Dinner was enjoyable..i didn't feel awkward eating with her family..i didn't even realise it until Dear popped me the qns. In fact, i'm enjoying dinner. Dear look really fierce when she stares at people..haha..when she stared at me, i thought i did something wrong..until she told me, then i realise she's just plainly staring at me. Maybe i didn't eat the 'Tang Hoon'..haa..
Had wanted to eat at Marina South. But don't know how to go. I went to the front to direct her dad. She's not with me..i was scared and afraid. Luckily, her dad didn't show unhappiness. We headed for Ang Mo Kio for dinner instead. Yummy steamboat. While eating, it brings me back to the 1st time when i had steamboat at Seoul Garden steamboat with Dear. The feeling is just so sweet..i miss those days..haa..those were the days..
Tml she's starting school. Oh ya..she bought me a new cap. White converse cap. I'm beginning to like white apparels and accessories..Mum said i look nice in white..in the past, it's always and only black..now i shall start filling my cupboard with white clothes..
I thought i scratched the new watch i wore just now. I accidentally rubbed it against a wall, three scratches appeared. Luckily, it's the paint and i was able to remove it away. Phew..if not, i'll feel so sad..
Tml's work..i dreaded going to work now..cos everything seems so 'stranger' to me. 1 and a half more hr, i can start writing on the dairy. Had a little chat with Farhan today. Seems like he has adapted to the life there. I wonder how many days will i take to adapt to the life there. Anyway, time flies..it will be over in a blink of an eye. Was talking to bro about mummy..let's hope everything will be ok..really really ok..i'm praying.
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