ankle. Seen a doctor but he proved to be abit useless just by prescribing my a few tablets and a stupid lousy cream. Hopefully, my pair of legs will be able to heal before i get ready for my next run.
My massager
I'm on my way to healing with this ankle guard
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