It was a plan not meant. The entire idea to celebrate the girl’s 25th birthday was a different one to the end result. Nevertheless, it’s definitely one of the most memorable moments I had in my life, so memorable, it sucked me back to my own 25th celebration with the girl. I felt as though it was my very own birthday. In fact, the entire planning and celebration was a risk – a risk that would not be as surprising as I expected it to be.

I started off merely with a facebook page and nothing more. Each time updating in little by little, yet expecting her to check back to the page every Monday as I’ll revealed more. The whole “Macau Fishball” was even a nastier hoax. She got tricked of course. Never did I expect myself to be SO tight-lipped this time round. Seriously, not even a hardware tool could pry over that tight lips of mine.
Image planning a celebration as early as 3 months prior, it sure is no easy feat. However, as I strongly believe, it really takes efforts to express and show, even deep down inside, we know how the other half is feeling. Afterall, actions speaks louder than words. The sweet bouquet kickstarted everything. The ordering of them is as easy as 1,2,3. The executing it is the difficult part. I had to fake a tummy upset in order to deliver a surprise. Trust me, the best way to surprise someone is to caught that person off guard and suddenly spring an unexpected surprise.
I’m rather impressed with my “Macau Fishball”. Throughout the entire next day, her mind must be hovering around those two words. All I did was to get her to follow me as I uncover more along the way. Brought her to brunch first to satisfy her liking for eggs. Where else but Epicurious to help me do the job. My simple phrase of “you’ve eaten before but you’ve not been here before” puzzled here. For a simple reason of Epicurious having two outlets, one of which we went before and she’s aware while the one I’m leading her to in the very first surprise of the day. There, I present to her the very first present. After several guesses, she failed. The trick is, remembering what she has said, even if it’s something she said 1 year ago, because you never know when it might come in handy. And for me, it came at the perfect moment. Trust me, that expression gave her away. She totally did not expect that present and there I thought, I DID IT.

After that, I continued getting her to followed me, eventually making our way to Sentosa. Blame it on 963 who gave this part a boohoo. But nevertheless, the weapon is still hidden. Pushing her aside at the sales counter, I produce a confirmation letter to obtain the complimentary tickets to Sentosa, just so she has entirely no idea what am I up to. Indeed, she remains easy to be tricked that day. We got off and I brought her to Amara Saunctuary Resort. She was told that we’re going there for Hi-Tea. Pretending to lost my way, I make my way to the reception and kept her waiting at bay. In actual fact, I was panicky sorting the confirmation letter and there I went producing it to the receptionist without her knowledge. Deep in my mind, I am still pondering how to present this surprise to her in the best way possible. Thankfully, it’s in my blood, that’s why she called me her Doraemon. As she closed in on me, she was mentioning having our future wedding here. I replied how would she know it’s a nice place to wed without knowing how nice the rooms. And there I went, presenting the card key to her. OMG! Her expression is priceless. She gave me the most shocking look I’ve ever seen from her before. Of course, smiles follow suit and I knew, she will be a happy girl today.

Throughout the rest of the day, we spent it lazing around Sentosa like tourists and make use of the facilities of the hotel. Unfortunately, my request for the staff to come up with a special décor of the room was discovered by her. Nevertheless, I’m sure it’s a pleasant discovery. My mission there and then is to make sure she thinks I have nothing else up my sleeves. Somehow, I think I achieved that.

We went Seafood Paradise for dinner and trust us, we found one of the best Chinese restaurant in Singapore. Their seafood soup impressed us most. Of course, not forgetting the freshness of the seafood, tastefully use of the ingredients and the sweetness of the desserts. It just aids me in making the day even better as the day goes on. Just like that, we indulge in the comfort of the luxurious room and caught our favourite shows.

DING DONG! Timecheck, it was 11.45pm. The cake I ordered arrives without her knowledge. Unfortunately, she somehow guessed it would happened. But, still a nice and sweet way to wish her a very happy birthday. Of course, just before the clock strikes 12, I sent her a sms. In the sms, I ordered her to use the last application (QR Reader) to decode the last photo in her mobile phone (I sent that photo to her without her knowledge) and in there lies a message to wish her a very happy birthday.
Of course, what a better way to wake up with breakfast for bed and I’m pretty sure it’s definitely one of the happiest day of my life and for her as well. Indeed, it’s not a easy task to plan and execute a celebration like that but I believe I need to because after that, the word birthday always comes with the word happy, and I know, I achieved that.
To you: Happy ‘18’th Birthday to you. May you continue to be as pretty, sweet and wonderful as you are now and be happy always.