Woke up later than usual and expected..Turn in yesterday only at 5am..Went to watch movie yesterday - Fantastic Four. After that supper...The movie was quite nice..but not as good as i expected. There weren't much actions as expected..The seats we sat seems like there's no air-conditioning..We were feeling so warm the moment our butt touch the seat. Nevertheless, we calm and settle ourselves down and enjoyed the movie..After the movie, the 3 DUHsits stated to give names..I'm the invisible woman, Jonathan the thing, Donovan the fire idiot and Gavian the elastic Ass...Haha..Stupid idea...Supper was nice but never filling and sastifying..We ordered BBQ Sting-ray, BBQ chicken wings and carrot cake..hmmm...yummy!
Tonight is the time i'm going to enjoy myself again..woohoo
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