Yesterday was National Day..Boohoo...Singapore's turning 40..Singapore still needs lotsa support to call itself a good good good nation..Well, let's drop this boring topic..Went out with my buddies and also with Pan, Ann etc...went to watch wedding crashers..A very funny show, never more funny with Gavian laughing high pitch to my ears and Jonathan shouting "ohhhhh ssshhhiiitttt" to my left ear..haa..the show is NC16 and certainly it is, had some rather crude scenes, however, i feel that there's some scene being cut boo..
After that, went to get some gifts and presents for some really good and nice people in my life..hehe..Then it's down to neoprint..ooh..will find time to scan those neoprints so check out my blog soon..Dinner was late and at esplande..Cool and Hot it was...Cool because of the fireworks and Hot because of the environment..haa..Don would sweat like pig if he's there..Then we went to hear Ann sing..nice voices she had...envy envy envy..omg..i'll just stick to play my guitar..And maybe Jon's DRUM!! Hahah..woohoo, gonna collect his drum later..shiok..
Natural Objection coming up!!
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